Thanks to the efforts of past TAs and students, the CS107 course web site has grown into a wonderful storehouse of useful information. But now there is so much here that it sometimes can be hard to find what you need. This site map is designed to introduce to you to what is available and guide your explorations so you won't miss out on any of the good stuff!
Course policies
- Handout 01 Course overview contains a summary of the course logistics and policies
- Honor Code and Collaboration details how the Honor Code applies in this course, including specific examples of acceptable and unacceptable collaboration
- Late policy explains the late policy
- The FAQ contains answers to course questions commonly asked by prospective students. There are also some FAQ sections at the foot of pages to answer common questions specific to assignments, labs, etc.
Navigating the course web site
- Announcements. Any course announcements will be posted to the Home page.
- Syllabus. The schedule and readings for upcoming lectures is on the Syllabus page accessible form the menu. It's recommended to do the assigned reading in advance for best effect.
- Assignments and Labs. These materials are published on the pages for Assignments and Labs. Some students have found it helpful to use web annotation/highlighter tools (e.g. roohit,, getliner...) to mark key passages of the writeup when working.
- Gradebook. Grades are posted to the online Gradebook. You will need to authenticate with webauth to view your gradebook, which contains scores for assignments, labs, and exams.
- Site search. Enter a term or phrase in the search box in the upper-right corner to be rewarded with a list of matching pages. (This uses Google's site-search and we're not sure of the schedule for updating our index, but we're hoping it's often enough to keep the search useful.)