The cutting-edge cancer treatments... that they may not tell you about

By Lorraine Fisher
Last updated at 9:58 AM on 23rd June 2009

They're pioneering therapies that could save your life - but all too often, patients simply aren't told they exist.

Hardly a week goes by, it seems, without the announcement of another cancer breakthrough. Often, these promising drugs or surgical techniques are still in development. But some are actually available now - and often on the NHS. But many patients do not realise this.

This might be because they are not offered such drugs or treatment thanks to the postcode lottery in funding, or simply because of a lack of expertise or the right equipment at their nearest hospital.

Patient in hospital

'Sad situation': Savvy patients find the best treatments on the internet and manipulate the system to get them - while the others miss out

As Britain's foremost cancer expert Professor Karol Sikora explains: 'It's unfair because some patients are getting the best treatment, but a lot are not because the system is a complete mess.

'The information is out there on the internet and there are many savvy patients who know how to manipulate the system. Those who make a fuss get these treatments; those who don't miss out. It's a very sad situation.'

So how can you get these cutting-edge treatments? Under new government guidelines you have the right to choose the hospital where you have treatment.

So if there is a type of surgery you think might benefit you but is not offered by your clinic, speak to either your specialist or GP and ask to be referred to a hospital that performs such operations. It can be anywhere in the country.


If they refuse because they do not think it is the right treatment for you, you have the right to ask another doctor for a second opinion. If they turn you down for another reason, or if the second opinion agrees with the first, you can appeal to an independent panel at your local Primary Care Trust (PCT), the body that decides how NHS money is spent in your area. Your hospital or GP can give you their contact details.

If you would like a drug that your oncologist will not prescribe, again you can appeal to your PCT's independent panel.

Under the new top-up scheme, NHS patients can also now pay for the lifesaving drugs their local health authority will not fund. Ask your oncologist to prescribe the drug. If they refuse to because they do not believe it will benefit you, you can ask for a second opinion.

Whether you're fighting for surgery or drugs, the relevant charity might also be able to help with support or advice.

Here, with the help of leading experts, we highlight the cutting-edge drugs and techniques available to patients now - either privately or on the NHS.


Bowel cancer cancer is one of the most common forms of cancer in the UK and is responsible for 16,000 deaths every year. If caught in time, the survival rate is 90 per cent. But in around half of all patients, the cancer has either spread by the time it is discovered or comes back in another organ - and it is the liver which is most often affected which is what makes

bowel cancer so deadly. Scientists are now concentrating on developing drugs to conquer these secondary tumours.

CETUXIMAB (brand name Erbitux)

This was approved for use on the NHS just a few weeks ago and could help save 2,000 lives a year.

At the moment, 85 per cent of liver tumours can't be cut out because they are too numerous or large. Cetuximab reduces the size of liver tumours enough for surgery to be possible in 35-40 per cent of cases.

'This is a really big advance,' says consultant clinical oncologist Dr Rob Glynne-Jones, chief medical adviser of Bowel Cancer UK. 'Patients used to have a poor prognosis if the cancer had already spread, but this seems to double your chances of being able to cut out tumours, so it doubles your chance of a cure for bowel cancer.'

It is suitable for those with what are known as KRAS 'wild-type' tumours, which make up around two-thirds of patients.

BEVACIZUMAB (brand name Avastin)

Bevacizumab, which helps stop cancerous cells getting the vital blood supply they need to grow, can be used to extend life for bowel cancer patients for an average of five months.

Studies have also shown that it can kill cancer cells which have spread to the liver when given with three months' worth of normal chemotherapy, and so can improve a person's chance of surviving bowel cancer.

Dr Glynne-Jones says: 'While it doesn't seem to shrink the tumour in the liver, around 10 per cent of the time when the surgeon comes to cut this area out, the cancer is completely gone. They slice the tumour up and can't find a single living cancer cell.

'That's really intriguing. It's proof you can make some of these cancers go away.'

He believes it paves the way to treatments being developed that kill cancer cells in increasing numbers of patients.

Bevacizumab is not automatically available on the NHS. However, many patients have appealed to their PCT after being denied it and won. It is also available on the new top-up scheme (it costs around £3,000 a month).

For more information, go to, or phone 0800 8403540.


Breast cancer is the most common form of cancer in women in the UK. But survival rates are increasing all the time thanks to a national screening programme, better drugs and new surgical techniques. Whereas just half of all sufferers survived in the Seventies, it's now 80 per cent.


Traditionally, the only hope of survival for any patient with a large growth (3.5cm or more) was a mastectomy. For many women, this surgery is as distressing as the diagnosis of cancer.

Some NHS doctors are now prescribing chemotherapy before surgery to shrink the tumour and reduce the need to remove the whole breast. Around 75 per cent of patients given this treatment respond to the drugs and need less of their breast removed; in around a third of cases, they need only a lumpectomy.

