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Hypnosis Fun (sunnyvale)

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Date: 2008-02-13, 10:24PM PST

Anyone interested in exploring some hypnosis fun? Man or woman doesn't matter. Just be sincere about exploring hypnosis. I know this sounds a bit wacky, but I'm looking to practice my skills and need a guinea pig or two who's genuinely interested in being a subject. I like to explore how your mind perceives reality and hypnosis is a great way to learn how the subconscious affects you.

Want to quack like a duck or look around the room for your "missing" bellybutton? We can do that if you want. Maybe you would like help with study habits? Or do you just want to feel like you've gotten 8 hours of sleep? Or you want to relive a past memory? It's all up to you and it's clean fun, and totally safe.

You should be:
* 18-35yo (man or woman)
* Physically and emotionally healthy
* Able to follow verbal instructions.
* Have a good imagination.
* Have a genuine interest in experiencing hypnosis.
* Open to some silliness.

Big plus if you've been hypnotized before, or even an occasional sleepwalker.

This is free--the only cost is your sincere interest and time. Your participation will be totally confidential.

Let me know your real age and why this piques your interest. Ever see a hypnotist show or volunteer for one, or been hypnotized by a professional before? If you're a sleepwalker...I might be able to help.

PostingID: 573579228

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