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Mass Anti-Government Protests Rock Egypt

An Egyptian protester flashes Egypt's flag as anti-riot policemen use water canon against protesters in Cairo, Egypt, January 28, 2011
Photo: AP

An Egyptian protester flashes Egypt's flag as anti-riot policemen use water canon against protesters in Cairo, Egypt, January 28, 2011

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Tens of thousands of protesting Egyptians flooded into the streets after Friday's prayers in mounting demonstrations calling for an end to President Hosni Mubarak's 30-year rule.

Security forces fired tear gas and rubber bullets at protesters in central Cairo, where some of the larger demonstrations were held. Trucks of police armed with water cannons lined Cairo avenues as government forces attempted to disperse crowds.  

Internet service, a key tool for activists, was shut down across the country shortly after midnight.  Cell phone text messaging and data plans were also disabled. Telecom company Vodafone says the Egyptian government ordered all mobile telephone operators to suspend service in parts of the country.

U.N. Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon appealed for Egypt's leaders and its people not to let violence escalate. He says world leaders should view the protests as a chance to hear the "legitimate concerns" of their people.

Earlier, Egypt's largest opposition group, the outlawed Muslim Brotherhood, says at least five senior leaders and five former members of parliament were arrested in raids.

The group has said it will join protests, but has not organized the demonstrations headed by young people angry at poor living standards and authoritarian rule.

At least five people have been killed and the government says 800 people have been detained since Tuesday.  Human rights groups say there have been more than 2,000 arrests.

The 82-year-old Egyptian president has not been seen or heard from since the protests began Tuesday with tens of thousands marching in Cairo and other cities.

In Washington, U.S. President Barack Obama said political reforms were "absolutely critical" to Egypt's "long-term well-being," boosting pressure on Mr. Mubarak to implement changes while acknowledging he is a critical U.S. ally.

In his first comments on the unrest in Egypt, Mr. Obama on Thursday urged the government and the protesters to refrain from violence.

Some information for this report was provided by AP, AFP and Reuters.


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Comments (16)

28-01-2011 samir al samman (egypt)

to my fellow Egyptian army officers why are you quite? the army is full of decent men i urge you to join the people and be brave.

28-01-2011 hamad part 1 of 2 (oman)

As much as Egyptian government tightens security and suppresses protesters , their determinations and challenges will escalate rapidly . Nothing could get without sacrifices and victims. I do not think Egyptians have too much to lose , so they have the rights to express their opinions and gain their essential rights through protests . It seems that Mubarak government will block every communication over all the countries .

28-01-2011 hamad part 2 of 2+extra (oman)

Is this the way how supposed elected government deal with its nation ? Those demonstrators do not have any political or religious background , all what ever they want is essential rights and freedom of speech and freed of express which President Obama stressed lately . This strategy which Egypt government deal with Egyptians cast heavy doubt on credibility of last election which could fever pitch over all Egypt .

28-01-2011 hamad extra (oman)

Accumulating limbo and mistakes could explode riot and violence between protesters strongly and escalate the situations .

28-01-2011 Othello (Austria)

Mubarak must resign and go to jail for his complicity with the great satan.agypts people must be heard and are winning to achieve democracy.obama knows that the gamme is over for us world domination

28-01-2011 NadePaulKuciGravMcKi (states)

Israel demands Mubarak use anti-terrorism force.

28-01-2011 Shiraz

I wanna know how long will it take for the social media to be revived back to normal viz. the cell phones and internet? When is the internet likely to be back to normal..pls comment


Mr. arraogant for 30 years do not care if his young people are killed on a daily basis or during the demonstrations. He only cares when his power is been shaken. People aspire for their voices heard at the top level of adminstration. They need diverse political powers representing them not a single ruling party which controls legislature, police, and army. Please allow democracy for this historical country.


His name is President Obama. That should never be a misprint by these editors. I don't recall Bush as Mr. Bush.

28-01-2011 john Channer (usa)

why rubber bullets and not the real thing?

28-01-2011 nader paul kucinich gravel mckinney

Israel demands Mubarak use anti-terrorism force.

28-01-2011 Cuna AMerican (USA)


28-01-2011 Riz (England-United Kingdom)

You have provided this man with billions. The fact that he is an ally does not mean he is a gentleman. He is an ally because it suits his purpose not yours. He depends on your pocket money. You want democracy in Iran, but not in Egypt. Joe Biden said he is not a Dictator. Well, I say to him, go and march peacefully there in disguise and see what will happen to you. But kiss your family good bye before you go because you won’t be back for a long time if at all.


America no longer allows slavery in its own country but approves of slavery and oppression in other parts of the world so they can have cheap oil, gold, diamonds, and other goods. Do you get it? Do you understand why your country is hated?

28-01-2011 tadi and ryan (england)

why do they feel the need to protest violetly

28-01-2011 okie (usa)

Isn't it interesting that Obama says Egyptian leaders should listen to their citizens but Obama ridiculed the TEA Party members when they protested in DC.

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Protests in Egypt

andrewbonar profile

andrewbonar Everything ██is█████ ████ ████fine ███ █ ████ love. ████ █████ the ███ Egypt ███ ████ government ██ #jan25 #Egypt #censorship 10 hours ago · reply 700+ recent retweets

Anon_VV profile

Anon_VV Everything ██is█████ ████ ████fine ███ █ ████ love. ████ █████ the ███ Egypt ███ ████ government ██ #jan25 #Egypt #censorship yesterday · reply 1000+ recent retweets


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nrodovsky profile

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arzugeybulla RT @Beirutiyat: RT @shababassafir Confirmed via aljazeera eng. 2 women killed. hit in head by teargas cans on oct6 bridge. #egypt #jan25 (via @amunati) 14 seconds ago · reply

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jamelaaisha profile

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Silicon5 profile

Silicon5 RT @kshaheen: BBC Arabic: Protestors have taken away weapons from security forces in Suez. #Egypt #jan25 31 seconds ago · reply

thegeopolitico profile

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hadouta profile

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Ssmdad profile

Ssmdad RT @Dima_Khatib: Reports of casualties in Tahrir Square according to witness. Police has been using so much gas.. #egypt #jan25 31 seconds ago · reply

Jansait profile

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lisang profile

lisang RT @jrug: Something changed today. This became a full blown uprising against Mubarak rule cutting across social divides #Cairo #Egypt #jan25 32 seconds ago · reply