Queen Camilla: For the first time Charles states publicly that his wife COULD be crowned at his side

Charles and Camilla preview

During a revealing television interview, the Prince of Wales was asked outright whether the Duchess of Cornwall will be made Queen if and when he comes to the throne, rather than Princess Consort. In an uncomfortable moment, he stammered: ‘That’s, that’s, we’ll see, won’t we? That could be.’

Best wishes… but keep costs down: Cash-strapped public’s verdict on Wills and Kate’s wedding

Great news: But the public are also keen that the Royal Family pays its way when William and Kate marry

More than 80 per cent of those interviewed for a Daily Mail poll sent a strong message saying taxpayers must not be asked to fund the occasion.

Would-be glamour girl who cried rape to clear drug debt is jailed for 18 months

samantha merry

Samantha Merry, 21, from Essex, claimed she had been sexually assaulted by the man in a brutal attack which allegedly happened in front of a group of people.

Harriet the traitor: How Harman led plot to topple Gordon Brown

Plotters: Geoff Hoon, Harriet Harman and Patricia Hewitt planned to topple Gordon Brown

The revelations – in a book by Anthony Seldon and Guy Lodge serialised in today’s Daily Mail – raise major questions about the loyalty of the woman who is now deputy to Labour leader Ed Miliband.

Grown men writhing like snakes... screams so loud the neighbours complain... the Mail investigates the world of the 21st century exorcists

Classic: The bedroom scene from the 1973 film The Exorcist is one of the more famous in cinema history - but it now appears that a new brand of 'internet' exorcists are cashing in

Why are thousands of people turning to the modern-day 'internet' exorcists who conduct their rituals in return for offerings or donations?

'You're an illegal alien': Grandmother who's lived in Britain since she was six months old is threatened with deportation

Shock: Joan Wakely and her Canadian passport

Joan Wakely, 65, has been branded an illegal immigrant, even though she and her husband have brought up three children and two grandchildren in the UK.

Woman, 26, died of DVT after being 'fobbed off' by nurse who relied too much on computerised guide

Misdiagnosed: Rebecca Cain identified her deep vein thrombosis herself but a nurse missed it as she was relying too much on a computerised guide

Marketing executive Rebecca Cain had identified the condition herself after ten minutes’ research into her symptoms on the internet.

Labour MP who branded middle class ‘hypocrites and drunkards’ spends night in a cell after being arrested for drink driving

'Hypocrites': Mp Eric Joyce, who was fined and banned from driving after failing to give a breath sample to police, returns home after the court appearance today

Just three days after attacking voters in an article, Eric Joyce was banned from driving and now has a criminal record after he was arrested by police last night.

Day of turmoil for Tories as Lord Young quits over 'never had it so good' gaffe

Climbdown: Lord Young said he understood the offence caused

After a shambolic morning in which No 10 first backed Lord Young to stay in his job and then distanced itself from him, officials announced at lunchtime that his resignation had been accepted.

'My knees tremble when I see you': How my teacher seduced me, by boy of 15

Get in the bed, the electric blanket's on: How 37-year-old teacher Hina Patel seduced one of two 15-year-old schoolboys

Mother of two Hina Patel, 37, faces jail after she admitted having sex with two 15-year-old pupils while working as a supply teacher at an all-boys comprehensive.

I'm just trying to blend in: Can YOU spot the 'invisible man' artist

Where is Liu Bolin? the artist stands in front of the 'Birds Nest' Olympic Stadium in Beijing, China

Banker who lost job while on maternity leave gets £1.5m payout

Payout: Oksana Denysenko (pictured with husband Stefan) lost her job at Credit Suisse after maternity leave

Oksana Denysenko, from Kensington, came back to work as a vice-­president with Credit Suisse after the birth of her daughter to find that the colleague covering her position was still there.

The hot-wax mask loved by celebrities 'that wipes years off your face'

sophie dahl

The paraffin wax facial, a thermal mask painted on to the skin and kept warm under infra-red light, is the latest craze among A-listers, such as Sophie Dahl, in the quest for more youthful skin.

