les 200 meilleurs commentairesen afficher 500

[–]MahaliAudran 216 points217 points de ça

How'd you find out about Reddit/who convinced you to do an AMA?

Last book you read and it does it represent your preference?

Last person you "geeked out" about meeting/want to meet but haven't yet?

[–]gilliananderson[S] 424 points425 points de ça

I'd say it was Victoria at ID who I work with suggested it, and she has her finger on the pulse of contemporary digital stuff.

The last book I read - I only just recently read A VISIT FROM THE GOON SQUAD - oh my god I LOVED this book. I found that there are moments in the story in this book that are so profound, that I was moved to tears. I love being moved to tears in literature, and this book had me from page 1 and I think that this writer is so talented.

I'd say probably Meryl Streep. I met her last year at the BAFTAS. I was pretending not to be very nervous, tried to play it really cool, and wanted to sit next to her and just talk to her about her work and the craft of acting for hours and I'm sure I said really embarrassing things instead.

[–]jhaluska 65 points66 points de ça

I was pretending not to be very nervous, tried to play it really cool,

How do you respond when people get nervous around you?

[–]quicksilver3121 1815 points1816 points de ça

Thank you for being my first crush.


[–]gilliananderson[S] 1936 points1937 points de ça

You're welcome! Anytime.

[–]gilliananderson[S] 2837 points2838 points de ça

I'll be your second crush too.

[–]ssirin88 1306 points1307 points de ça

Dammit quicksilver3121, MAKE A MOVE.

[–]fubadubdub 253 points254 points de ça

That's actually really impressive.

[–]camaromelt 60 points61 points de ça

I thought he was going to rock the slip n Slide.

[–]LookaBox 104 points105 points de ça

Because he's.....chubby? Or because he kicks rainbows?

[–]jerkologist 81 points82 points de ça

Because physique in disguise.

[–]Euphorium 46 points47 points de ça

How is he so acrobatic?!

[–]Bank_Gothic 175 points176 points de ça


[–]palonious 11 points12 points de ça

My buddy used to do gymnastics all the time in High School, after college he'd gained about 30/40 pounds, but still worked out. He could still do a lot of what he once could as a much smaller person

[–]ozziesoftballs 38 points39 points de ça

He/she can't. They're standing in line behind millions, remember?

[–]MiNDJ 76 points77 points de ça

He is first and second...HE IS THE CHOSEN ONE!!!!!!!

[–]quicksilver3121 31 points32 points de ça

[–]luxpiper 56 points57 points de ça

I just fell in love with you all over again.

[–]TheBourgeoisie 55 points56 points de ça

quicksilver3121 has no idea how to respond to this.

[–]honeybfly 327 points328 points de ça

  1. You are amazing.
  2. You will be filming Crisis in Chicago, were born in Chicago, and are a DePaul grad. Anything you really like about the city?
  3. Was Scully always supposed to be a redhead or was she because you were at the time?

And again..you are amazing. Can't say it enough!! I'm excited to watch The Fall on Netflix :)

[–]gilliananderson[S] 1078 points1079 points de ça

I wasn't a redhead at the time, I was mousy brown, and I am very glad that somebody had the idea to add a bit of color to my life. And I haven't spent much time in Chicago since I graduated from college; I am so excited to investigate how the city has grown since then. My sister lives there with her illegal wife and my mom lives nearby and I am seeing this as a new adventure.

[–]transmigrant 440 points441 points de ça

"My sister lives there with her illegal wife" is probably the best thing I've seen someone say on here. There's so much power behind that statement. A+

[–]AnonymousFilth 75 points76 points de ça

I actually thought she meant that the lady was an illegal immigrant for a moment before I realised. Like, 'Jeez you must really hate her to just grass her up like that'


[–]bg-j38 338 points339 points de ça

Congrats to your sister on her illegal wife! Hopefully this won't be an issue soon in Illinois.

[–]honeybfly 38 points39 points de ça

Omg thank you for replying!!! Made my week.

[–]onosendaicyberspace7 78 points79 points de ça

My sister lives there with her illegal wife

That sounds so badass.

Please pass along an Internet High Five to her.

[–]DanGleeballs 78 points79 points de ça

Hopefully she won't be illegal for too much longer.

[–]var23 46 points47 points de ça

"...illegal wife..."

Illegal? Why what did her wi... Oh.

[–]killem_with_highness 82 points83 points de ça

I personally feel this AMA is implausible Mulder.

[–]gilliananderson[S] 204 points205 points de ça

"I wasn't sure your little fingers could reach the keyboard?"

[–]Chillocks 52 points53 points de ça

SYZYGY 3x13 for the curious.

Scully: I'm driving. Why do you always have to drive? Because you're the guy? Because you're the big, macho man?

Mulder: No. I was just never sure your little feet could reach the pedals.

[–]Soniasounds 25 points26 points de ça



You have awesome selective memory, woman!

[–]_meganORSI__ 9 points10 points de ça

This was an epic reply. KUDOS!

[–]everdeer 7 points8 points de ça


[–]luxpiper 7 points8 points de ça

Sure. Fine. Whatever.

