Add Slideshows to Bebo, Facebook or MySpace with Free Slide Shows Makers and Creators using Photos from Flickr and Photobucket

After creating and setup a user profile page in popular social networking websites such as MySpace, Bebo, Facebook, Cyworld, Piczo, Xanga, Friendster, hi5, Faceparty, XuQa, Orkut, or after creating a blog at Blogger, or after creating an account at eBay or having own websites, more features and interactive contents should be added and put on the web page so that the page will be more attractive and not so boring, and able to showcase a person favorites. One of the feature is to post slide show onto the page or profile by using slideshow widget provided for free by various online slide shows creator or maker. With slideshows, users can share with their friends or visitors their lovely photos with favorite songs or music.

Here are a list of free online web-based slide show creators or makers that allow users to post and add the slideshow widgets to their MySpace, Bebo, Facebook, Friendster or other social networking sites, or Blogger,, or any websites for free. These services typically host the slideshows and photos on their own servers, while some can makes use of photos already hosted on third party image hosting services such as Flickr and Photobucket, thus eliminating the need of the users to find additional hosting space for their photos or slideshows. Actually, there are also software application based slide shows generator, but they’re excluded as most of them is intended for offline use, where the slideshows created are mean for sharing via CD or DVD instead of online space. Furthermore, most of the generator apps are not free.

  1. - one of the most popular web services that allows user to create Slide Shows from digital contents such as images, text and video uploaded directly, or shared from Photobucket, MySpace or Flickr, and deliver the Slide Show Flash web widget to profiles or blogs such as MySpace profile or BAND profile or blog, hi5, Yahoo 360, TypePad, Facebook, Piczo, Frappr, Blogger post entries or templates, Friendster, Xanga, Multiply, Nextcat, Tagworld, BlackPlanet, Easy Journal, FullFiggas, Muslim Space, Open Diary, Tagged, Wedding Window, and any other websites that support embeded Flash object. Also available as Slide desktop app with ability to display slide show as screensaver.
  2. RockYou ( - Another popular slideshow sites with ability to create a slide show without the need to sign up for an account registration, and unlimited number of photo storage space and unlimited number of slideshows created. Sites supported include Myspace, Hi5, Friendster, Blogger, Xanga, Freewebs, Tagged and Blackplanet. Users can upload or hotlinking images from MySpace, Photobucket, another image URL location or create text pix, and can PhotoEX the pictures with various effects such as Glitter, Shadow, Round, Sepia and Bevel or apply themes to the photos, and even play the slide shows together with music tracks defined in playlist.
  3. Slideroll - An online Flash SWF slideshow creator, photo slideshows maker for MySpace and YouTube, by using photos from Flickr. Slideshow can include musical soundtrack. Free Slideroll Videomaker convert Flash SWF slideshow to MPEG Video with optional ability to add MP3 soundtrack uploadable to YouTube or burn to CD or DVD.
  4. PictureTrail ( - A online photo sharing, social networking and image hosting service. Users have ability to create slideshows to post to PTrail home page, Myspace page, Xanga page, online auctions page such as eBay, various blogs and anywhere on the Web, which is named Photo Flicks.
  5. ImageShack ( - An easy-to-use image hosting service to post or direct link images on websites, online auctions, message boards and blogs that also comes with Image Slideshows feature.
  6. FilmLoop ( - Use the term Loop for slideshow, is a photocasting platform for entertaining and telling stories with ability to create Loop consists of photos, cartoons, drawings, artwork, text. Users use FilmLoop Studio desktop application (supports Windows and Mac) that offers collages, title frames, text, tattoos, speech bubbles, story organizing with frames and transparency tools to enhance the Loop story telling. The Loop support click actions to individual frames to send your viewers to web sites, video, audio or other Loops and easy sharing. FilmLoop Studio can export the Loop to a Flash ticker or animated web button in GIF format, allowing the Loop to be integrated on posted on greater variety of websites such as HTML page with or without JavaScript support, BBCode (forums), MySpace profile, MySpace blog, MySpace blog header, Blogger profile, Blogger blog, eBay, Friendster profile, Friendster blog header, Live Journal profile, Live Journal blog, TypePad blog, Xanga profile and Xanga blog. Else, the HTML link or Loop URL can be sent by emal or IM or Skype message.
  7. Photobucket ( - Photobucket provides free video and photo sharing service which can be easily hosted and linked (or hotlinked) to social networks including MySpace, auction sites including eBay, blogs, and message boards. Comes with easy to use and clean interface slideshows builder and has various styles. It now has a few types of slideshows include interactive collage, scrolling image strip, slideshow, and animated image stamp.
  8. PhotoShow ( - Slideshow is PhotoShow here. Feature ability to turn digital photos into rich multimedia PhotoShows including credits, captions, transitions, special effects and music, which can then send to family and friends or post or broadcast them on your own website or blog, or on social networking sites like MySpace, Tribe, and Friendster. Also has payable desktop software PhotoShow Deluxe, PhotoShow DVD and PhotoShowTV.
  9. Ringo ( - A photo sharing social networking site that helps you keep contact with friends and share their photos. Can add photos from MySpace after supplying MySpace username and password, and can create a Flash based slideshow on user’s page.
  10. MySpace Slideshow (
  11. SlideshowMaker (
  12. MySpace in house built slideshow creator tool which consists of a random slideshow of all MySpace images, and photoslider.
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