Two screens are better than one for 60% of Britons who regularly watch TV and surf the internet

More than half Britons confess to using a laptop while watching television

In more evidence of how digital technology is dwindling attention spans, a survey found 60 per cent of us regularly watch a show on our sets while simultaneously keeping an eye on something else.

Millions of motorists face £250 bill to switch car radio when airwaves go digital

Digital timebomb: Old-style radios are still sold as standard in new cars

The traditional analogue FM and medium-wave signal is due to be switched off in 2015, but as many as 25million cars still have traditional radios which will stop working.

Grammar is back... and spelling will also score marks under exams shake-up

Getting tougher: Pupils are facing tougher exams as part of radical reforms that also include a crackdown on poor spelling and grammar

In a five-year blueprint for schooling, Education Secretary Michael Gove will signal a return to traditional A-levels and GCSEs, taken at the end of courses.

Cambridge University academic claims 'girls are held back by ladette culture'

Cambridge University students on a pub crawl around the city

Young women are so sexualised and image-conscious they lack intellectual ­confidence, a senior Cambridge University ­academic has claimed.

British honeymooner whose wife was shot dead in South African township is £6.25million in debt

Tragic: Mrs Dewani is pictured on her wedding day in India with husband Shrien

Shrien Dewani's care home business PSP Healthcare owes more than £4 million to the banks. The company is reported to have made a loss of £822,000 last year, double the 2008 losses.

Jurors 'should be prosecuted for tweeting from courts and Googling defendants', warns top judge

Background info: A top judge has warned that Twitter is an easy means of unlawful information spreading which may compromise a trial

Lord Judge, the Lord Chief Justice, warned it was all too easy for campaigners to bombard the micro-blogging site Twitter with messages in a bid to influence the case.

Blow for 2.5m households as Scottish Power raises electricity bills by 9% before the winter


The company is putting up electricity tariffs by 8.9 per cent and gas by 2 per cent, adding £52 to the average annual dual fuel bill - taking it to £1,357.

Average pay for Whitehall staff up 'well ahead of inflation'

Yes please minister: Civil servants' pay is outstripping rising prices

Half a million civil servants enjoyed above-inflation pay rises last year, figures showed yesterday.

Liver transplant operation goes ahead following 'fireball' plane crash at Birmingham Airport

Explosion: The plane reported to be involved in the crash at Birmingham Airport was this Cessna Citation twin-engined jet

The liver was on board a Cessna that crash-landed on the tarmac in foggy conditions at Birmingham Airport yesterday.

Three Britons among the missing as New Zealand pit blast leaves 29 miners feared trapped half a mile underground

Miners stand near the entrance to the remote mine after an explosion rocked the colliery in New Zealand on Friday, trapping 27 miners underground

One was understood to be a Scotsman from Perthshire and the two others were from Yorkshire.They had been working there for over a year.

Archbishop of Canterbury warns Anglicans to brace for shortage of vicars because of exodus to Catholic church

Dr Rowan Williams

Dr Rowan Williams made the warning after meeting Pope Benedict XVI at the Vatican during an event to celebrate the 50th anniversary of the Pontifical Council for Christian Unity.

Ireland faces showdown over 'unfair' tax rate as IMF negotiates £70bn bail-out to save its crippled banks

Protests: Demonstrators concerned by Ireland's perilous finances fear further problems from a bail-out

The Irish government is coming under increasing pressure to increase its controversially low 12.5% corporation tax rate as part of any bank bail-out.

'This is jabberwocky to me': Margaret Thatcher's scorn of ministers is revealed in historic notes

Thatcher doc

Hand-written notes in the margins of Government papers that passed over Lady Thatcher's desk in 1979 show her displeasure with ministers.

Nearly half of over-50s have yet to fulfil even one lifelong dream

Constraints: Over-50s are held back from achieving their life-long goals by their financial worries (posed by models)

The survey found that the favourite ambition was to be financially self-sufficient, followed by the ability to provide ‘significant financial assistance’ to children.