One of the pioneers of this treatment, Professor Kefah Mokbel of St George's Hospital in London, gives patients 16 weeks of chemotherapy - intravenously and in tablet form - before operating.

He says: 'Reducing the tumour size allows many women to keep their breast if they have a large cancer. This has psychological benefits and improves their quality of life. If you give a woman surgery before chemotherapy, you're giving it blindly. You don't have a way of monitoring if she is responding to the treatment. But this way you can see if the tumour is responding and, if not, you can change the drugs to enhance the reaction.'

The technique suits any grade of tumour, although grade threes - the most serious - respond best.

For one in five who undergo chemotherapy first, their cancer is eradicated without the need for surgery - with long-term survival rates exceeding 92 per cent.

It is estimated that if it was given in every hospital, approximately 2,200 mastectomies would be prevented each year in the UK.

Women wanting this treatment should ask their specialist where the nearest centre is and ask to be referred.


A key to survival is finding out if breast cancer has spread. As cancer often travels through the lymphatic system, doctors usually remove at least ten or sometimes all of the lymph nodes in the armpit to detect spread.

However, the removal of these nodes often leads to lymphodema, a swelling of the arms which is painful and unsightly.

But it can be prevented by the use of the sentinel lymph node biopsy, available in some NHS hospitals.

Only one node, the sentinel lymph node, is removed. This is the first one the cancer will reach on its journey; if this is not affected, doctors can be confident the cancer has not spread.

It's performed after surgery to remove the tumour. Doctors inject dye and radioactive material into the breast and use a scanner to see which node it reaches first. This is the sentinel node which is then removed and examined - if no cancer is found, the patient is discharged.

But if it is, then more lymph nodes will be removed to check the spread. This can be done at the same time or at a later date.

The biopsy is available on the NHS, but only at certain hospitals as not all have the equipment. Patients should consult their specialist and ask for a referral., 08080 100200.


Every year more than 35,000 men are diagnosed with prostate cancer and 10,000 die. In the early Seventies just 31 per cent lived five years or more; now it is more than 70 per cent.


Using a robot instead of a surgeon's hands to operate is more accurate and wobble-free - vital when it's the prostate, as the gland is surrounded by nerves central to a man's continence and ability to get an erection.

The £1.25million Da Vinci machine is now being used in about a dozen clinics in the UK - mainly NHS hospitals.

The Da Vinci robot

Wobble free: The Da Vinci robot is more accurate than a human surgeon - vital when treating the prostate, surrounded by nerves that control men's erections

The robot itself has several 'arms'; these carry two cameras and surgical equipment which are inserted into the patient through tiny incisions.

A 3D image comes up on a screen in front of the surgeon, who wears sensors Velcro-ed to his fingers. As he moves his fingers, the robot copies him to remove either the cancer or the whole prostate gland far more precisely than a human hand could.

Mr Omer Karim, consultant urological surgeon at Wexham Park Hospital in Berkshire, says: 'Unlike keyhole surgery where you look at a flat screen in 2D, we see a 3D image. You can see the delicate structures around the prostate - the nerves and the pelvic floor that are important to maintain erectile function and continence - and get around them. It's much more versatile than human hands.'

The machine also eliminates any tremor in the surgeon's hands.

Recovery times are also reduced - a day in hospital, compared to five with open surgery. And whereas 20 per cent of men were incontinent after a year with normal surgery, just 2 per cent are with the robot; 30-40 per cent suffer from erectile dysfunction after normal surgery compared to just 10 per cent with the robot.

Patients wanting such treatment should ask their specialist for a referral.


These techniques are used instead of surgery to kill the cancer.

In cryotherapy, small needles are inserted into the tumour, which is frozen to -100C using argon gas. The patient is under general anaesthetic and doctors guide the needles using ultrasound. After freezing, the area is then thawed with helium gas.

John Davies, consultant urological surgeon at Royal Surrey Hospital, Guildford, says: 'It is primarily used for men who have had radiotherapy but the cancer is still there or has come back. In the right hands, cryotherapy can be as effective as major surgery.'

HIFU (high-intensity focused ultrasound) heats the tumour to 100C to kill it.

Mr Davies adds: 'These new techniques are minimally invasive - it's not keyhole but pinhole surgery and can be done almost as a day case.' While both cryotherapy and HIFU carry about the same risk of impotence and incontinence as normal surgery, recovery times are quicker: men can leave hospital after a day or two instead of nearly a week.

Under National Institute for Clinical Excellence (NICE) guidelines, the patient has to be part of a clinical study to receive either treatment on the NHS (in order to obtain more statistics on its efficacy). Some PCTs will fund this.

