Archive for the ‘Moshi Songs’ Category:

Download Moshi Twistmas Song on iTunes

Written on December 13th, 2011 by Iggyno shouts

Great advance on history moshi monsters, Mind Candy created music for you, this time Moshi Twistmas Song on your phone/gadget. Holiday hit fill in family christmas day make all festive.

Moshi Twistmas Song

Make it as your mobile ringtone, so before action download the Moshi Twistmas song from iTunes and then sing the song together with read the lyrics. (more…)

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Moshi Twistmas Lyrics

Written on December 10th, 2011 by Iggyno shouts

Previously I’ve written Moshi Twistmas Song video, you can see that. Now, here the lyrics that you’ve been waiting for. And don’t forget friends enter the Moshi Twistmas Singing Contest, there are special prizes for the winner. (more…)

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Moshi Twistmas Singing Contest and Win a Moshling Zoo DS!

Written on December 10th, 2011 by Iggy2 shouts

Moshi Twistmas Tree DecorationsAll places in Monstro City map covered with snow, christmas tree decorations and snowmen. A good news today Follow an event moshi singing contest by making your youtube video with form vocal chords like to jingle jangle. There are two special christmas gift best in the world: Win a Moshi Monsters: Moshling Zoo DS and your video will be featured at the brand new MOSHI TV.

Moshi Monsters Twistmas

You can see a sample song video from Mind Candy’s work HERE


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Moshi Twistmas Song

Written on December 5th, 2011 by Iggy4 shouts

In order to welcome the Christmas day, Mind Candy has prepared a Moshi Twistmas Song, this single is available on iTunes at December 11th, great! check it out.

With this spirit, the moshi monsters fans really hope that the twistmas items be out soon! It’s so funny Furi awakened from sleep with two Purdy, and then in Monstro City street greeted by dancing and singing of the monsters, moshlings, and glump. Look at the christmas tree, snow also Dr. strangeglove like christmast too.

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Song of Lady Goo Goo “Lets Do The Moshi Dance” Video, Mp3 and Lyrics

Written on July 6th, 2011 by Iggy11 shouts

Hi, moshi monsters.. we know that Lady GooGoo have powerful song at Monstro City. Now, I give you her song titled “Lets Do The Moshi Dance”. You can watch her youtube video, download the MP3 ringtone and song lyrics.

I love at the end of these video that moshling Blingo do moonwalk dance on stage and also finally Lady Goo Goo opened her glasses so that her real beautiful eyes look very pretty.

Download MP3 / Ringtone



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