• how it work
  • ever Copy/Paste to email? highlight and share

    Even if they have never heard of RoohIt before, still shows your individual highlights.

    Google? search? See all your findings in one place

    Highlight portions of search results; see them automatically collected on one page for you.

    use Twitter? Automatically tweet highlights of any page

    Posts your highlights with a tinyUrl to your highlighted page.

  • More Features »    Take a Tour »

  • Instant Highlighter on Your Page

    Very Viral: increases your reach into all Social Networks & Communities
    Simple, powerful, intuitive ⇒ Effecient Sharing
    Enables users to (micro)Share what they consider important
    Easy setup: within seconds
    Completely customizable
    Useful, unique & memorable tool
  • For Your Computer

    IE  FF  CR  SF
    Drag and Drop this Hilight It! link to your Mozilla toolbar.
    Click it, on ANY PAGE and Start hilighting - its that easy!

    For Your Website

    Add add to your web-page button
    " />

1. Add To Favorite

Add to Favorites this Yes->OK" Hilight It!" link to the toolbar in your Internet Browser \n\n                                       Happy Highlighting!'); return false;" > Hilight It! bookmark in your Internet Explorer.
Click it, on ANY PAGE and Start hilighting - its that easy!
Or directly, try Highlighting Yahoo, Google, Wikipedia, CNN, BBC , etc.

2. Share Highlights

On any Social Network , Email, Blog, Forum, Bulletin Board, Comments system...
Automatically creates a tiny URL to your highlights e.g. http://rooh.it/aG5e4
(Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn etc)

3. See Your Highlights

Every highlight made is automatically saved and filed for you!

Google Toobar

Add our button   to your Google Toolbar.

In the 25 Most Popular apps based on usage

more than 50,000+ plugins installed with 1,000,000+ highlighters served

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