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  • Anthony Washington 5 hours ago

    I OWN  a nexus S 4g, so I can speak from personal experience. It's a useful service, no doubt.It's just not widely introduced. It's mainly only some fastfood places amd gasstations that currently support it. The prepaid option is nice ( it's all i use). NFC payment can and will take off, last year was more so the experimental year. Use it and you'll probably like it. Remember all 4 of those phones pictured above aren't exactly consumer phones, and the One series and GS3 haven't hit America yet

  • CoronaAdvances 9 hours ago

    One year , a very long time

  • Mark Creig 11 hours ago

    Another miserable failure from Google.  Hint: When your flagship phone does not ship with the technology you're trying heavily to push, you're a cowardly company with no balls for business.

    Apple:  "Hey Verizon.  Here's the iPhone.  You're permitted to selling it now and no, you can't sully it with your brand name, crapware, or gimp its features in any way.  Understood?"

    Google: "Hey Verizon.  Here's the Galaxy Nexus.  Please sell it.  Please?  Feel free to rape it with your crapware and remove any features you want. Huge Verizon logo on the back? Uh, yeah sure."

  • Googles not as big a failure as you think. I bet you still use google in one way or another.

    Why dont you go take more headshots and ask siri if thats rain outside like zooey deschanel

  • dorrellwilson 10 hours ago in reply to Mark Creig

    I hate to say it but its so true.

  • esapata 13 hours ago

    I haven't seen it in action yet, if I'm to be honest. I guess I just don't shop much at the stores they're partnered with, or they don't advertise the service enough at those locations. I've seen people use QR scanners to scan on-screen barcodes at Starbucks (both Android and iOS), but that's obviously not NFC. I'm also not too impressed with the security measures that are in place to prevent NFC or these barcode apps from being abused in the event of a stolen phone. Sure you could remotely "kill" the phone with "find my phone" style apps that various companies use, but the general population doesn't seem to use those as much as they should. Sure that's the fault of the phone owners, but you gotta think that it would make vendors hesitant to jump on board if credit fraud depts keep stepping in and denying faulty purchases. Vendors typically end up eating the bill in those situations : /

  • Adrian 14 hours ago

    Whether people like it or not, Apple is still the 'cool' brand, and without their support, I don't think any system will go widespread.

  • dwitthoft 15 hours ago

    Best experience with Google Wallet was watching the reaction of McDonald's employees

  • esapata 13 hours ago in reply to dwitthoft

    Do all McDonalds locations have it? I haven't seen it there. :/

  • Wudien 14 hours ago in reply to dwitthoft

    jedi mind tricks work at mcdonalds too

  • esapata 13 hours ago in reply to Wudien

     My drunk buddy tried ordering a McRib that way last weekend.

  • Robert Alai 17 hours ago

    Google already doing it in Kenya. You can read about it here

  • Suman Chakrabarti 19 hours ago

    Everything Google touches, now, turns to crap.

  • Aldax 15 hours ago in reply to Ryan Socio

     wow, you are a tad bit late, slept in, I guess?

  • sach160 19 hours ago

    Be very careful with google wallet. They took £100 from my credit card for a transaction they then cancelled and even though I sent proof they claimed they never took the money so I had to get my card company to reverse the transaction. Avoid.

  • cool story bro!

  • Ryan Socio 19 hours ago

    iPhone sux dix

  • Wayne Williams 21 hours ago

    Attention Google (and Facebook) employees.  You aware that you can dress for success, right?  Jeans and a tee shirt doesn't quite do it.

  • pwnasaurus11 18 hours ago in reply to Wayne Williams

    Seriously?  That's all you had to say?  What's wrong with jeans and a t-shirt? *rolls eyes*

    Are you that much of an elitist prick?  Join one of the most innovative teams in the world, like Google or Facebook, and then you can criticize their garment choices.  But I bet you're not qualified, and you're just an old fart spouting off some crap to seem relevant.

  • Dude, you need some therapy.  You're the typical internet tough guy.  And what's wrong with dressing for success?  Did you see the slobbish way Zuckerburg dressed for his wedding?  Tie undone, jacket undone, hands in his pockets...  Money can't buy you class or respect.  He has some money, at least dress like he can afford something.

  • Yeria 15 hours ago in reply to Wayne Williams

    If he needs therapy, then you need education.

    Criticizing the way a person dresses is so 90's. I can't believe how close minded you are. Your idea only belongs in the financial sector these days that only prefers doing things the "old way" that the "old way" is the best.

    I'm an IT guy working for an insurance company and I can't tell you how much frustrating it is the way they think. New technology is NEVER an option for them and the way we dress is so much more important than the work I do. Why do I need to wear dress pants and ties if I never need to see a client? I never thought suits are comfortable and coding 8 hours a day in it is never a great feeling. I would very much enjoy coding in PJ's at home and I can bet I'll bring better results than I ever will in my suits in downtown.

    I'm sure you have your own ideas and views in things but you do sound like some old fart. Especially if you're saying that on Engadget.

  • Wow, you people need to learn how to insult.  I'm not saying you need to wear a suit and tie to code, you ignoramous.  If you're going to be on stage representing your company, or getting married, learn how to dress properly.  Take some pride in your appearance sometimes.

  • Dress for success?  So building up a company from scratch to one of the largest IPOs ever and also to become  the youngest billionaire is not success?????   What are you smoking?   

    Or do you mean Dress to IMPRESS??  That is something is totally different.

