Self-Executing Anonymous Functions or How to Write Clean Javascript
Feb 20th 2014 · PermalinkLet’s talk about anonymous self-executing functions. Go ahead, say that out loud and let the kids next to you know that you’re big time now. There is a wealth of information that we can talk about in regards to anonymous functions in Javascript. If you’re a Javascript pro, you probably already know what these are. To be honest, I don’t really care about most of those. I have been writing anonymous functions primarily to make my Javascript more readable. Let’s talk a bit about anonymous functions, making them self-executing and then walk through some examples. We’ll keep it simple, you know, for the kids.
What is an anonymous function? Easy. It’s a function without a name. NEXT!
This is an example of a function:
function helloWorld() {
alert('Hello World');
This is an example of an anonymous function:
var helloWold = function() {
alert('Hello World');
Whoa, wait a minute, you assigned the function to a variable? Yes, yes I did. Don’t worry about that for now, the variable would just be a way of calling it. What’s important here is that the function in the second example has no name associated with it. That my friends is an anonymous function. Ok, that’s cool and all, but you said self-executing, so don’t hold back on me. Right.
Let’s look at another anonymous function:
(function() {
alert('Hello World');
Looks like an anonymous function, right? It has no name, so yes, it’s anonymous.
Now let’s write it again adding three extra characters to the end:
(function() {
alert('Hello World');
You see those last two parentheses? Those are the self-executing part. They cause everything in the preceding parentheses to be executed immediately. Stop what you’re doing and go ask for a raise now. Your speech can go something like this. “Yada yada yada… self-executing anonymous functions… yada yada yada… show me the money.”
No, shhhh. You’re welcome.
Actually, this is really unimpressive. Let’s take it a bit further. Let’s talk about self-executing anonymous functions inside and outside of objects. Go ahead, say it out loud. Has a nice ring to it, doesn’t it. That’s probably not even the correct technical term for it, but like I said, I don’t really care. Let’s just dive right in and then ask forgiveness later.
Let’s start with an example:
(function() {
var Person = {
sayHello: function() {
alert('Hello World');
Here we have a self-executing anonymous function with an object inside of it that contains it’s own anonymous function. I just blew your mind. Poof. Let’s look at it line by line. The first and last line are what we saw before, an anonymous self-executing function. Cool, looks familar. Inside, we have a variable called Person that is equal to some curly brackets and another anonymous function with the name sayHello, but it’s written in a way that we haven’t seen before so it’s causing my blood pressure to rise. Stay cool man. We got this. The Person variable is what’s called an object literal in Javascript. We know this because it is equal to a couple of curly brackets. That’s how some cats in Javascript land decided objects (literal objects (I know, let’s not get into it right now)) should look. The sayHello anonymous function is a method within the Person object. That’s all a lot of fancy talk reserved for the dudes with tape on their glasses. I come from the school of learn by doing, so let’s just jump into some doing and I think you will see things start to come together.
Right now, if we ran the code above, nothing would happen. Yes, it is self-executing, but nothing is telling that ‘Hello World’ alert to run. It’s there, waiting for us like a potential partner on a blind date… waiting… nervously checking their phone and dodging stares from other couples. Let’s take our example and make it pop that ‘Hello World’ alert right away.
(function() {
var Person = {
sayHello: function() {
alert('Hello World');
Now, if we run this, wham-bam-thank-you-maam. On line 9 we added a line of code that tells the Person object to run the sayHello method and because this is inside the self-executing anonymous function (ladies), we should see the ‘Hello World’ alert pop up. Lick your thumb and pinky and stroke back those eyebrows. Showtime has arrived.
Ok, I feel like you’re with me on this, so let’s get real. I’m gonna write a much larger example below here. I want you to hang on and breathe through it. Remember what we practiced. Two short breaths in, and exhale. Repeat.
(function() {
var Person = {
init: function() {
this.form = $('#form');
bindEvents: function() {
this.form.on('submit', this.showName);
showName: function(event) {
Take a look at this example here and then come back. Now look again, now back. How you doin? That page is powered by the example code you see above. Let’s walk through each of the methods in the Person object and talk about what they’re doing and how they’re working together and how this very example of code could likely solve the world hunger problem. Bono, baby, call me.
Let’s start with the init method as it is the first method called on our Person object when we call Person.init() at the bottom of our awesome self-executing anonymous function:
init: function() {
this.form = $('#form');
I should note that I’m calling this method init because it’s short for initialize. That name however carries no special meaning. I could have called it tire or flamethrower or kitties. I’m just trying to be a little normal with my naming conventions. Gosh.
So, in the init method we are doing two things. First we are setting a variable this.form which is the form element that holds the element from our demo page. This is our first glimpse at ‘this’. Not this this, but this ‘this’. At this point one could go into a deep lecture on ‘this’ and scope, but for now, I’ll just say that ‘this’ is our object literal, Person. So we are assigning a variable to Person, a form element with the ID of ‘form’. We do this by typing this.form. Now anywhere within the scope of Person, we can call on the variable and have the form element. It’s like magic, but really it’s just Javascript. The second thing the init method is doing is calling another method. So. Meta. We’re calling the bindEvents method which is where I like to put any and all event listeners; things like on click, or on submit, or on fart, stuff like that.