[–]Afroarab 526 points527 points de ça

Will we ever see you on Californication?

[–]gilliananderson[S] 452 points453 points de ça

Talk to David.

[–]dsfdsfdsfs 370 points371 points de ça

No, YOU talk to David? Like I have Duchovny's number!

[–]401vs401 92 points93 points de ça

He'd get dick pics if I had his number. No homo.

[–]beautiful_people 15 points16 points de ça

You'd probably get dick pics in return.

[–]BecauseiCan1 24 points25 points de ça

Very homo actually.

[–]401vs401 11 points12 points de ça

Mildly homo.

[–]jerbookins 44 points45 points de ça

AMA Request - David Duchovny

[–]everdeer 54 points55 points de ça

the scully stripper idea is pure GOLD madam.

[–]corycran 92 points93 points de ça

I'd really like to see that cameo.

[–]Geaux 390 points391 points de ça

What's the one episode of X-Files that made you go, "what the Fuck??"

Also, I enjoy your role in Hannibal. Such an amazing group of writers...

[–]gilliananderson[S] 989 points990 points de ça

Um, I have to say that probably in my poor memory, the one that sticks out the most is the one that a lot of people responded to - which was HOME. The thought of having a paraplegic mother on a roll-out cot under the bed, who may or may not be having sex with her 3 troglodyte sons, is about as twisted as our series ever got I think. And then there were the babies buried in the garden...

[–]luxpiper 52 points53 points de ça

That episode haunted my dreams for months after I watched it. Creepy, creepy, creepy.

[–]GrizzlyDog 70 points71 points de ça

I thought there was so much potential in that episode that could have been stretched out and elaborated on into a film. But I've seen it many times, and what was done with it, based on the content (and the times!) was impressive to say the least.

I still can't watch it without my sphincter tightening up repeatedly in ...well creeps I guess.

[–]BretMichaelsWig 466 points467 points de ça

Placing my bets on "Home", who's in?

[–]gilliananderson[S] 595 points596 points de ça

You win!

[–]d0k74_j0n35 100 points101 points de ça

"Home" is the single scariest piece of media I've ever encountered.

[–]UnholyDemigod 45 points46 points de ça

When I bought the X-Files series boxset, my dad asked if I could bring it round because there was an episode he wanted to watch. He said it was so fucked up, it had only ever been shown on TV once, during the show's initial run, and never for a rerun. I knew instantly which episode he was talking about

[–]belhamster 34 points35 points de ça

my boys...

[–]lol_sure 5 points6 points de ça

Home was the incest family episode for those wondering.

[–]VALIDATE_ME_REDDIT 169 points170 points de ça

[–]silkwould 19 points20 points de ça

That was the best episode

[–]ritaroobias 695 points696 points de ça

You meet a lot of fans and it must be a bit wild to see how obsessed with The X-Files (etc) they are. Are you a big fan of anything on a similar level? (music, movies, art, TV, whatever)

Also, I can't resist telling you that I really appreciate your work. I started watching The X-Files at a very young age. I wrote my college admissions essay on how Dana Scully fostered my interest in science and why I wanted to major in Biology. I've watched Bleak House in its entirety several times and am always impressed with your performance!

[–]gilliananderson[S] 612 points613 points de ça

Not really - I think I've been more a fan of music and bands, that's the only way I can relate it to anything. I'm a Huge fan of Radiohead, and I think that that's as close as I've ever gotten following where someone is going to be, and whether i can get to the concert, and that's really it.

And thank you SO, so much!

[–]ahnmin 85 points86 points de ça

Subterranean Homesick Alien: X-Files episode or Radiohead song?

[–]messenger_boy 29 points30 points de ça

Continuing this game:

X-Files episode or Radiohead song?

  1. Identikit

  2. Paranoid Android

  3. Unusual Suspects

  4. How to Disappear Completely

  5. Little Green Men

  6. Myxomatosis

  7. Apocrypha

  8. Kid A

  9. The Rain King

  10. Redux

  11. Lazarus

  12. Bodysnatchers

[–]downvote_syndrome 10 points11 points de ça

This game is really easy if you've seen the series as many times as I have. I've never even listened to Radiohead.

[–]32koala 19 points20 points de ça

It's also easy if you listen to Radiohead. I've never even seen watched the X-files.

[–]mrbluebird 31 points32 points de ça

Awesome. You just got even cooler somehow.

[–]soami6y 229 points230 points de ça

I was also Scully for Halloween (in 1998, i think)!

[–]ritaroobias 24 points25 points de ça

Love it!!!!

[–]Urschleim_in_Silicon 13 points14 points de ça

The pictures seriously sealed the upvote for me. I'd like to see this at the top. You may just actually be one of her biggest fans. I consider myself a huge X-Files fan, in fact, Urschleim in Silicon, my user name, is from the X-Files. S5E11: Killswitch. But this was great to see the pics span essentially most of your life.

[–]edaddyo 7 points8 points de ça

Someone get this girl an autograph already!