  • David 13 hours ago in reply to David

    They go hand in hand for guys like you and me, because we didn't start up one of the hottest companies in the world.  We have to play the game "dress for success".  For a guy like Zuckerburg, he can do what ever he wants.  If some suits on wall street don't like it.   They don't have to invest in his company.  There are many others that are in line who will.  

  • To me, they go hand in hand.  And I'm about to smoke a Camel Menthol Silver, if you must know.

  • SalmanJaved 16 hours ago in reply to Wayne Williams

    Something tells me you aren't going to like it in Williamsburg.

  • Williamsburg?  And this means what?

  • John I. 1 day ago

    Whatever Apple decides to do, that's what will catch on. As soon as they announce it, it'll receive a week's worth of press. The mainstream will believe Apple invented something amazing yet again and they'll all have to have it because Apple said so.

  • lakersnation86 8 hours ago in reply to John I.

    Yep! You mad?

  • Ryan Corron 1 day ago

    I think the general population isn't ready for mobile payments just yet. This technology is slightly ahead of its time.

  • Onizuka GTO 7 hours ago in reply to Ryan Corron

    You mean the general western population isn't ready for mobile payment just yet, this technology is old school in the East already. 
    Come join us, it's great not having to carry change. 

  • Fukin idiot  stop using my name

  • Janice O'Brien 1 day ago

    Not a new, and yet it is a great idea. Good on you google...go get'm. Like they say folks "you gotta be fast or your last"

  • Henry Bond 1 day ago

    Google Wallet is not the way to go. If you want the technology to catch on spreading the payment ways is not the way to go. Its rather obvious that there are plenty of place's that have Google Wallet. It's that such few phones have it. I found an interesting article about why Bluetooth 4.0 is the better way to go  and how Apple may introduce an iWallet in iOS 6.0. And frankly while I don't own an iPhone my self I have to agree that this would be good for the phone payment industry. I own a Droid Razr Maxx, and it has not NFC payments, which is ridiculous. If Google is wondering why NFC and Google Wallet are failing, they might look at the lack of support of hardware. 

  • jhhm_ike mendonca 1 day ago

     novidade M-Payment do Google... let s see.

  • Artispoverty 1 day ago

    Google are not exactly innovators.  They are copycats.  So this likely will be a big fail.  Google should have waited for someone else to get it up and running and then jumped in with a clone with a bit more features.  That is what they are good at it.

  • yes android google maps, google wallet, wave,  gmail, chrome, chrome os, google etc have no innovation involved at all, they are obvious just straight carbon copies. 

  • I am not a Google fanboy - but they have been wayyyyy ahead of the curve on mobile wallets.  IP TV for MS = mobile wallets for Google.  Both were way ahead of their time and likely to be largely irrelevant moving forward.

  • santosh reddy 1 day ago in reply to Artispoverty

    Ifanboy, please understand that there is a world outside apple and it is glowing with new ideas and these are open source and are brought into market for develpment of the society and technology and not to just earn money.
    If you trust in people who are building their own supermarket just so that their thoughts and ideas are not heard by others is plain stupidity...if you are selfish enough to care about the only yourself and not the world around you...then you can join the supermarket staff

  • a373s 4 hours ago in reply to santosh reddy

    Dude, you make no sense....

  • lakersnation86 8 hours ago in reply to santosh reddy

    Horrible analogy and youre deluded if you think google main goal isn't to make profit!

  • C38S 1 day ago

    But is opening an app selecting an account and tapping your phone easier than using a card?  
    Not sure of the "use-cases" for this one.  I'd give it a try if it didn't cost me, but long term who knows.

  • batmanuel 1 day ago in reply to C38S

    I could see it being handy for when I go out for a jog or a bike ride and don't want to bring my wallet along and want to grab something to drink along the way.

  • Allen Ellis 1 day ago in reply to C38S

    If you enable the option, you can set it so you don't have to open the app to use it. Just wake up your phone (slide to unlock), tap your phone with the payment console, and the Google Wallet app launches and asks for your pin. Or, you can open the app and type in your PIN while you're waiting in line to leave it unlocked for a few minutes (also a preference)

    That said, it's still not faster than using a credit card. Sometimes it's slower when their machines are old and less reliable. I guess the idea is that eventually we'll be able to leave our wallets at home. It's also neat to think that if my phone dies and I don't have my wallet, I can borrow someone else's phone - login to my account, pay, then log out again. Not sure if they're marketing that as a use case but seems like it would work to me.

  • sun yun 1 day ago in reply to C38S

    I never had a chance to try the google wallet, but I did the mobile-wallet from China Mobile. Indeed, for everyday retail services you don't need to do anything on your phone -- just keeping it close to the reader is enough. The extra convenience that the phone/app provides is additional services, like balance query, top-up, online shopping & payment right on the phone.

  • Artispoverty 1 day ago

    The Mark of the Beast has arrived.  The Beast should not be too far off.

    Plus, another reason for thugs to punch you in the face and take your smartphone.

  • TofuWarrior 1 day ago in reply to Artispoverty

    And they can do what with it once they have it? The app is locked until the user puts the PIN in. Without the PIN, any tampering will cause the chip to lock permanently. 

  • Artispoverty 1 day ago in reply to TofuWarrior

    Umm they could keep punching you until you handover the PIN too. 

  • TofuWarrior 7 hours ago in reply to Artispoverty

    So they end up knocking you out? Yeah, that'll get the PIN from you real well...

    I also have to wonder when you thought thieves became smart enough to recognize that Google Wallet is on a phone and return to try and get the PIN from you. Most want to grab the phone and be gone before you realize it.

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