June 20, 2008
Posted: 01:46 PM ET

Clinton has the most support among Facebook members speculating about Obama's running mate.
Clinton has the most support among Facebook members speculating about Obama's running mate.

WASHINGTON (CNN) – In an election that's been indelibly shaped by the Internet, veepstakes speculation is alive and well on Facebook, world's sixth most-trafficked Web site.

Among Democrats on the popular social networking site, Hillary Clinton is far and away the favorite to be tapped as Barack Obama's running mate. For John McCain, Mike Huckabee leads the prospective vice presidential pack.

More than 3,000 Facebook members have joined over 40 groups supporting Clinton for vice president, though most of the groups were originally formed to push for an Obama-Clinton unity ticket during the long primary battle. Once Clinton dropped out, many of these Facebook groups started pushing for her to be tapped as Obama's running mate.

Clinton is trailed by John Edwards, who is backed by 18 groups with nearly 2,000 members. He's followed by Bill Richardson with 514 Facebook supporters, putting the New Mexico governor slightly ahead of Joe Biden, who has 510 fans hoping Obama puts him on the ticket.

The Democratic frontrunners are followed, in descending order, by Jim Webb, Kathleen Sebelius, Al Gore, Wes Clark, Chuck Hagel, Evan Bayh, Mark Warner, Claire McCaskill and Janet Napolitano.

Three students at an all-girls Catholic high school in Houston are rooting for Obama to tap long shot Democratic candidate Mike Gravel. And one 18-member Facebook group, launched in February of last year, is holding out hope that Obama will choose Bill Clinton as his running mate.

Among Republicans, Huckabee (3,697 Facebook supporters) and Mitt Romney (over 2,700 supporters) are the favorites to share the ticket with McCain. But aside from McCain's former presidential rivals, few GOP politicians seem to be generating much buzz on the site.

Bobby Jindal, Sarah Palin and Condoleezza Rice have a few hundred supporters each, just a fraction of the frontrunners' total. They're followed by Haley Barbour, Fred Thompson, John Thune and Mark Sanford.

And Charlie Crist, who regularly tops speculation among political observers, draws just 11 supporters. One of them is Canadian.

Filed under: Barack Obama • Hillary Clinton • John McCain • Veepstakes

Argggggg!   June 20th, 2008 1:48 pm ET

They've got to be frontfunners for Facebook, because the real world is tired of them. If I see that Huckabeast one more time I think I'm going to puke. And if I hear one more of Hillary's lies, I'll puke again.

Jim Wade, Cedar Rapids IA   June 20th, 2008 1:51 pm ET

…probably because they are the two most known individuals on the poll at this time due to them being the last ones to exit the primaries…

Theresa   June 20th, 2008 1:51 pm ET

CNN don't shut down my comments with regards to Nader's story.
Here is again:
This is democratic country. Nader deserves to present his opinions.
I don’t understand these people or is it because the majority of you become anarchists who try to shut down other candidates. Those of you who only think about achieving high scores in grand theft auto game rather than reading the news about facts. Read, study, analyze and compare what their idea are and choose (use your brain and not your mouth and don’t use foul language unless you aren’t smart enough to use intelligent arguments) which one has better idea, which one is for or against Americans’ interests with regard to NAFTA/economy, foreign policies, etc.
This is not American Idol or any singing, acting, dancing or speech competitions.

Eugene   June 20th, 2008 1:51 pm ET

Obama is a flip flop liar. He is the same old politician. He flip flop about Public Funding and NAFTA. During the primary, he said he did not aware of his staff talking to the Canadian about NAFTA but look at his position about NAFTA now, it is exactly what his staff said to the Canadian that time. He lies to Americans to get votes. This is change that you can expect from him. Also, at the Al Gore endorsement Obama rally, when the Governor of Michigan mention Hillary name, Obama's supporters boo her rudely. This is the Unity that Obama promise you. This is another change that you can expect from Obama. After all of this, I suggest all Americans do not ever listen to anything Obama say but look at what Obama did instead. He will never get my support or my vote no matter what Hillary say to convince us to support him. I simply can not support a flip flop liar.

She's Not, MO   June 20th, 2008 1:52 pm ET

Hillary is NOT an honorable woman. I keep saying that for a reason, she really isn't. Her mother raised her stupidly, to think only of herself. We can't use her on our team. Kick her to the curb and let her ruin someone else's administration.