[–]BretMichaelsWig 31 points32 points de ça

Upvote for /r/XFiles

[–]BetterNothingman 5 points6 points de ça

Holy crap, that was incredible penmanship for a first grader.

[–]Burning_Monkey 67 points68 points de ça

What was it like meeting Wil Wheaton?

Did he totally go nerd weird?

[–]gilliananderson[S] 107 points108 points de ça

He's SUCH a sweetie! Yeah, he got a little nerd-weird. But just darling. Really, really darling and lovely man.

[–]wil 66 points67 points de ça

Thank you for tolerating me, and for not making me feel like a complete freak. I'm a ginormous fan of your work, and I think I told you in Calgary that X-Files was a very significant part of our life when my wife and I were dating.

[–]Kmlkmljkl 10 points11 points de ça

[–]everdeer 34 points35 points de ça

gosh darnit you bring out the nerd-weird in all of us.

[–]licenseplate 219 points220 points de ça

The Fall, Hannibal, and The X-Files all feature you playing women with careers in criminal investigation, criminal behavior, or the unknown. If you could choose only one---either Detective Gibson, Dr. Du Maurier, or Special Agent Scully---to spearhead a team investigating a crime that for some reason or another remains unsolved, who would you choose?

You can include your personal aspirations for the development of Gibson and Du Maurier, since they don't have as long a history with viewers as Scully :)

[–]gilliananderson[S] 290 points291 points de ça

Wow... gosh, I am going to have to say Gibson, just to give her a chance. Because currently we have only seen 5 hours of her, and you'll only 5 hours of her for another year or so, so I am going to choose Gibson just in order to give her more airtime in her life, but also because I have a feeling that she is the best of the best.

[–]jessaschlitt 1839 points1840 points de ça

I know this is overdone and probably annoying by now, but thank you for being a role model to thousands of girls from all over the world.

Literally Scully is the reason why I (and a plethora of friends) became scientists and constantly challenge society's gender roles.

Only you could have made that Special Agent oh so fucking special.

Venturing into the unknown equipped with only a government issued flashlight and some serious wit and logic, Scully gave more hope to young women everywhere than David Duchovny's sex addiction announcement.

Even 20 years later, you still inspire hard-work, perseverance, and teamwork to us fans.

You're my hero.

Occasionally, I will turn on The X-Files and still be overwhelmed with that amalgamating feeling of excitement, creeped out, and mentally sparred.

Unexplained phenomenon will never be looked at the same.

Now, for my question, what is your favorite snack?

[–]gilliananderson[S] 1619 points1620 points de ça

First of all, I am so MOVED and touched by that little monologue. I just think that is awesome. Anytime that a woman stands in front of me and says that they (because of Scully) decided to become a forensic pathologist, or a scientist, my heart skips a beat. I just think it's the most awesome thing, and my favorite snack is always and forever chili chocolate.

[–]cba1013 108 points109 points de ça

Well, my heart just skipped a beat... Gillian Anderson likes chili chocolate too!

[–]gilliananderson[S] 301 points302 points de ça

I'm eating it right now! The best chili chocolate is by the South Devon Chilli Farm - they even have MINT and ESPRESSO chili chocolate. If their sales pick up, they have to give it to me for free because i literally carry it in my purse every day.

[–]thatssorelevant 123 points124 points de ça

Their site will probably be hugged to death by reddit now.

[–]PlNG 44 points45 points de ça

13 minutes. Probably not a new record, but certainly among the faster times.

Here's their twitter

[–]voidzero 36 points37 points de ça

Aaaand its gone.

[–]SQUID_FUCKER 5 points6 points de ça

...and it's down.

[–]LordofMylar 293 points294 points de ça

Chili chocolate? How does such a combination exist!?
It's an X-File.

[–]roxnrock 189 points190 points de ça

The Aztecs were doing this before Cortez landed. It's actually quite nice.

[–]moparornocar 7 points8 points de ça

Skyline chili puts chocolate in theirs.

[–]cba1013 25 points26 points de ça

A delicious X-File

[–]proserpinax 206 points207 points de ça

I started watching The X-Files in 2006, when I was in high school. Even though I got into the show late in the game, it became my favorite TV show of all time and has inspired me to go into film/tv production, so I can hopefully ensure that more characters like Scully can exist. Scully was my inspiration through my high school years and is still my favorite TV show character because of this.

[–]gilliananderson[S] 305 points306 points de ça

That is really awesome. Thank you so much for sharing that with me, I love to hear that, I'm really grateful.

[–]shadumdum 33 points34 points de ça

Your kindness is amazing to me.

[–]dowNehr 158 points159 points de ça

Thank you so much for taking your time to do this AMA! Me and my girlfriend are huge fans of yours and have been waiting for this since we first heard of it. We have a thousand questions, but here's two of them. :)

  • How do you feel about a new X-Files movie? Duchovny said in an article that he's always ready to become Mulder again.

  • Which has been your most challenging role? And why?

[–]gilliananderson[S] 297 points298 points de ça

If they make it, I will come.

