Rush Limbaugh mocks Bill O’Reilly in book

By Christina Wilkie - 05/25/10 06:00 AM ET

In a new biography on sale Tuesday, Rush Limbaugh calls fellow conservative talk show host Bill O’Reilly a “Ted Baxter” — after the fictional character on the “The Mary Tyler Moore Show” who was portrayed as a vain, shallow, buffoonish TV newsman.

“Sorry but somebody’s gotta say it,” Limbaugh is quoted as saying in Rush Limbaugh: An Army of One by Zev Chafets. At press time, O’Reilly had yet to respond to the comment.

But it wasn’t just Bill-O who took grief from Big Rush. Limbaugh said he doesn’t consider any of his fellow conservative talk show hosts to be in his league.

“Sean Hannity and Mark Levin are protégés,” writes Chafets, “and [Limbaugh] has defended Glenn Beck.”

But Limbaugh “doesn’t really consider them, or anyone else, in his league.”

Also on Limbaugh’s hit list is CNN’s Larry King, whom Limbaugh “really doesn’t like.”

“He has never had nice things to say about me,” Limbaugh says about King in the book. “He was working midnights [on the radio] when I started and demanded that his syndicator move him to afternoon drive when my success was obvious. He bombed and quit radio for CNN exclusively.”

The book also divulges how Limbaugh spends his multimillion-dollar earnings: The radio host owns five houses on an oceanfront estate north of Palm Beach, as well as a garage full of Maybach 57Ss (all black) and a $56 million Gulfstream G550 jet.

Limbaugh’s main home on the estate is 24,000 square feet, while the remaining homes are for guests.

The décor includes a massive chandelier just like the one that hangs in the lobby of New York’s Plaza Hotel, as well as a full suit of armor and a “life-size oil portrait of El Rushbo.”

And according to Chafets, “fragrant candles” burn throughout the place. The main guest suite is “an exact replica of the Presidential Suite of the Hotel George V in Paris.”

The publisher notes that the biography is unauthorized, but Limbaugh gave Chafets extensive interviews for it. Chafets first wrote about Limbaugh in a 2008 New York Times Magazine cover story.


Comments (887)

only fools care about this buffoon…BY PFN on 05/25/2010 at 07:20
Isn't that just "special". He needs that much room for his d*** EGO!BY SASQUATCH on 05/25/2010 at 07:34
PFN and Sasquatch - Jealous, Jealous!!!BY Barbara Stack on 05/25/2010 at 07:39
Limbaugh's comments are pretty much correct. He is an army of one.BY Baloney Guy on 05/25/2010 at 07:52
He is a secular prophet. Look back at what he was saying in late 08 and early 09. Even I, and I'm sure many others, longtime listeners had a hard time believing what Rush was saying about Obama. Sadly, it proved to be so true!BY Russ on 05/25/2010 at 07:54
Dang… Isn't the American dream fabulous!! To think each and every one of us in America has the opportunity to achieve anything we want. We just have to learn to set goals and work hard to achieve those goals. Kudos to Limbaugh for achieving his goals. Sure wish I had the same drive to succeed the way he has. Like his politicial views or not you have to give it to him for his success.BY JLC on 05/25/2010 at 08:12
And what was he supposed to have done with his money. Invest it in US gov't bonds? If you've got it, flaunt it — not only is it fun, it drives the envy enemies of the left up the wall, and encourages them to voice even more utter nonsense.BY JDJ on 05/25/2010 at 08:27
Rush is in a pretty exclusive league - think Simon, Howard and Oprah - that he is content provider that can summon 9 figures. He eclipses Howard and Oprah in total audience. Politics aside, he IS the de facto gold standard of media.What makes this even more impressive is that he came from relative obscurity and was damn-near broke at some points in his life. It's a story that can only happen in America.BY MIchael on 05/25/2010 at 08:28
He's got Bill O'Reilly pegged correctly; a more perfect example of the buffoonish Ted Baxter is hard to imagine, especially when O'Reilly issues his booming, self-serving tag line that he is "looking out for YOU!" What utter nonsense; O'Reilly is looking out of O'Reilly. I certainly don't need that guy looking out for me or my interests.BY Jim J on 05/25/2010 at 08:35
I spoke with Rush directly and asked him about Allen..He told me Allen was a misplaced soul who needed 14 straight days listening to EIB…BY Mike the Mook on 05/25/2010 at 09:05

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