Introduction to Wordpress Class

Introduction to Wordpress Class
with Catherine Scholz

To register, make your payment of $15 via PayPal by clicking the “Buy Now” button here:


to provide students with the tools they need to optimize their presence on the internet using Wordpress


notebook and pen or laptop to take notes


  • admin access to an existing Wordpress website
  • payment via PayPal

Topics covering:

  • What is Wordpress and how can using it benefit my business?
  • What is an RSS feed and how are RSS feeds used for internet marketing?
  • How do I publish a post or a page with Wordpress?
  • What are tags and how do they relate to SEO (search engine optimization)?

Also covering… How do I…

  • add a user
  • configure comments
  • add pictures
  • add audio/video
  • add links
  • add plugins
  • backup my site
  • import/export content
  • add widgets

There will be time for individual questions.

Cost: $15/person

Dates and Times:
Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Holbrooke Hotel
212 W. Main St.
Grass Valley

Please bring your PayPal receipt as your registration confirmation to the class.

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