Hmm, most challenging... I'd probably have to say Miss Havisham in GREAT EXPECTATIONS, just because of the intricacy of how I was choosing to play the character - it felt like it took about as much of me as I've ever put into anything, I think.

[–]WeMustUnite 153 points154 points de ça

If they make it, I will come.


[–]sloppychris 5 points6 points de ça


[–]luxpiper 6 points7 points de ça

I have to say this--I thought your Miss Havisham was beautiful.

[–]jutct 78 points79 points de ça

I don't have a question, I just wanted to say I love love loved the X files, and I'm hoping you'll acknowledge my existence.

[–]gilliananderson[S] 194 points195 points de ça

You exist! I'm telling you right here, right now, you exist!

[–]jutct 52 points53 points de ça

Dear Diary: Scully just replied to me. Today was a good day.

[–]nobodypolishesthesun 116 points117 points de ça

Hi Gillian,

Who were some of your teachers (acting or otherwise) who really influenced your craft, and in what way did they do so?

Thank you for sharing your talent.

p.s. Wow, you're beautiful.

[–]gilliananderson[S] 200 points201 points de ça

First of all, thank you. There was an acting teacher at the Goodman Theater School in Chicago who was called Rick Murphy, and he was this really cool, suave, bald, sexy, intellectual - just Alpha male with a feminine side. Every girl that went to the college had a crush on him, mostly because he was SO good at his job. He inspired people; he made us want to be as good as we could possibly be. He drew out of us our potential, and that is the mark of a good teacher.

[–]bedfordfalls 138 points139 points de ça

Hi Gillian. I read once that Jennifer Aniston did the 'Friends' pilot thinking the show would go nowhere - it would maybe pay some bills and get her a few more auditions. What were your thoughts when you filmed The X-Files pilot? Did you have similarly low expectations, or did you know it would be something MASSIVE?

[–]too_long_didnt_read 34 points35 points de ça

What's the funniest thing that's happened to you on set?

[–]gilliananderson[S] 62 points63 points de ça

There were a few takes - this isn't the funniest thing, I can't think of anything else though - where I was calling Rowan Atkinson's character Johnny English, where I was calling him "Rowan English" - and they kept cutting and I hadn't caught on to why they were cutting...

[–]manboy10 155 points156 points de ça

Do you feel that your opinion on aliens and those that believe they exist changed after doing the X-Files? If so, how?

[–]gilliananderson[S] 280 points281 points de ça

No, I have always believed in things of a paranormal nature, and I don't think that it got any stronger from being involved in the show, and I don't think it's either strengthened or weakened since then.

[–]trevbot 19 points20 points de ça

What was the weirdest paranormal thing you've ever experienced?

[–]ChrisGranger 7 points8 points de ça

Do your paranormal beliefs cover the gamut, or are you into a specific field of the paranormal, say ghosts, ESP, or whatever? As a diehard skeptic, I'm always curious when someone holds these beliefs as to why, and how critically they've looked into alternative possibilities to explain them...

[–]Frankocean2 42 points43 points de ça

And suddenly /r/skeptic just massively cringed their butts.

[–]hotshame 33 points34 points de ça

I don't have a question but I wanted to say thank you to you, David Duchovny and Chris Carter. Your show was what really bonded my father and I, during my childhood. I can still remember the two of us sitting down to watch the pilot together. He's not here anymore and watching The X-Files with him was some of the best memories I have.

[–]gilliananderson[S] 36 points37 points de ça

Aw, thank you for sharing that.

[–]Cellyllec 94 points95 points de ça

You once said, while on BBC's "Desert Island", that you tend to associate given moments of your life with songs. Today, what would be the songs that define your life?

[–]gilliananderson[S] 198 points199 points de ça

Wow - you know what I love listening to that makes me so happy when I'm driving? The band EMPIRE OF THE SUN, I think the song is "We are the People" - that makes me very happy.

[–]peace-monger 42 points43 points de ça

[–]krannock 12 points13 points de ça

Holy fuck you're cool.

[–]TheDancingDynamo 117 points118 points de ça

Hey there Gillian!

First I just wanted to say that I'm a huge fan, my mom practically raised me on X-Files (probably a poor choice in hindsight haha) and it's great to see you doing this AMA.

Just a couple quick questions.

1: The props and creature designs on X-Files were always really fantastic. Did you or anyone else get to take anything particularly cool from the show?

2: Do you still have a relationship with any of the cast members from X-Files?

3: Any advice or warnings for whose someone looking to get into acting?


[–]gilliananderson[S] 242 points243 points de ça

1) Yes. I stole many things. I have - what do I have? - a Lazarus Bowl. The most amazing thing that i have is Scully's Tombstone. I have Scully's Tombstone. I have little things from many episodes, and eventually, a good portion of them will probably be auctioned off for charity.

2) I do. I just saw Mitch recently at a Comic-Con in Calgary, always lovely to see him. I have an email relationship with David, we don't get to see each other very much but we communicate. Chris Carter remains a good friend. Dina Green who did my hair for years is a good friend. Carol Banker who was the script supervisor and is now a very talented director - she is one of my closest friends.

3) Patience.