DOCETAXEL (brand name Taxotere)

Docetaxel is a chemotherapy drug not specifically targeted at prostate cancer, but has been shown to prolong the life of patients with terminal cases. Dr

Chris Parker, prostate cancer specialist at the Everyman Centre at the Institute of Cancer Research, says: 'There is very good evidence for men who have advanced prostate cancer that has spread elsewhere and isn't responding to hormone treatment that docetaxel can prolong their life by an average of three months and improve their quality of life.'

Many also suffer less bone pain - a common problem for sufferers.

Although the drug is NICE-approved, there is concern that not all men are suitable to receive it do., 0800 074 8383.


The number of Britons diagnosed with this is growing faster than any other cancer.

There are two types  -  non-melanoma, affecting more than 76,000 people a year, and malignant melanoma which affects 10,000 and can be deadly.

Recent developments for nonmelanoma cancer include:


When surgeons remove a tumour, it can be hard to know if they've removed every cancerous cell. But with MOHS, under local anaesthetic the visible tumour is cut out plus a layer of seemingly healthy skin surrounding it removed.

This is examined under a microscope while the patient is still in theatre, and if further cancer cells are discovered the surgeon returns to cut them out.

Dr Raj Mallipeddi, consultant dermatologist at St Thomas's Hospital, London, says: 'It needs a specialised laboratory on site which not every hospital has.'

Its cure rate is up to 99 per cent.


This avoids the need for surgery. First a cream containing a drug designed to be absorbed only by the cancerous lesions is applied. The drug is activated when a special light is shone on the area, causing a chemical reaction which destroys the cancer.

•, 0115 9374008.

A skin cancer patient is given photodynamic therapy

Cutting edge: A skin cancer patient is given photodynamic therapy, which avoids the need for surgery


Lung cancer is by far the biggest cancer killer in the UK, with 34,000 dying from it every year. It also has the lowest survival rate - just 7 per cent of the 39,000 diagnosed annually live five years or more.

PEMETREXED (brand name Alimta)

This chemotherapy drug stops cancer cells dividing. It is used on patients with non-small cell lung cancer (around 85 per cent of all cases), but has not been approved by NICE because of the cost - around £1,000 every three weeks.

Studies have shown it can extend life slightly more than the NICE- approved docetaxel (8.3 months compared to 7.9).

'It's also less toxic, so less likely to make the patient feel sick,' says Dr Jesme Fox, medical director of the Roy Castle Lung Foundation. 'We would like it to be available on the NHS.'

It is licensed in the UK, so patients can ask their oncologist for a private prescription under the top-up payments scheme.


Positron Emission Tomography (PET) scans are immensely sophisticated, showing how body tissues are working. But they're expensive, so many surgeons have to rely on the results of a CT scan (computerised tomography) which is less detailed.

It means in some cases it is only when the surgeon begins operating that they realise a patient is not suitable for surgery, because there are tumours the CT scan hadn't spotted.

Dr Fox adds: 'The last thing a patient needs is an operation that's useless.'

An estimated 20 per cent of operations have to be aborted because of this.

Concerned patients can ask their specialist to refer them to a hospital with a PET scanner, says Dr Fox. However, they might not be granted their request., 0151 254 7200.


Here's what readers have had to say so far. Why not add your thoughts below, or debate this issue live on our message boards.

Sue, i dont live in the Uk so cant help you there but i would say to find a good bowel cancer forum to join - you will be amazed at the things you can find out and maybe someone on there will be in your area and can help you with your questions. good luck.

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I've just been diagnosed with bowel cancer and have an appointment for a CT scan next week.....where are these hospitals that offer a PET scan? how do I find out about them? I'm terrified they'll miss something

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I had Taxotere for breast cancer as they have to give it to you if you need Herceptin treatment; the two work together. Unfortunately, it can be a very difficult drug for some patients and many do not get their final dose as the body has had enough. I suffered appalling joint pains and fatigue and was bedridden for 16 days out of every 21 day cycle. I ended up in hospital isolation for a week with no immune system plus a severe chemo burn to the back of my hand. However, if I had to go through it again I would as I would know how to manage things better; it is said to be a gold standard drug.

Click to rate     Rating   6

Cancer is terrifying and these breakthroughs are brilliant yet the postcode lottery stinks. Why can't we be the same as Germany for instance? If you have just been handed a potential death sentence it isn't fair to have to start trawling the net to find yoursefl a cure that your specialist should either have at his finger tips or be able to advise you about. Many people would have blind faith in their consultant and wouldn't challenge him anyway, some people don't have the mental capacity to do in depth research.Typical Britain that we have to scrabble around for info and hope for the best. Why can't we have a level playing field?

Click to rate     Rating   20

Whats not mentioned on here is this.
Taxotere is being used for breast cancer even on primary diagnoses.
It is causing permanent hair loss in some women but this isnt being disclosed!
Its wide spread in the USA, Canada and France because these countries have been using this drug for many years now - there are many angry women and it hasnt come out in the Uk yet because they havent been using it as long as the other countries.

Click to rate     Rating   10

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