Bobby   June 20th, 2008 1:53 pm ET

At a time of non-stop news, endless "extreme" everything, how dumb is this article? Give it a rest, guys!

Huck-a-NUT is a religious head case!   June 20th, 2008 1:54 pm ET

Oh, yeah put a religious nut case in the White House. We are already going back 100 years with McCain, now send us back to biblical days with Huckanut!

I might as well order my FDLS dress and hairdo now.

jenn in Cape Cod   June 20th, 2008 1:54 pm ET

Obama is very liberal and needs a moderate to conservative Democrat with LOTS of experience to balance out his ticket—while Edwards is certainly likeable, he and Obama are just the same and the Republicans will bury them in November by promoting them as weak JimmyCarter-types. I hate to say it but Obama NEEDs Hillary now. If he doesn't choose her I think he'll lose against a strong McCain/Romney ticket. Jennifer Cape Cod

Dana, OR   June 20th, 2008 1:55 pm ET

No one wants to be the VP, after such a bruising primary. Hillary only thinks about herself, which makes life easy. I always ask myself, now what does Hillary want–and it's always something selfish.

In this case, she wants to be prez in 2012, which means she'll have to stab Barack in the back. So, I'm not buying her getting onboard and "helping" Barack. Help him do what, step off a cliff.

She's poison, get let her go back home to NY, or wherever she's from.

let's see...   June 20th, 2008 1:56 pm ET

Facebook is a group that is 95% junior high, HS, and college kids that really know nothing about what they want.

Some will know, but the vast majority have no idea what they want or how they want it.

As a young man myself (26), what I stand for is what is not now, but 30 years from now.

My age bracket will not have SS or medicare, our debt in borrowed money is $44 trillion dollars, while we bring in around $6 trillion annually…

We are in tremendous trouble keeping our country alive if we don't do something about it.

Neither candidate cares about this at all, so why should I care? I invest in gold, silver, and ammunition because that is what will keep me alive.

Ben   June 20th, 2008 1:56 pm ET

What is the point of this article? It clearly shows who some people want to be given the VP nod, NOT who will actually be the given the nod. Hillary is clearly stubborn and powerhungry, which generally won't yield a good working relationship with a president. Moreover, her husband shares these same qualities, and will follow her. She isn't the front runner. If you want to know who the frontrunner is, don't use facebook, rather look at Intrade, where people bet on who will be the VP. Currently, Web leads with nearly a 25% chance of getting the nod. Hillary, by contrast, only has a 12% chance, despite having a huge number of supporters.

MLG   June 20th, 2008 1:57 pm ET

McCain/Huckabee 08

Dee Dee, PA   June 20th, 2008 1:57 pm ET

Whaaaaaaaaa, look at me, let me be VP, whaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa.

I can't stand Hillary and I would never ask her back on any stage, because she does not know when to leave. I can't stand to look at her.

Jeff   June 20th, 2008 1:58 pm ET

Hillary as VP still wouldn't help Obama!

He's unelectable!

Hillary - stay away from this loser!

Bob Indianapolis, IN   June 20th, 2008 1:59 pm ET

OOhhh! FACEBOOK! McSame's big hook-up with the young people…

Dawn, IA   June 20th, 2008 1:59 pm ET

I hate liars. Especially the ones who say they're working for the people when they are really working for themselves. Hillary is one of those liars. She really doesn't care about the people and will lie, steal, and cheat her way up the ladder.

Thanks for showing your true colors. And to think I respected her at one time. Not anymore, my eyes are wide open.

J. McKinney   June 20th, 2008 1:59 pm ET

I can only hope and pray that the Obama team has the good judgement to offer Hillary the VP position. I don't think they will, but it is the only way i will vote for him. And I can't see what he has against H. Clinton being his VP, as he has most of Bill Clinton's team now hired. What's the big deal about "change" with all the Clinton team working for him? I can only hope that Obama screws up BEFORE he gets the nomination in Aug., because I know he will after if not before, when it is too late to get Hillary for our Dem. nomination.
The news is still protecting Obama and Michelle. I was watching her on the View, and she DID say Obama was "pathetic", not empathetic. She said "He's so sweet and pathetic". If she had said it the other way, she would have said "sweet and empathetic", there was no pause there for a comma. But everyone is covering for her. She runs him completely–if he gets elected, she will be our president, and he just a figurehead. God help us then. We desperately need Hillary.