[–]saficus 64 points65 points de ça

Hello! Two quick questions:

  • As a former Londoner who often reminisces about my escapades around the city, I was wondering if you have a favourite London activity?
  • Do you have a go-to song to sing in the shower?

Hard-hitting questions, I know.


[–]gilliananderson[S] 132 points133 points de ça

Yes, I love going to museums with my daughter. Whenever we get a chance, we check out exhibits together, and often go to more obscure or lesser known galleries like The Wellcome Museum - check it out online, it's really cool. A few weeks ago I was in London and went there - they have a Japanese outsider art exhibit, with inmates of an insane asylum in Japan, and there are just some awesome pieces in there. I also support the Foundling Museum - check that out online - I won't go into it, it's just one of the coolest museums in London.

Oh gosh... no, but I just thought of another one of my all-time favorite songs, which will be played at my funeral, and that will be the Stones' "You Can't Always Get What You Want."

And then there's a Martha Wainwright song...called "Bloody Mother Fucking Asshole" - that actually might be the song of 2012.

[–]powertothepeephole 29 points30 points de ça

Is the truth really out there? Also have you completely grown out of your punk roots or is there still a little anarchist in there?

[–]gilliananderson[S] 69 points70 points de ça

There is definitely an anarchist in there.

The truth is in all of us, no matter what truth we're talking about, whether it's about having integrity in your life and being willing to admit mistakes and tell the truth under all circumstances, or whether it's trying to track down the truth in political mumbo-jumbo, or whether we're talking about the truth of whether there are aliens on this planet. It all comes from the same place.

[–]Chillocks 7 points8 points de ça

"the truth is in me" - Scully 4x15 Momento Mori Okay, out of context. But still, pretty neat that you both said it.

[–]VirgiliusNix 27 points28 points de ça

Hi Gillian! You are an amazing human being and have been a huge role model to millions of people, so thank you for doing this and giving us all the opportunity to ask you questions!

  • Firstly, what (in your opinion) was the most interesting or thought-provoking episode of the X-Files and why?

  • Secondly, I just finished watching the four episodes of Any Human Heart last night - was it fun to slip into such an antagonistic role, and what did you think of that series as a whole?

Thank you again!

[–]gilliananderson[S] 43 points44 points de ça

Firstly - I can't decide on just one, so sorry.

Secondly - I have played quite a few antagonistic roles, and I don't know if that what made her fun, but what made it fun for me as an actor was trying to figure out by watching old footage of her and trying to get her speech mannerisms down and the dialect right - she had a very bizarre accent - and that's the kind of stuff that I find fun, is trying to get into the embodiment of somebody - when you actually have the luxury of being able to watch how they work. I'm not sure if I've ever had that experience before, I think that was the first time that I've played a historical character, and I found that that process is obviously daunting and terrifying - but it was also creatively stimulating.

[–]ZenAnarchist 76 points77 points de ça

How hilarious is Rowan Atkinson off-camera?

[–]gilliananderson[S] 172 points173 points de ça

Not very. He is a lovely, lovely man, but his talent is when the camera is rolling. Otherwise, he is very quiet and considered, and what he does in front of the camera does not emanate from his everyday self.

[–]crazy_fucker 23 points24 points de ça

Looking at your proof pic, I have only one question. How do you manage to look so gorgeous every decade? I mean when the show started, I was six and had a crush on you and now I am 26 and you still give me flutters, lol.

[–]gilliananderson[S] 36 points37 points de ça

I'm flattered, thank you.

[–]Rob_Saget 184 points185 points de ça

Thank you for doing this AMA!

  • What are some things you nerd out about?
  • What's been your favorite memory working on X-Files?
  • In Hannibal, how do you prepare yourself for the role of Dr. Bedelia Du Maurier? I can't imagine it's easy getting into the head of Lecter.
  • Would you be interested in coming on my podcast and nerding out?

Thank you again and look forward to your responses!

[–]gilliananderson[S] 319 points320 points de ça

I don't know if this is considered nerding out, but when I see a REALLY, really good film, no matter what country it comes from or how much they spent on it, I love good film. And I get SO excited over something - not just film, but any form of the creative arts - film, theater, television I guess - if I am moved by something, I become a geek and can't stop talking about it.

There were times at 3 oclock in the morning where we had to regurgitate some highly intellectual snippets of truth, and we'd get just completely slap-happy with exhaustion and a sense of the ludicrousness that we were doing for a living, and we would be struck with bouts of uncontrollable laughter. That's what I remember the most.

For Dr. Bedelia...it just occurred to me in my mind as I was reading the script and contemplating just the type of woman that needed to be sitting across from this paticular man, that there was one way to play it. And that one way only. And that's what I hope that I've done. I've never put it into words why - it's just it's Hannibal Lecter, for crying out loud, and that's all I can say really.

For the podcast, please PM me and I'll forward to my publicist!

[–]proserpinax 22 points23 points de ça

First off I'm a big fan; Scully was an inspiration to me in my high school years and beyond, and you were incredible in Bleak House (which is my favorite book of all time).

