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News and features

  1. Up to 300 youths have brawled at a Darwin shopping centre and homemade bombs have been set off in the city The man who once weighed in at 560kg, Manuel Uribe still cannot walk but he will soon be able to roll A nervous Chris Brown has faced a court in Los Angeles charged with the alleged beating of his girlfriend Rihanna Security cameras show a man in Darwin breaking into a bar and getting naked before taking $4000 worth of alcohol Mobile phones belonging to hospital staff have been found to be tainted with bacteria, including the MRSA superbug Check out this video of Cameron Diaz showing her best moves to new 'Late Night' host Jimmy Fallon Find out which flicks made stacks of cash, and why we flocked to see them Boozing with your office mates is both a hazard and an opportunity. Master these successful after-hours scenarios Be careful about what you wish for. These get rich quick ideas often end in disaster A portrait of ARIA award-winning blind musician Geoffrey Gurrumul Yunupingu has won this year's Archibald Prize

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