You should have voted for Hillary!!!   June 20th, 2008 2:00 pm ET

If Edwards get's on the ticket I will never vote for Obama. I will write Hillary's name in or just stay home that day…

S. Boatman Warrensburg Mo.   June 20th, 2008 2:00 pm ET

I Dont Think Hillary Is Going To Be Number Two When She Would Have A Lot More Influence Back In The Senate!

Roofin Reality, Houston, Tx.   June 20th, 2008 2:00 pm ET

Jim at 1:51pm, good observation.

As an Obama supporter, I'm okay with whomever he selects as long as he does the proper "Vetting."
And if that's Senator Clinton, I'm all for it. She brings a wealth of knowledge, contacts and a support group of more than 10 million strong. So, while she'd attract some people to the polls who'd vote against her, (yes, there are a LOT of people who don't like her and that was before the primaries really got started), I think she'd solidify Ohio, Pennsylvania and perhaps Florida. As well, Arkansas could turn. With those states, Obama is President.

I'm tired of the last 6 years otf total Republican domination, and then the last 1 1/2 years with a Repub as President.
And guess what? According to an AP/IPSOS poll recently, 80% of Americans feel that this country is on the wrong track.

If I look at many of McCain's policies, a good number of them follow along the same poor outcomes that President Bush provided for us. So, again, whomever Obama chooses, I'm good with that.

I will say, growing up as a Baptist, I like some of Huckabees social outlook. I just didn't care for any of his policies. And like Obama, I'd let McCain choose his own. He's pretty smart enough to do that.

WD   June 20th, 2008 2:02 pm ET


Haha   June 20th, 2008 2:02 pm ET

Either of the two are huge mistakes.

American   June 20th, 2008 2:02 pm ET

Who cares what the Repugnants do….but as for the Democrats, I don't think Clinton would be a right fit for Obama….not because she is not a good candidate, but she may be bigger than what that position offers and end up overplaying her hand and undermining his postions. She definitely should get a position of power within the party but VP might be a slap in the face for her….plus, deep down I still think she and her cohorts hopes Obama loses so that she can run again in 4 yrs, cus they know that if McBush wins, he won't last more than 4 yrs.

proud army and navy mom   June 20th, 2008 2:02 pm ET


Sen Obama will make the decision in his own time. Give it a rest, pleeeease.

Down with Obama   June 20th, 2008 2:02 pm ET

She should be the one running for President!!!!!!!!!

Obama should not even be on the ticket. Obama is selected, NOT Elected!!!!!!!


Hear us roar!!!!!!!!

ALLBAMALLTHETIME   June 20th, 2008 2:03 pm ET

No more fuel–in anticipation of conflagaration and fires…!!

Travis (in the real world)   June 20th, 2008 2:03 pm ET

I have a suggestion…..Billary take Bubba and Chelsea on a nice long boat cruise (Alaska is nice this time of year)…..if you come back after the GE it would be soooo nice.

If you do take that cruise I will match the little boy's price for his bicycle ($400) that he gave you IF YOU WOULD JUST DISAPPEAR.(I hope you feel good about spending his money that you and your family enjoyed in San Juan.

BHO Not my candidate   June 20th, 2008 2:03 pm ET

Obama/Gore…. this is becoming reality that Gore is the #1 pick right now…….. Mccain: who knows I think he just baiting and waiting for Obama to pick first…

Brian   June 20th, 2008 2:03 pm ET

Wow someone posts as "woman for GOP VP"

Doesn't this person know anything about politics? The GOP has NEVER nominated a minority (non-white, non-male or non protestant) person for president of vice president.

The TRUTH hurts doesn't????

GOP = Good Ol'boy Party……. how them gas prices treating you?

pam Eugene OR   June 20th, 2008 2:04 pm ET

Stand up and run around the desk. I am starting to wake back up.

Down with Obama   June 20th, 2008 2:04 pm ET

Argggggg, Obama is one big LIE!! He is filled with hate against the white people and before November…all will know just what kind of person Obama is……he is a loser!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


PUMA Democrat!!!

Matt, Manchester, CT   June 20th, 2008 2:05 pm ET

Wow, must be a slow day down in Atlanta. I'm betting some intern is made to work on a Friday (when no one else is there). This kind of iditotic story is the best that kid could come up with?

You guys are grasping at straws big time.

