Press Conference on First 3-D Images of the Sun
NASA's Solar TErrestrial RElations Observatory (STEREO) satellites have provided the first three-dimensional images of the sun. For the first time, scientists will be able to see structures in the sun's atmosphere in three dimensions. The new view will greatly aid scientists' ability to understand solar physics and there by improve space weather forecasting. This web page contains 3-D anaglyph video and images. This 3-D video can be seen with red and cyan + 3-D paper glasses.
The series of solar images below show shows a mosaic of the extreme ultraviolet images from STEREO's SECCHI/Extreme Ultraviolet Imaging Telescope taken March 17-27, 2007 and their 3-D counterpart. These false color images show the sun's atmospheres at a range of different temperatures. Blue image: 1 million degrees C (171 Å), green, 1.5 million C (195 Å), red 60,000-80,000 (304 Å), and yellow image2.5 million C (286 Å). Each temperature allows scientists to focus on different features of the sun
2-D Images |
3-D Images |
Images above: Images of the full sun. On the left is the 2-D image and on the right is the 3-D image. Click on thumbnails for high resolution images. |
Images above: The sun's South Pole. Material can be seen erupting off the sun in the lower right side of the image. Click on thumbnails for high resolution images. |
Images above: These images highlight active regions on the sun. On the left are the 2-D images and on the right are the 3-D images. Click on thumbnails for high resolution images. |
Images above: The stills above combine all of STEREO's wavelengths into one picture. Combining all the wavelengths allows scientists to compare different features and wavelengths. Click on thumbnails for high resolution images. |
More 3-D Images |
Images above: These stills combine all of STEREO's wavelengths into one picture. Combining all the wavelength allows scientists to compare different features and wavelengths. Click on thumbnails for high resolution images. |
Press Releases NASA Announces Press Conference on First 3-D Images of the Sun. + Press Release
Participants Bios View photos of the participants and read their bios. + Read Bios
See the sun like STEREO does Learn how to make your own 3-D glasses or find out where to buy them + Read More |
STEREO 3-D in museums High resolution STEREO 3-D images and movies are being displayed at museum and science centers! + View site |