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11 Steps to Picking Affiliate Marketing Products that Sell

Everyone Is Talking About Making Money With Affiliate Marketing

So you have heard from many folks out there that there is money in affiliate marketing.  If you look at the conversations taking place in Twitter, you will notice that just about everyone is doing affiliate marketing. In fact, many people who join Twitter with the intent to make extra income are using affiliate marketing as the vehicle to make online profits.

If you are involved with social networking, more than likely you have come across a social network friend that has tried to sell you some form of affiliate marketing product. As a matter of fact, there are social networks such as Apsense, Adland Pro, Affiliate Downline, and others that were put together with affiliate marketers in mind.

The fact that online merchants and entrepreneurs have put so much effort into developing Internet technology and websites to further the spread of the affiliate marketing concept is evidence of its popularity and profitability.

Is it Really Possible to Make Money With Affiliate Marketing?

Some claim that they are making a fortune with affiliate marketing, while others will tell you simply that they are making good cash. Sometimes it is difficult to separate fact from fiction when dealing with affiliate marketers. I know I often ask myself if those who claim to be making millions selling other peoples products online are really making as much money as they claim.

Perhaps you are wondering yourself, “Is it possible to make money with affiliate marketing?” That it is possible to earn a substantial amount of money by joining an affiliate marketing program cannot be disputed. Many are in fact making a comfortable living with affiliate marketing as their only source of income. However, you must ensure that when you join an affiliate marketing program, you do so to sell a product that will actually be profitable enough for your effort.

Here Are The Questions You Should Ask Before Choosing An Affiliate Product

In order to ascertain whether or not an affiliate marketing product has the potential to become a great source of revenue for you, there are certain questions that you must ask yourself. Failure to explore these questions in depth can lead you to spend a lot of energy and other resources unwisely. Looking at this questions as part of your over all strategy for choosing a profitable affiliate marketing product, will increase your chances of becoming what the industry refers to as a Super Affiliate. So without any more hesitation, here are the profit making questions you should ask:

1. Would I buy that? – If you will not buy the affiliate product ask yourself  why not? Can you sell something you don’t believe on?

2. Do a lot of people buy this type of product? – Is this one of those products who everyone wants? Cell Phones are a prime example of that.

3. Are a lot of businesses selling this product? – If everyone seems to be selling the affiliate product you are evaluating do you thing you will have a good share of the market? Perhaps competition is too much too handle.

4. Are other affiliate marketing programs selling this product? – If other affiliate marketing programs are selling the product in question, does the same company manufacture it? If not, is the other product more recognized? Brands do matter!

5. Is the price for the product competitive? – Nothing sells worse than an over priced product. People want to save money, especially with this economy. Would you pay more for the same?

6. Does the product-landing page sell? – You can drive traffic to the affiliate product page all day long, but if the landing page does not convert you are wasting your time!

7. Is it possible to link to the landing page directly? – If the only way to link to the affiliate product is via banners, you will not be selling much unless you have a website that gets tons of traffic.

8. Are the banners provided for the product appealing? – Some banners simply do not convert. I have seen banners that appeared to have been put together by a first grader. Stay away especially if the affiliate program allows only banner linking.

9. Does the affiliate program provide product articles and e-mail templates? – Some folks have the ability to write content on a regular basis, but even then it is hard to keep up with the pace. Being able to get content to sell an affiliate product is a great advantage.

10. Will my visitors be interested on this type of product? – Suppose you have a web site that specializes on domain name registration and domain name hosting, would you be successful if you tried to sell auto parts to your prospective clients?

11. How easy is it to write about this product? – Take a look at the affiliate product and if you can’t come up with several article ideas within a few minutes, you might want to reconsider getting involved with said affiliate program.

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