Was there a moment when you realized just how iconic The X-Files was becoming, and how big it was going to be?

[–]gilliananderson[S] 36 points37 points de ça

I think there was a moment, maybe in the 3rd season is when it started to hit me. I don't know about iconic, but I started to realize that I needed to hold onto my seat.

[–]RobertAPetersen 62 points63 points de ça

Hi Gillian! Whenever you have a show like X-Files that gets hugely popular among us geeks, some of us tend to go way overboard. Do you still appreciate the X-Files popularity, or is it more like "If one more geek yells Scully at me I'm going to stab someone"?

[–]gilliananderson[S] 136 points137 points de ça

I have decided to do a year's worth of Comic-Cons in honor of the 20th Anniversary of the X-files. And it's the first time that I'm spending this type of one-on-one time with fans. And it's been so wonderful to be able to also thank the fans for having been fans for such a long time, and to meet one-on-one some of the people who kept us on the air for so long. And one of the things that I'm finding the coolest ever is people who bring their kids - teenagers - who have been introduced to the show, now that they're old enough to be introduced to my own favorite series. And they get to watch it again but with their 12 year olds, and re-experience it, so that we're getting a whole new generational fanbase. And I just can't tell you how excited that makes me.

[–]gilliananderson[S] 176 points177 points de ça

And I can't wait to share it with my boys- because it just occurred to me that there will be a time when they come to me and say "Hey Mom, people keep telling us about this show that you were on, called the X-something - can we watch that too?" That will be a day - however it is that it will be beamed into our future household - we'll sit down on our levitating couch, and I will screen the pilot episode in front of Oscar and Felix.

[–]phynet 12 points13 points de ça

EPIC response. And Awesome. Wow.

[–]preying_mantis 90 points91 points de ça

Do you still keep in touch with David Duchovny or any other folks from the X-Files?

[–]JTxt 18 points19 points de ça

[–]Loopner 60 points61 points de ça

What would you do if you had a whole day to yourself with nothing planned?

[–]gilliananderson[S] 124 points125 points de ça

I'm not good with nothing planned. I plan WEEKS in advance. And the reason is, there's a day that is totally empty - I literally have my days planned out until the middle of July right now - who I'm meeting for coffee, where I'm taking the kids, acupuncture, all of the frivolous things I fill my time with in-between meaningful work. If I don't plan, I will literally be under the covers unable to get out of bed. I'm either doing, or I'm paralyzed.

[–]yoyojuli 6 points7 points de ça

Thank you so much for this answer. I struggle with this so much and only recently started to plan weeks in advance as well. Bought a week planner in january. It seems to work better for me most of the time! But it remains a constant struggle.

[–]Ackatronic 16 points17 points de ça

Is it true that most of the time whilst filming the X-files, you were standing on boxes to match David's height?

[–]gilliananderson[S] 45 points46 points de ça

Yes. In fact, in Vancouver they created something called "The Gilly-Board" which was a ramped apple box (what actors normally stand on to raise their height) so that I could be walking beside him and we could stand next to each other so that we would be approximately the same height. Apparently it still exists and is used for other productions, and is still called the Gilly-Board.

[–]mhickey88 64 points65 points de ça

Agent Scully seems to have had an affliction with the Flukeman. What was your favorite Monster of the Week to work with on the X-Files, and why?

[–]thegraverobber 15 points16 points de ça

Thanks so much for doing this! I only have one question:

You, along with the majority of the former cast and crew, have expressed a large interest in doing the third X-Files film. As fans, what are ways that we can legitimately push for this? There are a number of 'petitions' and Twitter campaigns, but I'm wondering if you have any suggestions for ways that we are most likely to be heard.

Thanks again!

[–]gilliananderson[S] 35 points36 points de ça

I would say that there is a very good chance that Chris is in the process of writing it, and as with any creative endeavor, it needs time and space and patience, and I have no doubt that at some point, when it's the right time, and he is happy with it, it will see the light of day, and that will be the beginning.

[–]djspacebunny 17 points18 points de ça

Thank you for providing young ladies like me with a fully-clothed female role model in the sci-fi world. Back in the 90's, I'd sit down with mom and dad every Sunday night to watch X-Files on FOX. I have great memories of these times, and have you and the rest of the folks in that show to thank for it. You rock!

[–]CMG82 18 points19 points de ça

Hi! Wanted ask and I am curious...would you ever consider writing a book?

[–]gilliananderson[S] 39 points40 points de ça

Yes. I will definitely write a fiction before I'm 70, and then at some point in my 70s I will write an autobiography, but I have a tiny problem (which is a massive problem as far as autobiographies are concerned) - my memory. I will need people who were around at the time to tell me how it really happened.

[–]Lol33ta 35 points36 points de ça

Do you have pets? If so, tell us about them!

[–]gilliananderson[S] 93 points94 points de ça

We are going to have goldfish, but that's about as much as I can handle. I don't know when we are buying the goldfish yet, and I am about to be gone a lot, so we might have to rethink the goldfish.

