
A look at the major conflicts during the cold war: Vietnam, Korea, and the Cuban Missle Crisis.


Information on the great leaders: Kennedy, Stalin, and Gorbichov; and the roles they played in the cold war


About the three major international bodies of concern that existed during the cold war: The United Nations, NATO, and the Warsaw Pact.


This page is about the theories of communism, how it was started, and what method the US took in controling it during the early 50's.


The race to the moon played an important role in the Cold War. The Sputnik was put into orbit and NASA was developed.

The Game

This is a fun game about the Cold War. After you've read the other pages, you should play this game and test your knowledge.

The End of the Cold War

The end of the war began with the coming to power of Gorbachev and ended with the fall of the U.S.S.R. Read about these events glasnost, perestroika, the Berlin wall, and the democratization of Poland.

Refrences & Links to More Information

Introduction | Conflict | Coalition | Government | Technology | People | Game | End of War

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Keith Ericson & Matt Brault
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