123456789   June 20th, 2008 2:05 pm ET

Hey Democrats for McCain…….Thank you for voting with us, However we feel you are laughing stock of politics and could never truely welcome you turncoats……we will enjoy your votes and "USE" you to the fullest. Do you expect anything from us in return…….LMAO

McCain 08

VP is Obama's choice   June 20th, 2008 2:05 pm ET

I doubt the VP will be Hillary, sorry to burst facebooks bubble

It's a done deal   June 20th, 2008 2:06 pm ET

Huckabee would be a great VP, but he would outshine McCain to the point of him being a liability. McCain would also lose the Independents and any confused Dems with a preacher on the ticket.

Hillary will not be picked, but we should keep the flame burning … why? I have no idea, but the Republicans posing as Dems seem to know.

Auntie Coosa   June 20th, 2008 2:06 pm ET

Hillary will end up being Sec of Health and Human Services IF Barack wins..

Huckabee will end up in Arkansas, where he belongs, wondering why he's so disliked by Republicans and Independents.

VP is Obama's choice   June 20th, 2008 2:06 pm ET

I doubt the VP will be Hillary. Sorry to burst facebook's bubble

Sherri   June 20th, 2008 2:07 pm ET

John Edwards would be great! So would Bill Richardson.

I don't care who the GOP selects.

Seth in Jacksonville, FL   June 20th, 2008 2:09 pm ET

Please pick Sam Nunn as your VP. He will bring foreign policy experience, age, and can help deliver Georgia in the election.

Thank you.

JD   June 20th, 2008 2:10 pm ET

as long as it's not Romney….that guy is straight SCARY.

but i suppose Huckabee is scary too.

so is Hillary

wow, what happened to the US? when THESE are the best VP candidates we can come up with?

Susan   June 20th, 2008 2:10 pm ET

Yes, Hillary should be the vice president. She & Obama could pull their supporters together and win the election!

Obama/Hillary 08!!!! :)

Democrat in 08!   June 20th, 2008 2:10 pm ET

Facebook seriously? Obama is ahead in a lot of the polls recently so this whole hype about needing Clinton on the ticket I think is wearing thin. Though I would love to see them both campaign together. I think realistically he probably won't pick her. After all his core message is about change and Clinton does not represent that since she is the establishment. I don't know how he will defend putting her on the ticket. And as much postives that Clinton brings to the ticket she also has many negatives. Therefore a very diffcult decision but am sure he will pick someone great.

Sterling Greenwood   June 20th, 2008 2:10 pm ET

Hillary ought to be McCain's running mate. With all the crossover support she received in Demo primaries from Republicans intent on derailing Obama, it somehow seems appropriate now for her to be McCain's choice for his vice president.
Sterling Greenwood
Aspen Free Press

yellwodog john   June 20th, 2008 2:11 pm ET

ditto that WD

TerryDo   June 20th, 2008 2:11 pm ET

I truly hope Hillary comes out and announces she does not want the V.P.

She is far to superior and intellectual to play "prop up Obama" for the next four years.

He will never win the General Election and we her supporters do not want her aligned with a loser.

Come and Join: PUMA PAC where Hillary is our only concern.

Michael Lorton, Virginia   June 20th, 2008 2:12 pm ET

Huckabee……..maybe……..Hillary……..no show

Down with Obama   June 20th, 2008 2:14 pm ET

AOL Straw Poll: Our weekly survey was restarted again on Friday, June 20 at 11AM ET. The first week of the general election AOL Straw Poll had nearly 410,000 votes. John McCain came out ahead of Barack Obama, 56%-44%. We will be launching a new version of this poll shortly that includes third-party presidential candidates.

This week it is McCain 64% to Obama's 36%. You can only vote once in this poll. There isn't a Blue State on the Map!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


PUMA Democrats on the move!!!!!!!!!!!!

DC Insider   June 20th, 2008 2:14 pm ET

Hillary will have more power by staying in the Senate. And if Obama falters, Hillary is back on 2012. To take a VP role would be dead ending her political career to possible 4 years and certainly it would be over in 8.

Sabrina   June 20th, 2008 2:15 pm ET

Smart people, Hillary for V.P. 08 President 2016.

A Latte Lover, Seattle, WA   June 20th, 2008 2:15 pm ET

All I can say is that Senator Obama will pick who ever he feels is right for his VP. It is quite obvious that he is not going to be bullied into picking Hillary. If he does select Hillary, it will be because he feels she is the right one. There are many good people for Obama to pick from. Personally, I like Webb, Biden, Nunn or Hillary.