[–]slgee 15 points16 points de ça

I read an interview you did recently in a psychology magazine, and you said something about allowing oneself to be uncomfortable during difficult times, and I appreciated it a lot. I was wondering if you had any advice on getting through one's early twenties or any words of wisdom or something like that haha. Thanks!

[–]gilliananderson[S] 36 points37 points de ça

Different decades of one's life bring with it different levels of discomfort, and the overriding thing to remember is that the only constant in life is change.

And the only thing to do is to keep showing up, being the best version of yourself that you can be. And the rest is out of your hands completely.

[–]everdeer 17 points18 points de ça

How delicious was the Hamburger you had to eat in the first episode of THE FALL?

Was your Miss Castaway dress quite heavy? It looked intense.

[–]gilliananderson[S] 25 points26 points de ça

More like, how delicious was the FIRST hamburger that I had to eat in the first episode of THE FALL..?

Yes, it was like wearing chain mail that they layer upon you - fabric and trinkets. Thank you for watching it!

[–]maryl0la 32 points33 points de ça

Can you tell us anything at all about Never After? It looks fantastic!

[–]gilliananderson[S] 53 points54 points de ça

So a group of women are trying to start a British TV series that is based on the original fairy tales - apparently, the original fairy tales like Red Riding Hood, etc. are different than the ones that we have come to know. And they are fascinated by the idea of fairy tales, and what they were originally intended for, which was (in part) encouraging children to be fearless, to face their fears. So they want to film with various celebrities episodes that are hosted about the various fairy tales as they were originally told. Apparently in the original Red Riding Hood there were originally 2 wolves...

[–]Izwe 30 points31 points de ça

What's your favourite flavour of muffin?

[–]gilliananderson[S] 65 points66 points de ça

I prefer scones. And every time I go to Los Angeles, because they don't sell them in the London Starbucks, but in the Starbucks in LA, they have those Oat-Nut Scones with the Maple Frosting - oh my god. I literally will buy 2 of them, eat one and then carry one around in my purse for days even if it's as hard as a rock 3 days later.

[–]Owlie 24 points25 points de ça

Why did you decide to become a Buddhist?

[–]Progman3K 24 points25 points de ça

How did you like working in Vancouver? Or anywhere else for that matter? Please, any wacky anecdote!

[–]gilliananderson[S] 51 points52 points de ça

I loved working in Vancouver, it's such a great town to be filming in in the Summertime. And anecdotes... the particular weather that contributes to making Vancouver so green in the summertime, meant that we were filming under ALL weather circumstances. So I would be in high heels and a skirt filming outside on ice, walking under an umbrella in sleet, hoping my hair didn't frizz up and pretending that I wasn't practically ice skating during a walk-and-talk conversation about how somebody's insides had been hung from a tree...

[–]Maxwyfe 12 points13 points de ça

Unrelated, but still - what's the craft services like on Hannibal? Truthfully, aren't you all a little afraid to eat after filming?

[–]_Hodor_Hodor_ 20 points21 points de ça

What's your favorite animal, and what super power would you choose?

[–]gilliananderson[S] 46 points47 points de ça

My new favorite animal is the tiger in THE CROODS. I swear to god, if they don't make a stuffed version of it for kids and grown ups, I am going to have to do start a petition.

I would choose time travel.

[–]teleekom 47 points48 points de ça

Obviously, big fan of you in X-files but now I'm really hooked on Hannibal, so I want to ask you a few questions. Are you having bigger role in the series as it goes towards a finale? What do you think of the show in generall? I really think it's one the best TV series airing right now even if the ratings are not so great. I'm really glad you're part of it, casting is really flawless. How was it to work with Mads Mikkelsen? You really seems great together on the screen.

[–]gilliananderson[S] 49 points50 points de ça

For as long as HANNIBAL runs, and until Hannibal eats me, I will continue to do a few episodes a year. I think it's darker than even I can stomach, but it has its audience and it is so beautifully shot and the performances from Mads and Hugh and the whole team are just phenomenal and I am so happy they are getting the attention they deserve. Mads is SUCH a talented actor - it's almost like he wears his emotions on his sleeve, but not all the time - when he decides that he needs to, he has such access to his emotional life and it is just really incredible. He can do everything with just his eyes.

[–]Lurlur 6 points7 points de ça

Hannibal is easily one of the best things on TV right now!

[–]Pupillo 32 points33 points de ça

What's your weidest story/anecdote that you can share about David Duchovny?

[–]BitchesGetStitches 12 points13 points de ça

Probably the 3-4 times per day he propositioned her for casual sex, if I were to venture a guess.

[–]hmistry 26 points27 points de ça

Hi Gillian. First thing’s first. I love the work you have done for organisations like NF, SA-YES and Fezka! Your on screen presence is amazing, and a joy to watch. So just Thank you. (I am guilty of starting /r/GillianAnderson)

[–]gilliananderson[S] 22 points23 points de ça

Thank you for saying thank you!

[–]lazythinker 9 points10 points de ça

Hey Gillian! My older sister is a big fan of X-Files, and this question is from her.

"If William came back as a character, what actor should play him?"