'Oh, and another thing...': Ohio changes law to shorten final words of death row inmates after prisoner took 17 minutes

Death row: Michael Beuke was executed in May for the 1983 murder of a motorist he met while hitchiking in Ohio

Michael Beuke, a hitchhiker who killed a motorist who picked him up and then shot two others, spent his final moments reciting the rosary and apologising for his crimes.

Cancer survivor forced to show prosthetic breast to TSA agents during airport pat-down

Cathy Bossi from South Charlotte was asked to remove her prosthetic breast by the TSA

Flight attendant Cathy Bossi from South Charlotte said she was horrified at having to take out her fake breast to show TSA agents even having gone through the full body scanner.

Kidnap victim 'bludgeoned to death' and found in back of van was married father-of-three

Tresanton in Sunningdale

Shaleem Amar, of Sunningdale, was married and father to an eight-year-old boy and two daughters aged seven and three.

Tens of thousands of families placed on flood alert as forecasters predict another deluge

Soaked: A flooded road in Lostwithiel, Cornwall earlier this week - more floods are predicted this weekend in England, Wales and Scotland

The Met Office predicted that a week’s rain – up to 1.6 inches – could fall in just a few hours overnight in Cornwall and Devon.

Medal for the hero of Rorke's Drift revisited in Afghanistan who held off the Taliban's Zulu-style attack

Lieutenant Craig Shephard

Lieutenant Craig Shephard spurred his brave men on to repel hardcore Taliban fighters launching wave after wave of suicidal onslaughts as they tried to get into the isolated British base in northern Nad'e Ali.

Fake bomb aboard German passenger jet 'was made by U.S. firm to test airport security'

The Air Berlin flight bound for Munich took off six hours late and with no cargo after the suspicious package was found near baggage

A fake bomb that delayed a Germany-bound flight from Namibia for six hours has been revealed as a U.S.-made device designed to test airport security services.

Why the working weekend doesn't start until 12.38pm on Saturday (and finishes at 3.55pm on Sunday)

Workers find it had to unwind from the stresses of the week (file picture)

Researchers have found the average adult doesn't fully unwind from the stresses of the week until 12.38pm on Saturday afternoon.

Thai police investigating strong smell at Buddhist temple discover more than 2,000 foetuses hidden inside plastic bags

Grim: More than 2,000 foetuses hidden inside plastic bags have been found in the vaults underneath a Buddhist temple in Bangkok

During an initial investigation at the temple in Bangkok, piles of plastic bags were found in vaults containing more than 300 foetuses.

Polo playing friend of Prince Charles throws himself in front of Tube train after business hit by recession

Paul Castle with Prince Charles at a polo match

Supermodel Erin O'Connor ‘lost £45,000 as trusted PA turned thief to fund lavish lifestyle'

'Left distraught': Supermodel Erin O'Connor, left, and Michelle Knox-Brown, accused of stealing from her

Britons are among 2,000 trapped in bad weather in village neat Mount Everest

Annual draw: Many Westerners travel at this time to see Mount Everest, beginning their treks from Lukla, where 2,000 tourists are currently stranded

Flights out of Lukla in Nepal, one of the most dangerous airports in the world, have been grounded for almost a week because of bad weather.

Fancy a heart attack on a plate? Then sit down at some of America's best-loved eateries, says the Xtreme Eating Awards

Olive Garden

In a country where food portion sizes seem to be based more on a dare than for nutritional value, many restaurants serve up a meal that could pose a health risk.

Music teacher with 'underwater sexual fetish dunked naked female student in bath'

Michael Crombie, 73, denies 28 counts of indecent assault, seven counts of making indecent images of a child and possessing indecent images of a child

Michael Crombie, 73, allegedly filmed himself dunking the youngster so he could watch her breathe during 'music lessons' at his home.

Newlywed Royal Marine captain was killed with his sister in car crash less than a fortnight after he married

Missed: Captain Michael Strachan and sister Dr Maia Strachan

Newlywed Captain Michael Strachan, 28, a member of Arbroath-based 45 Commando Royal Marines, and his sister Dr Maia Strachan, 26, both died after the powerful TVR sports car they were in crashed.

