February 14, 2012 12:07 PM

Obama: Payroll tax cut fight isn't over yet

Stephanie Condon
Congress ,
Obama Administration

The debate over extending the payroll tax cut appears close to being resolved, but President Obama on Tuesday told voters the fight isn't over yet.

"Washington shouldn't hike taxes on working Americans right now," Mr. Obama said from the White House. "That's exactly what's going to happen in a couple weeks if Congress doesn't do something about it," he said, noting that the typical American family will pay nearly $1,000 more in taxes this year if the payroll tax cut expires.

House Republicans on Monday announced they could consider extending the 2 percent payroll tax cut for the rest of the year without offsetting the costs with spending cuts -- a significant policy shift for the Republicans and a political victory for Democrats.

Still, there's a chance the deal could unravel. Sen. John Barasso, R-Wyo., one of the senators involved in the payroll tax negotiations, said Monday that the House GOP decision came as a surprise to him and that the GOP was still looking for ways to pay for the measure.

Mr. Obama said there were some "hopeful signs" from Congress, but added, "You can't take anything for granted here in Washington until my signature is actually on it. We've got to make sure the American people's voices keep breaking through."

Seeking perhaps the last bit of political capital he can win from the issue, Mr. Obama was joined at the White House Tuesday by working Americans who responded to the White House's "What Does $40 Mean to You?" campaign. The campaign sought to highlight the fact that if Congress fails to extend the payroll tax cut, the typical family making $50,000 a year will lose about $40 from each paycheck.

"Tens of thousands of working Americans flooded us with their stories," Mr. Obama said. "It would make their choices more difficult. It would mean $40 less in groceries to feed your kids... to cover bills and the rent... to take care of an elderly parent."

Echoing the themes he used in his State of the Union address and to explain his proposed 2013 budget, Mr. Obama said, "This is a make or break moment for the middle class in America and for folks who want to be int he middle class... We can settle for a country where a few people do really, really well and everybody else struggles to get by, or we can restore an economy where everybody gets a fair shot."

Just last week, House Speaker John Boehner told reporters that Republicans would continue to insist that "this spending ought to be offset with reductions in spending elsewhere." But with negotiations with Democrats stalled, House Republicans are opting to avoid another political beating over the issue.

The payroll tax bill could come to the floor this week. The House and Senate are scheduled to be on recess for all of next week for the President's Day holiday. When they return, there will only be two days to get a final bill to the president's desk before the tax cut and unemployment insurance expire.

"When the plane is lifting off the ground, you don't ease up on the throttle," the president said today. "Our plane is up there, but we're not at cruising altitude yet."

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by dadirt February 14, 2012 5:22 PM EST
It would be over if you did you job and protect this country and work to build the economy. You and your dems are doing all they can to spend more than you take in and are like a bunch of perverts in a ***** house. You can't stop spending money, unfortunately it is not your own in this case.
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by dadirt February 14, 2012 5:17 PM EST
They passed a bill last year that any spending has to be met with reciprocal cuts. What happended to that Democrats? You just pass crap and ignore everything including the constitution? Big deal, make our kids and grandkids pay for you vote buying schemes! How democratic american. Use hard working txpayer money to keep parasites in checks and dems in office! Time for a change Obama! Come on US vote these turds out!
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by Brokennews February 14, 2012 5:11 PM EST
Well you repugs don't have any good candidates running for President, and independents will not vote for the lunatic santorum so you guys have 4 more years of Obama to look forwards to, because you can't get a descent candidate to run on the republican ticket.

by achememnon February 14, 2012 4:56 PM EST

Kinda brutal, but accurate! None seem to connect very well.
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by Brokennews February 14, 2012 5:06 PM EST

Slightly off topic, but I thought you would find this interesting.

I'm sure you & Morty will get a kick out of it!

"A Top German Environmentalist Cools On Global Warming"


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by HarryOrielly February 14, 2012 4:58 PM EST
I am the only president in history to completely hide his past history- That's because I committed a lot of crimes as a street hustler- sounds incredible but true- I met some rich people who covered up my past at the cost of millions- my FORGED birth certificate & multiple SSN's used in real estate scams are only a small part of my crimes- GOOGLE "LARRY SINCLAIR" to hear my old friend talk about our criminal past- I tried to setup & smear LARRY as a LIAR but believe him because I intentionally and deliberately covered up my past history- I even surrendered my law license to avoid investigation- I am a FRAUD who has deceived America-
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by achememnon February 14, 2012 4:56 PM EST
Well you repugs don't have any good candidates running for President, and independents will not vote for the lunatic santorum so you guys have 4 more years of Obama to look forwards to, because you can't get a descent candidate to run on the republican ticket.
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by jade84116 February 14, 2012 4:39 PM EST
Why would anyone support expediting the demise of Social Security with a Payroll Tax cut?
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by TheAlmightyKing February 14, 2012 4:38 PM EST
Raptorsmasher , this all happened after Obama took office.
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by TeaPartyNation__ February 14, 2012 4:16 PM EST
Social Security's bank account will go bust in 2022 — the first time the program's combined trust funds will run a deficit, according to President Obama's budget released Monday.

OBOZO can't wait to get to the end of the lunatic-left d-cRAT socialists' "Road to Hell" - i.e. Greece/california.

Please tell your clueless, ignorant, socialist-media-watching friends the TRUTH that the payroll tax is the ONLY funding source for Social Security and that cutting the income from the tax without compensating spending cuts directly increases the national deficit and debt, as well as further bankrupting Social Security.
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by razkaz February 14, 2012 5:16 PM EST
Spare us the tea party version of "truth".

Why is Boehner keep insisting tax cuts for middle class America have to be "paid" for? What about the tax cut for the 1%? You Repub don't seem to bother nor concerned about covering the tab for that, do you? Who is really waging class warfare here?
by DocD--2008 February 14, 2012 4:10 PM EST
You have to love it, most Americans don;t even really get a day off for Presidents day, there are some institutions closed and a few oterplaces closed but for the main part the US goes on as if its another day..... Unles you're in Congress, then you take the entire week off to celebrate. Congress has too many bgreaks.

Now since the RepubliCONS are doing their best to end collective bargaining in the public sector, then from this point on the decisions of when they take breaks or what amount of pay the get should be decided by the President only. Congress does not need collective bargaining between themselves for this, just like the American people they are forcing it away from, it needs to be forced away from them too. Bring their pay down to minimum wage and keep it there. Politicians like Romney have no need for income, they are all already rich..
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