Thanks for doing this AMA and I hope you answer for her!

[–]gilliananderson[S] 10 points11 points de ça

That IS a good question. You know who I think would be good, but he might be too old, the kid who was in THE IMPOSSIBLE, Tom Holland - he's 17, too old. Darn. I need to think about it.

[–]trennerdios 9 points10 points de ça

What was the most fun episode of the X-files to film? Were there any major pranksters on the set?

[–]gilliananderson[S] 24 points25 points de ça

Me! I went through a phase where I liked tweezing people's facial hairs, mostly the men who had bushy eyebrows and hairs coming out of their ears and nose.

[–]CreauxTeeRhobat 15 points16 points de ça

What was it like teaching Tea Leoni how to run in heels? Also, how have you seemed to defy the effects of aging? Was it the aliens?

[–]Sirwootalot 17 points18 points de ça

What was it like working with Vince Gilligan, and what do you think of Breaking Bad's success?

Also, "the springfield files" remains to this day the funniest Simpsons episode i've ever seen.

[–]gilliananderson[S] 28 points29 points de ça

Vince Gilligan is one of the most talented writers I have ever met, and one of the sweetest men in existence, and it's so incongruous that the material of BREAKING BAD is spawned from the likes of this seemingly innocent Virginia nerd. I am so happy for him and for the success of his show.

[–]thewinebarisopen 7 points8 points de ça

If youre ever in Philadelphia will you come to my office, ask me for my autograph and a picture and then leave? I want my coworkers to forever wonder what I do in my personal life.

You rock

[–]Grothen 6 points7 points de ça

Do you believe?

[–]YaitzaM 22 points23 points de ça

Hi...One of my "Bucket List" items is to see you on stage...any chance of that happening soon on Broadway?


[–]gilliananderson[S] 32 points33 points de ça

Not on Broadway, I'm desperately trying to get together a production of STREETCAR in London. Keep an eye out.

[–]sausage_is_the_wurst 18 points19 points de ça

Did you ever tease David Duchovny that the episodes without you in them were just the worst?

[–]Australopitherific 13 points14 points de ça

I can confidently say that I would never have become a scientist without your influence.

I became aware of the X-Files quite late, in 2008, my last year of high school. I had always loved science, but I didn't have a good high school education in the topic and I thought that I was too stupid to be a scientist. However, your performance really emphasized that a lot of scientific inquiry is about NOT knowing the truth - and merely having the passion to chase knowledge until you find it in a place that no one else has looked.

In 2012, I graduated as valedictorian of my university with a degree in Biology. Now I have completed one year out of six towards my PhD in Skeletal Biology.

The X-Files aside, the performances that have really captivated me in recent years have been your historical dramas. I was blown away by your Lady Deadlock in Bleak House and your Miss Havisham in Great Expectations. I was crushed that I studied abroad in England a semester too late to see you in A Doll's House!

So my question for your AMA is: What historical or literary figure would you like to play next?

[–]gilliananderson[S] 12 points13 points de ça

I would love to do Lady MacBeth. I would love to do Martha in WHO'S AFRAID OF VIRGINIA WOOLF? and eventually I would like to do Hedda Gabler. But first, would be Blanche Dubois. I need to figure out what is the right order in terms of the character's ages that I what to do them. And seeing as I'm talking about theater - I only do plays every 3 years or so- one of them is going to be in my 60s and I need to figure out what is most appropriate.

[–]fatalerrrpr 7 points8 points de ça

Why did you turn down the role as Bethany in Dogma. You reportedly hated the script, any truth to that?

[–]JustJizzedInMyPants 7 points8 points de ça

If you didn't become an actress what do you think you would be doing now?

[–]sparkos9999 7 points8 points de ça

What's the creepiest thing a fan ever sent to you?

[–]silkwould 63 points64 points de ça

Do you consider yourself to be an introvert or an extrovert? How has that influenced your endeavors (career/relationships/etc.)?

Are you a feminist? Why or why not? And do you have a favourite feminist leader?

(I wish I could simply have a conversation with you about literature and music, but alas--this is Reddit and I must relinquish my turn!)

[–]gilliananderson[S] 115 points116 points de ça

Good question! I am extreme versions of both. I'm a consummate hermit - it's very hard to get me out of the house - but when I do, if I'm at a party or a dinner, I'm extroverted. The rest of the time, I'm a hermit.

Regarding feminism, I think it's complicated but I appreciate how much my work has inspired women and how much women inspire me.

[–]reelbigcasey 3 points4 points de ça

Any good Chevy stories?!

[–]badicaleight 6 points7 points de ça

Did you really eat the cricket in that circus episode of X-files, or was it just a magic trick?

[–]gilliananderson[S] 25 points26 points de ça

It was a magic trick called spitting when cut.

[–]Ultrablack 36 points37 points de ça

After X-files ended, did you take any props home with you?

EDIT: Damn it, TheDancingDynamo

[–]JrBusch91 11 points12 points de ça

I am sure most of my questions will be answered so I just wanted to swing by and say thanks Gillian for all of the amazing moments you gave us fans.