I have a story to tell about a recent personal dilemma, but thought it might be interesting to get some opinions first. This poll is anonymous (you needn’t sign in or anything to answer, and I have no way of knowing who you are) so please take a moment to answer it. There is no right or wrong answer, no need for fear of reprisals, it is an opinion poll only!
Once I get a few answers, I’ll post details (no names) about my dilemma, what I did, and offer another poll to get reactions once all the facts are on the table.
*I’ve tried and tried to get the poll to add to this post to no avail, however I was able to add it to the sidebar..please find it there. It’s also cutting off the question. Here it is in it’s entirety:
You purchase a puppy from someone who originally bought the puppy from a breeder. You later find out that this person not only broke their contract with the breeder in selling you the puppy (it has a return clause) and has a ‘habit’ of purchasing puppies only to resell them a short time later, , but has recently put a deposit down on a third puppy from the same breeder! You:
It could be interesting! If there’s enough interest/participation, I may make it a regular feature! As always, comments are appreciated and encouraged.
Welcome first time visitor! If you don't find what you're looking for at first glance, please take the time to use the site search, or look around. It's a big site with lots to offer!This is so upsetting on so many levels! I couldn’t bring myself to even watch the entire video….
Subscribe to this blog…I do.
Has tasering dogs become the newest method of animal control? Maybe for animal control in Walnut Ridge, AR! Seems they have a lot of problems with dog running loose, irresponsible owners and are now dealing with loose dogs in a more serious manner.
via Animal Control Dog Tasing Caught On Tape – VIDEO :For the Love of the Dog.
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Police Shock Dog With Taser Gun; Incident Caught On Tape – News Story – WEWS Cleveland
Tags: dog, in the news, video
I’ve scheduled a post for tomorrow (be sure to check back…it’s a must read) about a BT in a rescue that needs your help. It got me thinking…I try to post these stories whenever I run across them, but I’m only 1 person. I try to help rescue in any way I can, so if you work with/for a rescue (keeping in mind most of my readers are of Boston Terrier/Boxer interest) PLEASE drop me an email if you have a story or issue you’d like me to post! Story copy would be helpful, but not necessary. I’ve also been known to do free graphics work for rescues (banners, that sort of thing). Pass it along!
Tags: boston terrier, boston terrier rescue, Boxer, boxer dog, rescue
Watch this wonderful video and then stop by Rush’s blog (their journey through this diagnosis and treatment) and send them healing wishes and prayers. They are understandably devestated, and could use positive feedback and support.
Rush has Lymphoma cancer and I decided to create this blog because we want to do everything we can to get him into remission and this will be a blog about our best attempts to help him.
Tags: blog, blogging, Boxer, boxer dog, cancer, health, lymphoma
The Press Association: Dog ‘fell off the back of a lorry’.
If only this beautiful boxer could talk..what a story she would have to tell!
Boston Terrier Ordering Dinner
The background voice is a bit irritating (Julia Child-ish), but you’ll need sound just the same…enjoy
Tags: boston terrier, funny, video, youtube

Plumm Again, we could never get sick of this face!, originally uploaded by All-Mighty Clothing.
Is this not the cutest thing!?
Tags: boston terrier, dog, flickr, photo, photos
What you had to say..