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Is there a 'New Newt' in town?

By David Gergen, CNN Senior Political Analyst
updated 5:55 PM EST, Wed November 23, 2011
Newt Gingrich drew the most buzz among the candidates in CNN's GOP debate Tuesday night, says David Gergen.
Newt Gingrich drew the most buzz among the candidates in CNN's GOP debate Tuesday night, says David Gergen.
  • David Gergen: Newt Gingrich generated the most buzz at CNN debate
  • He says Gingrich, once written off, is now a top-tier contender in the race
  • Gergen says his remarks on immigration may win him points, could signal a "new Newt"
  • But he says Mitt Romney remains the man to beat within the GOP field

Editor's note: David Gergen is a senior political analyst for CNN and has been an adviser to four presidents. He is a professor of public service and director of the Center for Public Leadership at Harvard University's Kennedy School of Government. Follow him on Twitter: @David_Gergen

(CNN) -- In the cold light of morning, Mitt Romney still looks like the man to beat for the Republican presidential nomination, but the buzz Tuesday night in the debate hall and since has mostly centered on Newt Gingrich.

Given up for dead only a few months ago, his campaign seemingly in shambles, Gingrich has tripled his standing in the polls in a little over a month and even leads Romney in some of them. That may say a lot about Romney, but it also shows that Gingrich must now be taken seriously.

The Tuesday debate illustrated the strengths and the dangers that Gingrich brings to the campaign. By CNN's count, Romney had slightly more speaking time than Gingrich and when he had the floor, was crisp and once again showed a command of the issues. But as his own team seemed to realize, he didn't stand out as he often has in the past.

David Gergen
David Gergen

Instead, it was Gingrich who seized the spotlight: He was both more interesting and more of a gambler. Political analysts since the debate have been wondering nonstop how much he may have hurt himself by going "soft" on immigration. Early reports out of Iowa suggest he will pay a price there.

But was it a shrewder move than many analysts assume? For what it's worth, my own bet is that he will take a temporary hit but in the long term, he may strengthen his prospects.

For one thing, he has shown he is willing to stand up for his convictions (not a bad offset against Romney). Second, he is in effect asking voters to take a second look at him -- and betting that they may like the "new Newt" better than the old one. We will see.

For decades, Gingrich has been regarded as one of the smartest, most creative figures in politics. No one else could have engineered the GOP takeover of the House in 1994 in the way he did nor achieved what he did in his early years as speaker. But during that time, he also acquired a reputation as a bomb thrower who could be bombastic, erratic and an intellectual bully. His best friends saw that he had enormous strengths and yet worried about his weaknesses, both professional and personal. Few thought him ready for the White House.

As he re-emerges into the spotlight now, an important question is whether he is the same Newt as before or whether he has changed. Talking with him and then listening to him as he spoke 10 days ago at the Harvard Kennedy School, I sensed that the years may have brought a maturing, a rounding and a steadiness that could serve him well. Certainly, he seems happier and more rooted in his personal life -- Callista, his third wife, is constantly by his side and is both partner and confidante.

Whether these are deep, genuine changes is hard to say.

He drew headlines in recent days with his suggestion to weaken child labor laws so students could take the place of school janitors and his reference to the Congressional Budget Office as a "reactionary socialist institution." It is easy to be cynical. But the Newt of the Tuesday debate surprised a lot of people. He showed a humanity on the immigration issue that might worry the base but also suggests a greater appreciation and empathy for the travails of others. Americans like that in their presidents (see FDR). One wonders whether Gingrich has become wiser and more forgiving after wrestling with his own personal failings and now asking voters for another chance.

The next few weeks will be crucial for the Gingrich campaign. He knows that he will undergo intense vetting from the media and his opponents -- he has been smart to go on the offense through the Internet. Voters may well decide he is too much of a risk. But if he survives near the top of the polls, he is the first alternative to Romney who has the chops to win the nomination.

