2 Responses to “7 Steps To Help You Take Massive Action And Achieve Excellent Results In Life”


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  1. Hi Vincent,

    Taking massive and persistent action is the surest way to achieve results. If we do not take any action, there is no way our lives can change. I like your 7 steps to taking massive action and here are my thoughts on some of them.

    6. This is the Secret Weapon You Can Use If You Are Reluctant to Take Action

    This is the best idea I have come across in a long time. I love the 5 Minutes Room Rescue. It is a great way to force ourselves to overcome inertia and to get started. There are so many reasons not to start, like a lack of proper preparation or it could be that the task is too large. I think it helps if we were to break down a large task as well so that it seems less overwhelming. When we have a more manageable task at hand, it is easier to get started with the 5 Minutes Room Rescue as well.

    7. Review and Fine Tune

    Reviews are important. The best laid plans rarely turn out the way we expect them to. Thus it is prudent to review our progress regularly to make sure we are on track and to adjust our plans if we are not. Only when we do so can we hope to move nearer to our goals and achieve the results that we want.

    Thank you for sharing this useful article!

    Irving aka the Vizier

  2. Hi Vincent!
    I don’t quite agree with you:

    1. Knowledge is power – but it has to be the knowledge of proper areas.
    2. Have an end in mind – ok, important, but some people specially havily in debt may not be able to think in such cathegories. Sometimes even getting out of that seem to be too much to ask and going small steps may be the only way their brains may go.

    But I very much liked:
    3. Brainstorm for strategies – ok, with people that already dealed with such cases. And making your strategy shilded with “and what if it won’t work?” at every step is a good idea too.
    4. Start moving – YES! The most important part I would say.
    6. Secret weapon – great idea, I have to use it today during cleanup. ^^’

    And my fav part:
    7. The Review – it’s important to be sure that we go the right way, but also it keep us in momentum when we daily/weekly can see that we are actually moving ;)

    Thanks for your post, It was a nice read


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