Gotta love Huck, but how much would he bring to McCain??? I don't know much about him, but he certainly is likable and funny!

anthony   June 20th, 2008 2:15 pm ET

who gives a crap about facebook?! I mean, we are pretty sure hillary is not going to be the VP cuz look at her future chief of staff in the obama admin. Yea so cross our BILLARY

Independent in Iowa   June 20th, 2008 2:15 pm ET

HUCKABEE would be the biggest mistake for McCain. He's creepy!

Arggggg!? Would you like me to get you a bag? Thank goodness Obama's lies don't affect you that way.

paul   June 20th, 2008 2:17 pm ET

Senator Clinton is at the top of my wish list for the vp slot on this ticket - in fact she is the only real option in my opinion after the primary election the Democratic party just completed. Haters can say what they want about Senator Clinton but she is a smart and great lady and many of us support her (even college educated white males under the age of 45 like myself)

What if?   June 20th, 2008 2:17 pm ET

As I read this column, it reminds me of how some of the voters swears out Obama thinks he Jesus, Moses or a Savior. To be honest, who really think they are the people from the bible……

The next time you begin to think about Obama in this manner, direct it to the real people, The Clintons. They felt and still feel they are entitle to EVERYTHING, no matter who is honestly entitled to it………………


Be Careful Obama, Things may not be what they seem………….

Phil in KC   June 20th, 2008 2:17 pm ET

Interesting that the younger crowd (I think it's safe to say that the Facebook crowd generally represents a younger demographic) are going for some of the more traditional candidates. You might have thought they would have been looking at the candidates that more outwardly reflect change.

Pumas aren't Democrats Anymore   June 20th, 2008 2:17 pm ET

The thought of Clinton on his ticket makes me nausea. I don't not feel Obama has to pander to her voters, they are either for the issues or they are not. If Clinton had won most of Obamas supporters would've backed her, Obama OR not. You want to know why? Because his supporters are people who are TIRED of Washington politics as is. We want someone DIFFERENT (btw, Clinton is no change). We want things to change for the better, we are beyond tired of Bush's "I'll do what I want, screw the people" way of running government. And as much as I cannot stand Clinton after this primary, I would've NEVER considered voting McCain over her. Its called maturity, and you PUMAS need to learn it. Also, PUMAS, stop calling yourself Democrats. Also, stop calling yourself Clinton supporters, she's not running anymore. Let it go.

Obama to the White House with… or without Clinton

Chut Pata   June 20th, 2008 2:18 pm ET

Huckabee is a "Social Conservative" and is not acceptable to Republican party. They would want far right maniacs like Mitt Romney.

Hillary has too much baggage of her own and even more of her husband (the latest gal he is screwing is Julia McMohan per National Enquirer). She may make it miraclously but not with her husband.

Christina   June 20th, 2008 2:18 pm ET

Ok, so 3,000 on facebook for the Obama/Clinton ticket. There is another group with close to 1,000,000 against Hillary Clinton all together. At one time, there were over one million in that group. Why wasn't that reported?

chris   June 20th, 2008 2:18 pm ET

3000 people constitutes a movement on facebook? are you aware that there was a group entitled "if 1,000,000 people join this group, my girlfriend will have a threesome with me" that had several hundred thousand members? I'm sure you can find "Stephen Colbert" support groups with totals a whole order of magnitude higher than that. Why was this article even written?

Todd   June 20th, 2008 2:19 pm ET

People from outside of Louisiana who continue to tout Bobby Jindal for VP, obviuosly haven't been watching what he is actually doing as Governor. I was and hope to continue to be one of his supporters, but there are 2 main issues right now that have a large majority of Louisiana voters upset…his decision not to veto a 200% pay raise for the state legislature which would take effect July 1st, and a repeal on the Stelly Tax (which would help considering gas prices), but he doesn't favor the repeal to take effect until 2010. Do a google news search and you will see the anger, even suggestions of recall.

4 THE CONSTITUTION   June 20th, 2008 2:19 pm ET

More Indepents DON'T want Clinton on the ticket! How can she be on the ticket when the RNC bases most of their attacks on what she and her clan have said about Obama? CNN-still pushing-still dividing the Dems by keeping this option up front-making it harder for her supporters to move on.

Carol, San Luis Obispo, CA   June 20th, 2008 2:19 pm ET

Facebook? Someone is paid to monitor Facebook and write a political piece based on their findings?

Matt: honestly   June 20th, 2008 2:19 pm ET

You PUMA folk make me (and much of the nation) laugh. You say you are 18 million strong. HAHAHAHAHAHA. Right. Get a life, and stop being BITTER that your candidate did not get picked.

crazydrumguy   June 20th, 2008 2:19 pm ET

It's on Facebook? Well, Obama and McCain just have no choice.