Amanda Knox's conviction was biased, unjust and breached international law: Lawyers launch murder appeal

Appeal: Lawyers for Amanda Knox claim her conviction for murdering Meredith Kercher was biased, unjust and contravened international law

No motive was ever given for why the 23-year-old murdered British student Meredith Kercher and ‘mere hypotheses’ were used to reach the guilty verdict, they claim.

Names, photographs, addresses and ID numbers of 200 Israeli soldiers posted on a website by British activists

Palestinian protesters

Israel's military has condemned the publication of names and photographs of 200 Israeli soldiers on a website that called them 'war criminals.'

Iraq war vet murdered student he abducted in her car by shooting her in the back as she tried to flee naked

Shot victim in the back: Courtney Lockhart abducted an 18-year-old student while trying to rob her and killed her as she tried to escape in the nude

Jurors took nearly seven hours to find Courtney Lockhart, 26, guilty of abducting and shooting an 18-year-old freshman from Georgia.

Why we only like the sound of someone laughing if their mouth is open

Russell Brand has a laugh while in New York earlier this week

Scientists discovered laughter is only truly infectious if its an open-mouthed 'ha-ha' rather than a muted snigger.


New Zealand mine explosion        

Sailing into the sunset: The valiant Ark Royal aircraft carrier heads to her final resting place after 25 years of loyal service

Majestic: The Ark Royal sails down the Firth of Clyde on its way to being decommissioned

Headteachers' leader backs call to scrap worship in schools law

general secretary of the Association of School and College Leaders (ASCL)

A letter organised by the British Humanist Association and backed by headteachers' leader Brian Lightman argues the rule stating 'daily collective worship' infringes children's right to 'freedom of belief'.

Now that's a cliffhanger: 20ft of coastline gone in just one year

Second picture showing a chalet and mobile home demolished

The first photo shows two homes on a piece of land called the Retreat at Easton Bavents, near Southwold, Suffolk, about six metres from the edge in October 2009.

Student choked to death on a piece of steak during Christmas meal as friends looked on

Terrible accident: Greg Beckett, 23, choked to death on a piece of steak during a meal with friends

Greg Beckett, 23, died the day before Christmas Eve last year after returning home from Oxford Brookes University for the festive holiday.

Cash-strapped council forced to spend £21,000 lowering 'too high' speed bumps by an inch

Astonishing: Bolton council are spending £20,000 to reduce the size of speed bumps in Deepdale Road by just one inch to meet guidelines

Motorists have complained about the height of several humps in Bolton, Lancashire, saying they had damaged their bumpers, with the council ordered the adjustment.

New Zealand man strangled girlfriend, slept next to her body and kept corpse in lounge for a month

Gordon Hieatt

Crown prosecutor Rachael Reed said that Gordon Hieatt killed Miss Vaikaew, a sex worker who originally came from Thailand, during an argument.

Girl, five, fights for life after falling from scooter into the path of bus

The girl involved is believed to be a pupil at Knightwood Primary School, in Chandler's Ford, Southampton. The accident took place just after the end of the school day

The youngster was hit by the 14-tonne single-decker in Chandler's Ford, near Southampton as she travelled home from school with her mother.

Homeless hero finds $3,300 cash in lost backpack... and gives it BACK

Dave Tally, who has been homeless for 11 years and was broke, returned $3,300 of cash he found in a backpack

A homeless man in Arizona found £2,000 in a backpack, tracked down the owner and gave it back. Dave Talley is a recovering alcoholic who's been homeless for 11 years

I'm just trying to blend in: Can YOU spot the 'invisible man' artist

Where is Liu Bolin? the artist stands in front of the 'Birds Nest' Olympic Stadium in Beijing, China

Whether lurking next to a telephone box or standing to attention in front of the iconic Beijing Olympic Stadium, Liu Bolin has made an art form out of blending in.

Landlady left five pets for three months to die in squalor while she went into rehab

Lorraine Peake
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