G’mar Tov and an Easy Fast


What a blessing it was to celebrate Rosh Hashana together.  Our service was, as usual, spirited and reflective, intelligent and emotional and it brought us together in connection to one another and to One greater than ourselves.

I thank all who contributed so powerfully to our community.  I am grateful and joyful to have such partners in this sacred work.  Our community continues to grow as we attract people who are intelligent, thoughtful, sensitive and joyous.

I call your attention to the “High Holy Days” drop-down menu on this site.  If you’re interested, you’ll find my two Rosh Hashana sermons along with the beautiful shofar service written by Karen Jacobs.  After Yom Kippur, I will add my last sermon and the several written pieces shared by members of our community.  We will be able to continue to draw inspiration from them even after the holidays are behind us.

The spiritual work of Yom Kippur is hard work indeed.  Rarely do I feel prepared for it.  Yes, I’m ready to lead the service and my sermon is ready as well – but am I ready to reflect and repent and renew?  Never as much as I could be, never as much as I want to be.  Yet Yom Kippur arrives whether I am ready or not and it carries me along with it – its words confront me, its rituals focus me, its themes challenge me – and I come out on the other side feeling a little bit reborn, ready to begin again.

Two days to go; my sermon is written, just a few more details to finalize.  Would that my spiritual work were as far along as all that.

I wish you a tzom kal – an easy fast – and g’mar tov – that you be sealed in the Book of Life for a good year filled with health and joy and love and companionship.

G’mar tov,

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