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Broadband is important but BIG DATA is the future!

Chris Hancock ABC Technology and Games 16 Apr 2012
planet data

Big Data could become THE tech term of 2012.

Comments (16)

It has been almost impossible to avoid the phenomenon of Big Data over the past few months. Discussion about Big Data is sweeping the globe as consumers and organisations continue to create volumes of data that are literally becoming too large to handle. Ex-chief executive and current executive chairman of Google, Eric Schmidt, said back in 2010 that "Every two days, we create as much information as we did from the dawn of civilisation up until 2003." This is mind-blowing because in 2003, we were already highly dependent on the internet, laptops, email etc. So what has changed in the past decade that we are now producing over five exabytes every 48 hours?

As technology continues to adapt, we are becoming ever more reliant on technologies that make our lives easier and more productive, but at the same time consume more data than we ever imagined possible. Smart Phones and tablets make data highly available at all times but are also causing a massive 'pile up' of data. While there are many smart phones and tablets on the market, it's safe to say that Apple has been the dominant player up to now with a staggering 58 million iPads and over 175 million iPhones sold. Whilst these numbers are very impressive, let's take a look at the Apple App Store. There are over 500,000 apps available on iOS devices, which alone is a reasonable chunk of data, but the real story is the number of downloads the store has recorded. Apple are currently honing in on 25 billion downloads, that's correct, BILLION. That is a mammoth amount of data downloaded to personal devices and we can now begin to see why these huge amounts of data are beginning to stack up.

So not only are these apps creating a mountain of data, the apps themselves are responsible for creating huge datasets. Some of the most widely used apps responsible for increased data loads are social media apps such as Twitter and Facebook. Facebook allows users to upload an endless amount of photos and videos and with 800 million users worldwide, you can imagine that the servers at Facebook HQ are always running hot. The micro-blogging phenomenon Twitter, while only allowing 140 characters per Tweet, might not seem like a major Big Data contributor, but a Twitter record was broken during the recent Grammy's award ceremony. After popular singer Adele accepted her 6th Grammy for the evening, there were over 10,000 tweets sent every second mentioning the singer. That is a monstrous amount of data being created. It also demonstrates how one small 140 character tweet can be placed into the Big Data category. The Grammys ended up with a total of 13 million comments across all social media networks, further proving the power of social media.

So we have seen first-hand that the shift has already occurred and we didn't even realise it. Consumers are contributing to the shift to Big Data, but they are not the greatest contributors.

AARNet is the network responsible for sending all data between Australia's Univerisites and their Researchers and Educators all across the globe. The demands are high and we are seeing massive amounts of data being sent over the network between educational institutions. For example, telepresence video which requires high definition video in real-time, involves large amounts of data sent and received by both parties. The AARNet Network is able to host these data rich telepresence meetings between campuses thousands of kilometres with such high definition that medical students are able to participate in lectures via telepresence and have the same experience as students who are in the room. As well as video becoming an increasingly popular tool for business and educational purposes, video content is also becoming one of the most popular items for consumers to download from the internet. The University sector in Australia is one of the world leaders in Big Data transfers. Sustained transfers of data at five gigabits per second, that's right, the equivalent of seven DVD movies are being achieved as we speak between Australian Universities and their peers in the US. But it's not only the "big science" of astronomy, physics and medical that are leading the data race, some Universities are beginning to issue iPads for first year courses as compulsory and with an average textbook weighing in at 2 gig of data - the mind boggles when you multiply that by the number of text books needed by each student.

The creation of data is ballooning so rapidly that 90% of the data in the world today has been created in the last two years alone. This figure shows the extremity of the world's data growth. As technology continues to play a large role in all aspects of our lives, from communication to education; from medical treatment and entertainment to new ways of doing business, we are going to see data growth continue to explode. So the topic is no longer broadband, it's all about Big Data!

Chris Hancock, CEO AARNet

Comments (16)

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  • Dan :

    17 Apr 2012 9:42:18am

    I would argue that one begets the other. More data raises the requirement for more bandwidth, which in turn creates the capacity for even more data.

    History has proven that the volume of data increases to the limits of available bandwidth (one example being the popularity of YouTube since broadband has become mainstream).

    The NBN will provide a platform to facilitate big data services. It is the concrete slab upon which the house is built.

  • blardyblah :

    17 Apr 2012 1:00:16am

    And how much of this 'BIG DATA' is actually useful, intelligent or worth archiving? Are we just hoarding it because we can, not because we need to? Hopefully in the not to distant future we will learn to be more circumspect and thoughtful about how and what data we amass.

    • Terry :

      17 Apr 2012 1:00:34pm

      yes it all depends on how you use it doesnt it.
      forget the fact that the latest windows operating system is 10 times bigger then windows 95, or that we used to use monochrome displays and now we use 32 bit displays.

      Just 8 years ago we were still using floppy discs at University.

      Or the rapid rise of 'zipped' files for download, you wouldnt download a 10Gb file when you could zip it to 1Gb.

