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Comprehensive Notes
 ___________________________________________________________________________According to the syllabus of University of Azad Jammu & Kashmir
Composed and edited by: Tariq Rajput 03335885711Majid Rajput 03452227077Department of Commerce & Business Administration University of AJK
Made easy by. Miss Ambreen Bilal
Marketing Management
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 By keeping in mind the outline for Marketing Management MBA II of university of  Azad Kashmir, I put my knowledge and research into work to compile thesecomprehensive notes. These will prove a good source of knowledge and  preparation of exam. Please support & appreciate my effort by not trying to reproduce my work without any prior permission.Ms Ambreen Bilal MBA Finance, University of AJK 
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1. Nature and definition of marketing management
Meaning and importance of products
Importance of product innovation
Planning and development of new product
Product line and product mix
Major product line strategies
Factors influencing change in product mix
Planned obsolescence and fashion
Branding, packaging, labeling and image building factors
2. Price-pricing system
Meaning and importance of price and pricing system/objective
Procedure for price determination
Basic methods of setting price
Price polices and strategies
3. Distribution structure
Channel of distribution
 Nature of retail market, economics basis of retailing and its Classification. Retailer’swhole seller and methods of operation.
Designing and managing channel of distribution.
Managing of physical distribution
3. Promotional activities
The promotional program
Campaign concept
Promotional mix- sales promotions, personal selling
 Nature and importance of advertising
Development of advertising.
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    notes on marketing management

    thanks, it is very nice miss Billal


    thanks alot ........... ver helpfull :)

    thank you.. will be uploading more soon

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