So to summarize the init method we’re setting a variable and then telling our script to listen for our event handlers. But why didn’t we just put our event handler into our init? Good question. Very very good question and really the point of this entire article. This next sentence will be the sole purpose of your reading today—are you ready? To write cleaner Javascript. Thank you thank you, I’ll be here all week.
Actually, let’s dive into that cleaner Javascript in a second. First, let’s finish analyzing our script. Just wanted to wet your appetite for the descruction that’ll come later and take you to paradise city with your sweet child o mine.
Let’s take a look at the bindEvents method next:
bindEvents: function() {
this.form.on('submit', this.showName);
Remember this is the method I’m using to handle all my event listeners. In the case of our demo this is listening for someone to submit that form and when it gets submitted it’s going to call another method (meta, again) within our Person object called showName. Now, check it, we could have written this method like so:
bindEvents: function() {
$('#form').on('submit', this.showName);
We just switched our Person variable this.form with the value we had set it equal to, $(‘#form’). This would have given us the same results. However, by setting this.form in our Person object it affords us a few luxuries. The first is that our script runs once and as soon as it grabs that element and stores it under this.form, it’s done and stored and safe and all warm and fuzzy. If we were to use it again, as we do further down in the showName method, we wouldn’t need to go out and look up that element again. So we’re saving some cycle or some amount of time in our script by setting that variable. Second, since we are using that variable multiple times in our script, if some intern popped into our code and was like, who gives their form the ID of ‘form’, that’s so lame and instead changed the ID to ‘whatsapp’, well then we’d have to go change every instance of our code with the new ID. And if that ID was used like 16 billion times, well then, that would be a lot of work, even for search/replace. Finally, setting the variable this.form in one place and being able to use it yields cleaner Javascript.
Alright, now we’re really moving. We’re seeing how to set variables and call methods from other methods. We. Are. Big. Time.
Let’s jump down to our final method, showName, that we’re calling when the event handlers catches a submit in our bindEvents method. That was two methods in one sentence. Remember when the only method you ever thought about was the wicked method air you were gonna finally pull in front of that girl you liked in junior high and then she would finally see your potential and then instead of Tony Hawk’s Pro Skater video games it would be like Noah Stokes Pro Skater… anyways. I’m saying picture that for yourself, not for me. That never happened to me.
Here is our final method:
showName: function(event) {
This one is really straight forward. First we stop the form from submitting itself with the event.preventDefault(); Then we pop an alert that shows the value of the text field within our form. But wait, that doesn’t work. If you ran the code as is, you’d get an error telling you that it can’t find the value of the text input. Thanks alot Obama. What the heck is going on? This is an issue with scope. Let’s step back and check it out.
As we talked about earlier, I should be able to access this.form from anywhere within our script, and you’re right you should. It’s just that in this instance of calling this.showName on submit ‘this’ is no longer talking about our Person, it’s talking about our form element. Huh? Let’s do an example:
$('form').on('submit', function() {
In the example above, you can see we are just going to alert the value of the input. The ‘this’ in that example is talking about the form element because jQuery passes that in for us so we have some context. Very cool of John to do that, thanks. But in our example, now we’re futon’d because how are we supposed to get access to our this.form variable?? Well, John thought of that too and there is a method in jQuery called $.proxy. With this method we are able to override the scope of ‘this’ and keep it to what we originally wanted it to be, Person. Here is a link to a quick 4 minute video on $.proxy. Take some time to watch it to get a better understanding if you’d like. I would recommend it.
If it’s still over your head, just take it on faith right now as to what $.proxy is doing and let’s move forward and jump back to our example. We’ll use the $.proxy and wrap our this.showName method in it to keep the context of ‘this’ where we want it.
(function() {
var Person = {
init: function() {
this.form = $('#form');
bindEvents: function() {
this.form.on('submit', $.proxy(this.showName, this));
showName: function(event) {
See in line 12 how we wrapped this.showName in $.proxy? That is going to keep the scope of ‘this’ where we want it and it’s going to cause the alert to function how we had originally planned. It’s so beautiful it brings a single solitary tear to my eye. Just one, one and no more. If I cried more folks would think that I had tickets to the new One Direction tour which I don’t or do I? Don’t tell my kids. #pForm
Well that’s it… and this entire time I’m sure you were convinced that there was some wiccan black magic going on. Boy did I have you fooled. You should take tricks like these to parties and draw them on white boards. All your friends and neighbors will be _so_ impressed.
Joking aside, you can see again in our example how clean our Javascript is. That really is the goal of this article. I’m 100% confident that in writing this I used incorrect terminology and I probably made statements that aren’t entirely true—but please don’t let those things distract you. What you see below is perfectly working code that is clean, organized, full of reusable variables all scoped to our Person object and firing inside of a self-executing anonymous function. That’s pretty bad ass if you ask me. This article represents just the tip of the iceberg when it comes to what you can do with Javascript and with writing code this way. If this sparked your interest, and I hope it did, please go off and learn more. Then write your own article teaching the rest of us what you learned.
(function() {
var Person = {
init: function() {
this.form = $('#form');
bindEvents: function() {
this.form.on('submit', $.proxy(this.showName, this));
showName: function(event) {