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Ohio midair crash kills 2, rains debris on neighborhood

Story Highlights

NEW: FAA says crash was between 2 fixed-wing aircraft
• Witnesses gave conflicting accounts of the types of aircraft involved
• FAA had no information about, aircrafts' flight plans, why they were so close
• Debris closed roads, fell into yards; no injuries reported on the ground
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SHARONVILLE, Ohio (AP) -- Two small aircraft collided Friday over suburban Cincinnati, raining debris onto roads and back yards and killing two people on board, authorities said.

The accident evidently involved two planes, the Federal Aviation Administration said in a recorded message. The agency initially said one of the aircraft might have been a helicopter.

Witnesses gave conflicting accounts of the types of aircraft involved.

The FAA had no information about the aircrafts' flight plans or why they were so close together. Blue Ash Airport, a runway used by small planes, is several miles away.

No injuries were reported on the ground. Several roads were closed because of the debris.

The planes' pilots were not required to file flight plans and apparently were not in contact with air traffic controllers, the FAA said.

Resident Joe Muenks said wreckage from one of the planes fell in a yard about three blocks from his house.

"It took out about a third of a tree," Muenks said. "The plane nose-dived. ... The metal was so crunched together, we could just see there was no way anyone who was in there could have survived."

What remained of the other plane landed in a street less than a mile (1.6 kilometers) away, blocking the two-lane road with some debris ending up in a front yard. The aircraft narrowly missed a busy interstate, coming down on either side of it.

Copyright 2007 The Associated Press. All rights reserved.This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten, or redistributed.


Debris from the Sharonville, Ohio, crash closed several roads Friday. No injuries were reported on the ground.



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