Posted on November 12, 2009, under Time After Time, Time Priorities.
This week I’m having a great time putting the finishing touches on our next Finding Time E-zine. (It fires next Thursday at noontime, and if you’re not already a subscriber, you can grab your issue as a bonus for signing up for our FREE MP3 in the sidebar!) To give you a taste, here’s an article from our archive that asks: “Why set goals?”
Many people just assume that effective and successful people always set goals. If this is an assumption that you have made, please put it aside for a moment. Consider how such an assumption might sabotage your ability to realize your dreams. Too many people who set goals and begin to work on them do not complete them. For example, those who make New Year’s Resolutions – which are goals – often never attain them.
Setting goals is not a requirement for being an effective and successful person. If you feel driven to set goals because you ’should,’ then you diminish your view of yourself as an effective and successful person each time you don’t achieve your goals. Instead, we would like to recommend that you view goal-setting as a technique to assist you in 3 areas:
Too many people seem to go through life never fully aware of what they want or could have achieved, until it’s too late. Setting goals provides a framework that encourages awareness. Daily, you can look at your goals and consider how you are living your life.
You can become aware of whether or not your life choices are bringing you closer to your objectives. Without that awareness, it is easy to settle for routine rather than choice. As you can see, if you think of setting goals as a technique rather than an obligation, the entire process changes.
Have you considered setting goals as a way of setting your course? Has it been clarifying for you? I’d love to hear what you think!
Want to learn how to set effective boundaries to honor yourself, your time, and your relationships? You can ask for the time and space you need, and get it, too! Claim your FREE MP3, “Honoring Your Time With Boundaries”, and discover tools to move you toward a stronger self and stronger relationships! So, take your next step, click HERE and grab your MP3! When you sign up you will also receive (if you don’t already) our weekly Finding Time Tips, our monthly Award-Winning Finding Time E-zine, and our Finding Time Personal Boundary Template! All FREE – our gifts to you!
Let’s explore time together …
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