For now, despite the polls, Romney seems a much more likely choice. He has the money, the organization and the personal capacity. A day after the debate, Intrade has been putting Romney's chances for the nomination at 67% compared with 13% for Gingrich (interestingly, Jon Huntsman is at third). But the Romney forces know they may have a real fight on their hands -- especially if voters decide there is a "new Newt" in town.

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The opinions expressed in this commentary are solely those of David Gergen.

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  • yeahright68
    What a wind bag... More of the same.  Didn't we crucify John Edwards for having an affair when his wife had cancer?  But it always seems ok when a Republican does it.
  • ajgorm
    Gingrich has been regarded as one of the long shots for some time that never seems to go home just keeps on hanging in there with long shot comments. We must give him another shot just for trying so hard.. The law of averages like winning the World series it should happen sooner or later or GIVE it ... more
  • ralph100
    Newt Gingrich is nothing more than a big gasbag.  I remember his 30 ethics violations while he was Speaker and was forced to resign.  I also remember him going after Bill Clinton for doing what Newt himself was doing.  Republicans are wrong if they think all Republicans have forgotten his antics.  H... more
  • Reha633
    Its not the new Gingrich but the same old pro business screw the US workers that he has always been. What a blowhard phoney
  • GrOPer
    Read Contract With America - Newt's campaign promises back in 1994.  He didn't live up to  a single one of those points.
  • anoCNNreader
    The only "New Newt" anyone needs is the one where he's not a habitual adulterer. I can't wait to see how moral conservatives try to rationalize supporting him if he inexplicably wins the primary
  • ajgorm
    Wait in line and then DENIED ! I think Mitt likes cheap labor. Newt is more of a social conservative like a crockadile with small jaws..
  • GrOPer
    I'm sure it was a foolish misstep.  He under-estimates how much his own base hates immigration, legal or otherwise.  He lobbed his opposition a softball with the word Amnesty written on it, and now they are going to use it to destroy him.
  • horsesmouth
    Hey, does anybody know if NEWT CHEATED ON HIS WIFE WHEN SHE HAD CANCER!?
  • yeahright68
    Didn't we crucify John Edwards for that?
  • horsesmouth
  • daveugber
    romney will find it difficult (as always) to get above 25% nationally...his only real chance is if the rest of the republican field doesn't coalesce around 'who is left' and push for one other candidate...if romney doesn't take new hampshire BIG and hold in iowa, by florida, the tide will have turne... more
  • UrDepression
    Personally, I find Newt REPULSIVE due to his extreme arrogance and self-righteousness.  His previous record isn't too impressive either.When he was lamenting about Freddie MAC at the previous debate, he conveniently FORGOT to mention that he collected approximately $1.6 Million in consulting fees fr... more
  • daveugber
    does the United States really need a nice guy in the white house???  newt gingrich is an extremely well-versed historian, and this is a rare quality among recent past presidents...i'm sure newt gingrich is fully aware of the failures, reputations and struggles - as well as successes - of ALL of the ... more
  • pookabalooka
    I was wondering what happened to the Pillsbury Doughboy.
  • nirak
    Republicans just may be stupid enough to buy into the new Gingrich.
  • mhthomas33
    Agree...this Congress has been a poster child for term limits.
  • GrOPer
    Congress will never pass a Constitutional amendment that makes it harder on themselves.  Quite the reverse, they've passed several bills that make it far easier for an incumbent to keep his Congressional office.
  • tigrr
    This corrupted congress had no idea what ILLEGAL means.  Dump them All.  Jesse Ventura got it right saying dump both parties - vote for the best indepentdant.  Time to end the corporate nazism controling US government and this bought and owned Congress.
  • nowsgood
    If Newt is elected, he wants to put more poor children in good toilets and mopping floors.

    Seriously folks.
  • mhthomas33
    I was also impressed by Newt....not sure if I trust him, though. Is he really a policy wonk? Or just devious?
  • nirak
    Defiantly devious.
  • CactusThorn
    Newt has surged for a reason. He has good ideas and is by far the best speaker (no pun intended) of the lot. He organizes his thoughts well and then delivers then smoothly - something a great many politicians cannot do.
  • rubantin
    He is a shrewd politician... we like that... aka Obama