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Date: 25-Apr-2010 from  
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Personal Daily Horoscope of Saturday, 1 January 2011
for Kim, born 14 July 1989
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The wood for the trees ***
Valid during many months: This can be a time of difficulties in communicating with others and of problems arising from a serious conflict of viewpoints. During this time your ideas and opinions, as well as your ways of communicating with people, will be seriously challenged by others. Disagreements may lead you to sever relationships or at least to consider doing so. You may feel gloomy, depressed and worried because people do not seem to share your ideas. This makes you feel alone, and at the same time you may withdraw from communicating with others. Therefore this is usually a poor time to make any decisions unless you have to. In your present frame of mind you are incapable of seeing the whole picture upon which any decision must be based. Also your tendency toward pessimism makes you underestimate the real possibilities.

Instead of withdrawing from intellectual conflict with others, you should try to recognize the sources of conflict and help everyone clarify the problems. The differences between you and others are real. Your ideas are fixed and clear enough that others may feel called upon to challenge them. You are in the position of having to defend and justify to others what you believe and think.

It may be that your thinking has become too rigid over the last several years. Challenges by other people can force you to examine your ideas and opinions to see whether they are broad enough to encompass your experience. If you discover that they are not, this should be a time of radical mental reconstruction. If you do not succeed in incorporating other people's challenges into your idea structure and instead just ignore them, you will undergo a much more serious period of mental confusion and readjustment in about seven years.

Transit selected for today (by user):
Saturn Square Mercury, SaturnSquareMercury,
activity period from 31 December 2010 until end of September 2011
Transit selected for today (by the computer):

Venus Square Ascendant, exact at 06:15 (L)
Other transits occurring today

Jupiter Square Jupiter, exact at 00:58 
Sun Conjunction Neptune, exact at 19:28 
Sun Opposition Chiron, exact at 07:08 
Moon Conjunction Med.Coeli, exact at 07:16 
Moon Conjunction Moon, exact at 12:06 
Moon in the 10th House, from 07:16  
Important long-term influences

"Impending shortages" (Jupiter Square Jupiter)
"Unstinting labor" (Saturn Sextile Mars)
View natal chart with transits
Mundane Events

Moon void of course (Scorpio), exact at 03:57 
Moon enters Sagittarius, exact at 09:21 
Sunrise, at 07:18 
Sunset, at 19:15 
Clock times are given in the timezone which is valid in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. Timezone offset at noon today: 8h east, i.e. noon is 8h earlier than in Universal Time (UT). The beginning and the end of each day refer to the local timezone at this location. The current reference place setting is 'use birth place for each person'. Change reference place
Long-Term Perspectives, Forecast for 6 Years, by Liz Greene