SEO – How Websites Get Noticed

SEO – How Websites Get Noticed

Search Engines are the number one way that potential visitors will discover your web site online.   The other way is via links from other established web pages.

These two methods are intimately related – as Search Engines determine how valuable of a resource your site is – mostly based on how many other web sites are providing one-way links to you.

So the first step to becoming a valuable web site is to start figuring out what valuable kinds of information, services and opportunities you can provide to your visitors at no charge.

This information needs to be built around the words your customers use to describe their needs.   You are offering answers.   By focusing on these words – the search engines can "read" your web page and automatically determine that you have something relevant to say on this topic.   Once the customer gets to your web site – they should be engaged with the information or offers you have in a way that clearly identifies their need and the solutions you are offering.

After the website has been built and stocked with the right kinds of useful material – its time to let people know that you exist.    We have a list of established web directories that you can submit your site to.    Getting linked on serveral of these important directories will definitely get you noticed by Search Engines such as Google.

CashBoxHosting provides advanced research assistance to help you determine which other valuable web sites would be possible candidates to review your web site.    Getting linked on high-ranking web sites in your niche is the key to moving to the top of the search engine results pile.

Search Engines place a big value on social media sites such as discussion groups, Twitter, Youtube and Craigslist.   Writing articles and posting relevant comments on related sites can definitely boost your Search Engine relevance as long as you are free to include a links to your website.

The key attitude to becoming a valuable resource on the web – is an orientation towards generosity and giving of valuable information.


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