Terry   June 20th, 2008 2:19 pm ET

Since they both refused to exit when the time has come and gone to do so, most people noticed them. Nothing more to it. Believe me.

Darth Vadik, CA   June 20th, 2008 2:20 pm ET

Poor old McCain,
he's going to get steamrolled,
worst Republican loss since Goldwater/Miller ticket
and I cant wait for it.

Marilyn   June 20th, 2008 2:21 pm ET


independent   June 20th, 2008 2:21 pm ET

if a woman and black man govern this country, it will be a better place to live

What if?   June 20th, 2008 2:22 pm ET

I would trust Republicans, Huckabee, before any Clinton. At least he isn't claiming to be a democrat, but act like a republican. When he comments negatively, it's not by discrediting someone in his own party.

Obama/Huckabee 08

Eugene   June 20th, 2008 2:22 pm ET

As a Clinton supporter that will not vote for Obama, I hope she does not accept a request to be the Vice President nominee. With or without her. Obama will lose the general election. The Republican attack machine has not even started yet and with the polls showing about a tie vote, its really going to look bad for Obama. I will be casting my vote for Nader.

john williams san diego, ca.   June 20th, 2008 2:22 pm ET

FOOLS for HILLARY…even now it's all about Hillary..She still has a need for those ruby heels.

Charlotte   June 20th, 2008 2:24 pm ET

Naders only purpose it to pull votes from the the main characters. He has been successful in the past and will do so again. I will write Hillary on my ballot, as will many that I know. I cannot vote for anyone that may be on my ballot at this time. If Hillary is asked and agrees to be Obamas VP, I might vote for that ticket. It would be hard for me to do, but that is the only way Obama gets my vote.

yardstylze   June 20th, 2008 2:25 pm ET

Dan Abrams showed footage he uncovered of a Fox News interview with John McCain on March 13, 2008, in which McCain said, "I didn't really love America until I was deprived of her company."

Abrams thinks McCain's comments could undermine the "right wing's steady attacks against Michelle Obama."

A.K.   June 20th, 2008 2:26 pm ET

How is this news?


ProundToBeADemocrat   June 20th, 2008 2:27 pm ET

Bla,Bla,Bla Here goes Wolf with his obssesion with V.P pick. Give it a Rest Wolf you keep barking like a Wolf we are not in rash to know who the V.P's are.

Bishop   June 20th, 2008 2:27 pm ET

Now lets think about this. If Hillary joins the Republican's she'll be slapping the Democrats in the face. That would be fine for me…it would show her true colors - PHONY! If YOU leave the party, Sen. Clinton, for a VP slot under a Republican administration, turn in your Dem Card!!! YOU will also look like a liar when YOU called for UNITY. But I know that you are smarter than that. I just wanted to sound like one of those bitter fake HRC supporters from that PUMA (MORE LIKE KITTENS) group…

Obamabots, transform!!!

Debbie,NJ   June 20th, 2008 2:28 pm ET


American   June 20th, 2008 2:29 pm ET

funny.. they neglected to mention the group called "One Million Strong Against Hillary Clinton".

whatchoices   June 20th, 2008 2:29 pm ET

Please no more desperate and power hungry Hilllary. Enought already

Erick   June 20th, 2008 2:30 pm ET

Hillary run as an independant. YOU CAN WIN!

Dan   June 20th, 2008 2:31 pm ET

Mike Huckabee please be the VP candidate for John McCain. Your party needs you in November. We need someone with your charisma to compete with Obama. You, being outspent by all of your oponents in the Republican primaries, still managed to wni in states that noone expected you to win. In my opinion, you were and will always be the candidate to have the greatest rapport with voters. You and you alone can get the GOP energized in this dismal election year.

Carrolton   June 20th, 2008 2:31 pm ET

Al Sharpton for VP

Garry   June 20th, 2008 2:31 pm ET

Well, if obama wants to win he needs Hillary, and THAT is a FACT!
He is to naive and to inexperienced to be able to pull this off..charisma does not a President make.

Nancy   June 20th, 2008 2:31 pm ET


Bishop   June 20th, 2008 2:31 pm ET

…not to mention that this is merely a Republican strategy to psych out the fake HRC supporters. You precious HRC will NOT be on the Republican ticket. That's like saying that the bloods are looking for the late Tookie Williams for support.

