Funny Pages 2.0: The best Internet memes, videos, & web pages of the day

Another Prairie Dog Bites the dust

11:42 AM PT, Sep 24 2008

A big thanks to Lindsay to sending this video in. Hilarious. I want to party with this prairie dog. Who doesn't want to party with this prairie dog, amirite???


Make me Super

11:15 AM PT, Sep 24 2008


Sooooo apparently I am a pretty super superhero. Man, I can GET DOWN and get funky. Note to self, blonde wig for halloween. Make yourself super and see your super video. Personalized and all. My video can be seen here... Yeahhhh buddy. [Make me Super ]


Mercury Thiocyanide

11:05 AM PT, Sep 24 2008

Mercury thiocyanide  is the chemical once used in the fireworks called “snakes”. Very cool - just a quick note though for those wondering: those little black snakes you lit up as a kid do not contain mercury and they are still available AFAIK. The ones you probably lit as kids depend on Sodium Bicarbonate and are harmless. I’ve never seen a snake like the one in the video, but supposedly they used to be sold as the “Pharaoh’s Serpent” according to wikipedia.


10 Seriously Unusual & Outlandishly Weird Asian Hotels

09:00 AM PT, Sep 24 2008


Here is another fantastic hotel list from Andy Boyd at Pro Traveler. This time he's listed some of the weirdest hotels in Asia. You know, I want to  swim inside a boat. So the Imperial Boat hotel is winning me over. You will however, NEVER catch me staying at the capsule hotel. Just no. No. No. No. No.
[ Unusual & Outlandishly Weird Asian Hotels ]


Man decorates basement with $10 worth of Sharpie

01:00 PM PT, Sep 23 2008


I know a few people I would trust with a sharpie and a basement. In fact, I know a medium sized group of people I would trust with a sharpie and my entire apartment. This basement is beautifully done, but I have a feeling I can get someone to surpass this level of awesomeness...if I beg enough. [ Sharpie Basement ]


The Adventures of Wassup Holmes

11:00 AM PT, Sep 23 2008

The Crazy Adventures of Wassup Holmes. A parody of The Hound of the Baskervilles from Scratch & Burn.

I am madly in love with this video. Mad love, SON.


Hubble Finds Unidentified Object in Space, Scientists Puzzled

10:00 AM PT, Sep 23 2008


This is exactly why we send astronauts to risk their life to service Hubble: in a paper published last week in the Astrophysical Journal, scientists detail the discovery of a new unidentified object in the middle of nowhere. I don't know about you, but when a research paper conclusion says "We suggest that the transient may be one of a new class" I get a chill of oooh-aaahness down my spine. Especially when after a hundred days of observation, it disappeared from the sky with no explanation. Get your tinfoil hats out, because it gets even weirder.

Oh man, someone on that starship is fired....

"See, that new stealth engineer kept effing up for the past week, and those damn humans finally caught a glimpse of us. That's Dave's third strike...."

Hehe, alienz are teh suck at covert eckzplurayshun. [ Hubble finds unidentified object ]


Bandai Luminodot

09:00 AM PT, Sep 23 2008

For those of us who grew up sticking colored plastic pegs into a black board, Bandai Japan has gone all the way and brought our favorite toy up to its full potential—this is the Lite-Brite we always knew we wanted. Ok, this is a Lite-Brite. But instead of the "hex" pattern with tons of space between pegs and a ceiling fan lightbulb behind the pattern, this has a "square" pattern with little space between pegs and LEDs behind the pattern. Like Lite-Brite HD. Also, because it's LED lit, the LEDs can cycle in 25 pre-programmed patterns to add "animation" to the picture. [ Bandai Luminodot ]


Let your car surf the soundwaves

02:28 PM PT, Sep 22 2008

Thrill-seekers of the scientific and musical variety, look no farther than Lancaster, Calif. tonight for your fix: using your car's tires to play the William Tell Overture.

Today is the last chance that drivers will have to enjoy (or for some, to tolerate) a Honda ad campaign along Avenue K. Grooves were arranged in the road so that a car (ideally, a Honda Civic) driving over the asphalt at 55 mph will crank out the tune to "The Lone Ranger."

The Daily News reports that some nearby residents have complained of screeches and drones that keep them awake at night. By Tuesday, their problems will disappear, as the road will be paved over for good.

The stretch is located about six miles west of downtown Lancaster on Avenue K between 62nd and 70th streets west.

Originally posted at

--Clare Abreu


Light Bot

01:00 PM PT, Sep 22 2008


Program your robot to walk around and light up all the blue squares. Finished with 186 commands, level 10 was actually the hardest for me, but then I think it was the one that kicked my brain into overdrive which made 11 and 12 easy. [Play Light Bot ]



Bathroom Art

12:00 PM PT, Sep 22 2008


I am so proud of this guy for misattributing one of the quiz squares and then fixing it and leaving it that way for all to see. Most artsy snob types I know would never let it be known their grasp of art history was anything less than perfect. This is a great idea that could have been executed better, but the subway bathroom? There's no way around how awesome that is. [ Bathroom Art ]


MSN vs GOOGLE - Search Engine Rap Battle

11:00 AM PT, Sep 22 2008

Google and Microsoft had a rap off in the Search Engine Rap Battle. Now you can vote on the winner at There are three separate battles: MSN vs Google, Google vs Yahoo, and MSN vs Yahoo. My vote goes to google as always. I actually really enjoyed the battle between MSN and Yahoo.


