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Prosecutor: Lock up Paris Hilton for 45 days

Story Highlights

• Prosecutor recommends 45-day jail term for Paris Hilton
• The celebutante is due in court on Friday
• She's charged with violating probation for reckless driving
• Prosecutor also wants Hilton to avoid alcohol for 90 days
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LOS ANGELES, California (AP) -- Paris Hilton should be jailed for 45 days for violating terms of her probation for an alcohol-related reckless driving conviction, city prosecutors say.

In documents filed in Superior Court, prosecutors said they also want Hilton to stay away from alcohol for 90 days and wear a monitoring device that will chart whether she complies. And they are seeking to have her license suspended for an additional four months.

The recommendation will be reviewed by a judge when Hilton appears for a probation violation hearing on Friday. The judge can accept it or impose a different penalty. The maximum penalty is 90 days in jail.

Hilton, 26, pleaded no contest in January to reckless driving stemming from a September 7 arrest in Hollywood. She was sentenced to 36 months probation, alcohol education and $1,500 in fines.

She was pulled over by California Highway Patrol on January 15. Officers informed Hilton she was driving on a suspended license and she signed a document acknowledging she was not to drive, according to court papers.

She was pulled over again by Los Angeles County sheriff's deputies on February 27 for speeding and driving without her headlights, at which time she was charged with violating her probation.

Hilton's spokesman, Elliot Mintz, said at the time she wasn't aware her license was suspended. A call placed Thursday to Mintz was not immediately returned.

Prosecutors say by signing the document after the first incident Hilton knew she was not allowed to drive. They also note that as of April 17 she had yet to enroll in the alcohol education program.

"These violations demonstrate Hilton's disregard for the vehicle laws of this state as well as for the conditions of her probation," the court filing said. "This court should ... include imprisonment as a condition of reinstating her probation."

Hilton, heiress to the Hilton Hotel fortune, first gained notoriety for her hard partying as a teen. She attracted worldwide attention when a sex tape she made with a boyfriend was released on the Internet.

She stars in the Fox reality-TV series, "The Simple Life," now in its fifth season, with Nicole Richie. She appeared in the 2005 film, "House of Wax" and recently finished filming "The Hottie and the Nottie." She also is a handbag designer and has a namesake perfume.

Copyright 2007 The Associated Press. All rights reserved.This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten, or redistributed.

Paris Hilton could be looking at 45 days in jail for violating her probation in an alcohol-related reckless driving case.



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