Jamie Lynn, Beverly Hills   June 20th, 2008 2:32 pm ET

Hillary lost—she's a loser who made very bad decisions in picking her inept campaign team—-why do we want someone as VP who makes bad decisions? Not.

Art Menendez   June 20th, 2008 2:32 pm ET

Facebook users are mostly teenagers. What do they know!

JP   June 20th, 2008 2:32 pm ET

Go Hillary

JF   June 20th, 2008 2:32 pm ET

He can't win without her.

Gwen Lebec   June 20th, 2008 2:32 pm ET

I love Hillary - but let's not spend the next five months with the Republicans "investigating" every minute of Bill Clinton's time since he left office. We don't have time to prove that this is not another Whitewater in that short time and they will use this to destroy the Obama campaign.

Brian From Knoxville has now transformed into Knoxville Operation Chaos   June 20th, 2008 2:33 pm ET

Facebook is TRIPPIN!

DP   June 20th, 2008 2:36 pm ET

I hope Huckabee does get chosen. After 1 term of McCain, We'll have the right person for the office, in the office…Huckabee!!

Linda   June 20th, 2008 2:37 pm ET

Facebook as an indicator for anything serious is laughable!

Imbalanced   June 20th, 2008 2:40 pm ET

Hahahaha, this is ridiculous! i love these reports. Do the reporters even know how to use facebook?

bk   June 20th, 2008 2:40 pm ET

I hope she doesn't take it. Most are distancing themselves from Obama for VP. They know he is inexperienced and a loser.

Ian   June 20th, 2008 2:44 pm ET

As John McCain said, "What's a Facebook?"

Franky   June 20th, 2008 2:44 pm ET

"Three students at an all-girls Catholic high school in Houston are rooting for Obama to tap long shot Democratic candidate Mike Gravel. And one 18-member Facebook group, launched in February of last year, is holding out hope that Obama will choose Bill Clinton as his running mate."

LOL!!!! O.K, this is why I don't like Facebook, Myspace, Youtube and any other crazy network out there, LOL!!!

.   June 20th, 2008 2:44 pm ET

I'm depressed that this is being reported as news. Even in blog format. It's sad.

greg langford   June 20th, 2008 2:45 pm ET

I would like to see John Edwards

Rockin Bob   June 20th, 2008 2:45 pm ET

Condoleezza Rice for Vice President!

This is a no brainer for the Republican party. The odds are favorable with her and unfavorable without her. How do you expect to win with anybody else. She's more ready to serve the country than McCain, Clinton, especially O'bama and the rest of whatever candidates there may seem to be.

However, it's the Republican parties choice. Lose through ignorance or go to the White House with McCain and Rice!

Jean   June 20th, 2008 2:45 pm ET




Andrew   June 20th, 2008 2:47 pm ET

Facebook polls are extremely inaccurate at best. Most people join groups on a whim because they get a random invite not because they are really backing the cause. These numbers hold no bearing on reality and should not be taken as anything more than a wild guess! Aren't there legitimate sources that could be sited here?

Critical View   June 20th, 2008 2:47 pm ET

Hillary, you are better off be a senator than the VP. Besides, you really cannot help win the support from those who dislike Obama.

Capt. Smash, Salt Lake City, Utah   June 20th, 2008 2:48 pm ET

No; they are not! CNN and Wolf you have to get over the Clinton thing!

Mark   June 20th, 2008 2:49 pm ET

Facebook users are not mostly teenagers. Facebook started out as a way for college students to connect and learn more about each other. Sure, Facebook groups may seem like a seemingly silly way to gauge who the next VP will be, but, in all honesty, Facebook represents a large section of the voting age population.

nc   June 20th, 2008 2:51 pm ET

Come on ladies let's hand the White House to McCain. Hillary can win in 2012!!!!!!!

Saad from NJ   June 20th, 2008 2:51 pm ET

I am a big advocate of CNN being an excellent news source, after BBC… but how much did Facebook pay you for this CNN? honestly please

Lisa-Fl.   June 20th, 2008 2:53 pm ET

I will not vote for Obama unless Hillary is on the ticket. He will not win without her. I do not trust him. He has done nothing to earn my trust.