Over The Top Limousines

10:00 AM PT, Sep 22 2008


Yeah over the top is right. I just want to say that in MY DAY, I didn't get a limo ride to prom. I drove myself and my 3 dates there. Don't you judge me. "You don't know me, you don't know what I'm about". [Over The Top Limousines ]


20 Most Incredible Desert Oases

09:00 AM PT, Sep 22 2008


You know you play too much of your video game when, you see all these pictures and immediately think of a location in game that you'd like to go back and farm for your beastfury gear. Last night, we took down Excorant the Gargoyle Master and Yaremka the Soul Eater again and you would think I would want a break from it all. Yet, no. But hey, these oases are pretty sweet. I just hope they aren't like Age of Conan's Oasis in Kheshetta and surrounded by 81 level elite mobs that are ready to crush my face in. I hope they are not like that. [20 Most Incredible Desert Oases ]


The Turtleman

02:00 AM PT, Sep 22 2008

As Seen on Kentucky Afield TV!!! Running full speed into a green pond is all part of the fun for the turtleman. Watch as he reaches blindly into murky waters infested with snapping turtles in hopes of grabbing the tail end of this sharp beaked beast. The turtleman is a true one of a kind character. You have to see it to believe it!

like a real life version of when Casey Jones fought Raphael and Leonardo. I am also pretty sure that PETA hates this guy. I hate him too but to be honest but I laughed out loud when he started yelling. Those alligator turtles practically breath radioactive fire, they're so big. It's incredible he hasn't lost a hand. I highly suggest nobody  who can't stand to watch any violence towards turtles watches this video. Mutant or not. I am horrified at his behavior yet endlessly amused at his hickishness. I should also inform you he intends to eat them.


Saved By The Bleep: What They Really Meant To Say

01:00 PM PT, Sep 19 2008

One of my latest AoC characters have been named after one of these characters. Can you guys which one?


I Put In 5 Miles at the Office

12:00 PM PT, Sep 19 2008


TERRI KRIVOSHA, a partner at a Minneapolis law firm, logs three miles each workday on a treadmill without leaving her desk. She finds it easier to exercise while she types than to attend aerobics classes at the crack of dawn.

This sounds like a pretty great idea actually, I just wish it could be implemented everywhere. [Treadmill Office ]


Disney '46 - Story Of Menstruation

11:00 AM PT, Sep 19 2008

This is for the ladies. For it's smart to keep looking smart. That well groomed feeling with give you poise and good morale. And ladies, that's all that is important when all you want to do is stab things with pencils.


Chicken-footed duck scared of water

10:00 AM PT, Sep 19 2008


Okay first it has chicken feet secondly it's scared of water. Addddddorable. Sounds like something Pixar would dream up. [ Chicken Duck ]


ARRRrrrr Piano Solos

09:00 AM PT, Sep 19 2008

This is a video of concert pianist Wibi Soerjadi dressed as an amputee pirate to show off his  one-handed piano technique. He plays the theme from The Pirates of the Caribbean with only his left hand.

Personally, this just gets me all pumped up for International Talk Like a Pirate Day! It's pretty much my favourite day ever other than Halloween.


Bad Day At The Office

08:00 AM PT, Sep 19 2008

I mean, it just doesn't really get much worse than that. I mean it does but nobody better tell that guy.


Time Of My Life

02:00 PM PT, Sep 18 2008

Time of my Life is a Daily Photo Aging Project by Dan Hanna. From June 1, 1991, when he was 31 years old, to September 17, 2007, when he was 48 years old, he took a photo of himself every day.

I love when people do these photo aging projects. This one is pretty entertaining but would it kill him to smile a little bit? Come on...


Will Ferrell Answers Internet Questions

02:00 PM PT, Sep 18 2008

Language may not be safe for work and yet I can really relate with the questions. I still love you despite that, Will Ferrell.


Grocery Shrink Ray

01:00 PM PT, Sep 18 2008


I am positive that my blueberry packages get smaller and more expensive every year. I think it's time to investigate! The Consumerist looks into 34 products (with pictures) on grocery store shelves that have downsized over the years. Well, except for the price. This is nothing new but maybe it's time we start to f*%&*$%^$ RAGE! [ Grocery Shrink Ray ]


Brilliant Kid Song

12:00 PM PT, Sep 18 2008

  Takes a while to get into it... but the kid and her parents might be on to something here. Young lady, stay in kindergarten, I don't want this internet fame to go to your head.


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About the Blogger
Christie St. Martin
Christie St. Martin
Christie St. Martin was born in Bermuda and educated at two Canadian universities that would prefer not to be mentioned here until she supplies them with healthy building endowments. An uber-geek and proud of it, she established herself as an Internet presence with All Things Christie, a blog that managed, with its quirky and unabashedly self-indulgent links to and commentary on whatever struck her fancy or her ire, to attract small legions of readers, fans and would-be stalkers. Her interests were as they are: myriad and eclectic, though certainly given to a particular fondness for the tech-y, the game-y and the kitschy. She is her own organizing principle, a kind of mad surfer on the crests of cultural lunacy, alternately acerbic, ecstatic and unintentionally insightful. She has since blogged for VH1's "Best Week Ever" and, providing her usual melange of cheek, snark and occasional observation. Christie also contributes to LAT's Hero Complex blog.

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