      Its not that there is more data to transfer, that is irrelevent, its that that data is far richer than it has ever been before.

      Seems like you have lost the argument of increased bandwidth and are now attacking increased data size, without any evidence whatsoever.

  • Steve Mount :

    16 Apr 2012 5:38:53pm

    And that's why we need optical fibre, ie, the NBN. Only fibre bearer systems are scaleable to provide for the ever ever-increasing demands of the digital world.

  • Anthony :

    16 Apr 2012 4:58:20pm

    Sorry, it does not compute. Sure Google has large amounts of data about you, but they do not use the NBN. The NBN is all about fibre to your home.

    The limitation is the human eye/brain. Once you have high definition video (which can be delivered over existing copper), you saturate the brain.

    That is why nobody has come up with any application, real or imagined, which could possibly justify the $7,000/household for the NBN.

    It is just a complete waste of money. The only reason people will use it is because they will be forced to when government cuts the copper.

    • Bill :

      16 Apr 2012 6:54:01pm

      What century are you in? The copper network is unsustainable as it can not handle the bandwidth required for high speed broadband.

      Iv'e experienced HD 1080p over the copper network, it's ok if you want to watch pixellation, drop outs etc.

      Why is it then telecommunication, railway signalling, tramway control use the fibre network?

      They can put far more information at a higher speed on fibre that would never go on the copper network. Gone are the days of the analogue system, if you haven't noticed yet we live in the digital age.

    • Steve W :

      16 Apr 2012 7:10:17pm

      You may be right that under ideal conditions copper can deliver HD video to a single client. The fact is most homes have many devices that already operate simultaneously. Smartphones, tablets, computers, tv's etc...

      In 10 years copper just ain't going to cut it.

    • Nudge :

      16 Apr 2012 7:57:28pm

      I know!!

      Why are all these people driving on multi-lane highways when we can get there on a goat track?!

    • David Perth :

      16 Apr 2012 9:59:50pm

      Where was it mentioned in the article that'Google has large amounts of data about you'? And is high definition video - which will apparently 'saturate the brain' - the only use that we can expect to gain from the transition to fibre with the NBN?

      Or do you just want to push your barrow against the NBN?

    • The Colonel :

      16 Apr 2012 11:56:45pm

      The copper network is aging. It's not the government "cutting the copper" as you put it. High definition video will be possible on the NBN on a scale unimaginable on the aging copper network. In particular, the possibilities for uploaded video under the NBN will be enormous. And it is that capability that will transform the way we live & work.

      The "price tag" you quote is a furphy. The NBN will very likely not cost taxpayers a cent; the money going into it is an investment which is likely to be repaid with interest from the private sector.

    • Alan :

      17 Apr 2012 2:38:21am

      OK please identify your sources Mr "which can be delivered over existing copper" do you even know what high definition video is? The limitation is the certainly is the human brain, unfortunately.

    • Peter :

      17 Apr 2012 2:17:15pm

      You just show neatly that the human brain of is indeed a limitation: it's called lack of imagination. Copper is gone, because it's dying of natural causes, and you would like to replace it with copper? The NBN is not only about fibre, it is about connecting ALL of Australia, and the vast majority (93%) with a technology that can be up scaled from the user end to speeds far exceeding 100mbs ( a pathetic speed given that over the next 20-30 years we are likely to see quantum computing emerging. And you want to meet this with your little wireless connection...God have mercy with Australia. In the US (i just returned) they are already talking about the great digital divide, the ones that will have fibre and those left behind with something else, because they cannot even get a universal healthcare together, let alone a national infrastructure of that scale. And we want to be equally pathetic?

  • John51 :

    16 Apr 2012 4:50:54pm

    Chris, if Big Data is important, it only make broadband even more important. And if it make broadband even more important, that it makes the NBN even more important.

  • Jim Birch :

    16 Apr 2012 3:31:55pm

    The figure I've seen is 7.5 billion tweets to Jan 1012. That's a lot of usually original messages but data volume is tiny. Fully packed message, sender, reciever, time and other metadata you are talking like 1k or less to 7.5 billion tweets is like 7.5 Tb.

    This is a small amount of data, isn't it? Some people have this in their bedrooms. Twitter is a model of succinct communication.

    OTOH Facebook, plastered with images, must be a storage vendors wet dream.

    • Alan :

      17 Apr 2012 2:39:37am

      And you point is?

    • Terry :

      17 Apr 2012 1:10:29pm

      they might have 7.5 Tb of data in the bedroom, but god help them if they want to upload it.

      at 1.5mbps it will take over 440 days or 14 months to upload.

      considering most adsl upload speeds are less then 512kbps, at that speed it will take 3.5 years.

      at 100mbps 6 days.

      when 1gbps speeds come into effect 15 hours

      thats considering that you get the max upload speed of your line the entire time - impossible - and you dont use the internet for anything else.

      So my point Jim Birch is that you can have all the data in the world, but if youve got no way to upload it in a timely manner, it is useless

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