Crush Rush   June 20th, 2008 2:55 pm ET

He can win without Hillary.Scott McClellan just threw Cheney under the bus lol.

josephcast   June 20th, 2008 2:56 pm ET


OBAMA-FEINGOLD 2008, BABY!!!!!!!!!

weeeee   June 20th, 2008 2:57 pm ET

It's simple.Who is going to be the best socislist vp and who is going to be the best conservative VP.Facebook is just telling you what their stats say

maria   June 20th, 2008 2:58 pm ET

we don't want any of the clintons around any candidacy,,,please

Shea   June 20th, 2008 2:58 pm ET

While I don't think this information is particulary valid. To the poster who said most Facebook users are teenagers, you're mistaken. Facebook was originated and is primarily used by college students and young adults, which last time I checked can vote. So, they might not know anything (I'll give you props on that), they do have the power to make a difference.

Westminster   June 20th, 2008 2:59 pm ET

Obama needs Hillary to win the election, without her McCain will win. It will be Obama/Clinton on the ticket.

Obama/Clinton 08

William, from Cali   June 20th, 2008 3:00 pm ET

America! Please, grow-up, will you…………Can't you really see, when you are been "played; from both sides"…………All this is; is a "distraction" from the "Real" issues, that "Us", along with the rest of the World, will have to deal with, before long. Don't take your eyes off the "real prize"……………..Our safety in this World, and well-being; as a "free" Nation;it should be first and foremost! Elect a "President". and let's get on with it……………..Divide and Conquer!

AMW   June 20th, 2008 3:01 pm ET


Women In California For Obama   June 20th, 2008 3:03 pm ET

Well, if HRC is picked as VP and I doubt that very seriously-this is one voter out of millions he will definitely lose. Afterall, she has already told the world you ONLY bring a speech.

Beltway Insider   June 20th, 2008 3:04 pm ET

Fortunately, Facebook doesn't decide who our elected officials are. Otherwise, there'd be nothing but a bunch of douche-bags in office….hmmm, maybe Facebook does decide…

Clarence S   June 20th, 2008 3:04 pm ET

Gov. Kathleen Sebelius of Kansas
Senator Jim Webb of Virginia
Senator Joe Biden of Delaware
Senator Chuck Hagel of Nebraska

are on Obama's VP list, not those media favorites that the facebook kids think.

and the only reason those facebook users voted for those candidates is because Hillary and Huckabee are the only ones with facebook accounts.

Master Yoda   June 20th, 2008 3:05 pm ET

OK Obama can’t win without Hilary? Is that why he is already leading in the polls? Obama is already leading without Hilary as his running mate. And the Republican and Independent voters that are ready to support Obama will not vote for him if Hillary is on the ticket. So perhaps you should quit quoting what all your friends tell you and pay attention to what is really happening.

Never Obama   June 20th, 2008 3:06 pm ET

I love Hillary Clinton

She was screwed.

But Obama is poison and HRC should avoid him at all costs.

He will only pick her if he feels he would lose without her.

I hope he loses… so, sorry Hill… I'd vote for you anytime but I can not vote for the liar Obama.

Huckabee fan!   June 20th, 2008 3:07 pm ET

Puke all you want. I vote for Huckabee!

Gacia-Huidobro, Marcela   June 20th, 2008 3:07 pm ET

I don't trust OBAMA, never, I like candidates that I know the records. Obama .? Who knows him,? He knows how to organize communities . Yes, it's true. He is an inflated balloon, bla, bla, the war in Irak? he's pulling out? It's not an easy job, it takes a long time to get out. Years.!! It's for the votes, only. !! I am a Hillary all the way through. Never OBAMA. I'll even prefer McCain. He is a good man. So, there
my friends..

Willam from Texas   June 20th, 2008 3:07 pm ET

Hillary as VP, the only choice for me.

Obama picks anyone else and I will write Hillary's name in GE time.

Obama/Clinton 08

me   June 20th, 2008 3:07 pm ET

Obama and Me
McCain and Me

How about that?

Florida Guy   June 20th, 2008 3:08 pm ET

If Hillary is not Obama's VP this Democrat wil be voting for McCain along with many other I have spoken to.

Still for Hill but now ONLY for Hill   June 20th, 2008 3:09 pm ET

Clinton is the best choice for president.

Obama is just a pandering, lying opportunist- with no regard for the people.

He does whatever is necessary to advance himself.

He is disgusting.

HRC should not even endorse this imposter.

I will ONLY vote for HRC.

Willam from Texas   June 20th, 2008 3:09 pm ET

Facebook is not the only one who wants Hillary as VP.

Go to voteboth.com and put your name on the list to elect both of them.

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