Roohit automatically copies the highlighted text for you.
Highlight your "proof" ☺ and show it to anyone!
(even non-Roohit users)
..and found the info you seek scattered across multiple pages? (Just highlight them.)
Roohit collates all the useful snippets, and organizes them by tags. Easily retrieve them - anytime, anywhere. find results you previously found useful.
Use Roohit to build your Collection of "my-useful-info-on-the-web."
Get to the point, show them what's important, so they don't have to struggle with trying to find it on the page!
Roohit automatically creates one - for you - for every page you highlight! save/collate your findings..
Yup, Roohit automatically does it for you.
..and struggled to find what they want you to see on that page.. a real friend would Rooh (means soul) it.
Give them the gift of Roohit – and make your life easier!
..and compared various products/prices/features on multiple websites?
Highlight the things most important to you. Combine and see them ALL together.
Highlight all your matching symptoms and findings.
See them in one place.
Automatically tweet your highlights with a tinyURL to "your highlighted page."
(Even auto-compresses the text to 140 characters).
Now share it with your highlights, and, a thumbnail-picture of the highlighted page.
Now you can, thanks to Roohit. Fight info overload, and stop wasting time reading all the clutter.
Read Only Others' Highlights
How much simpler life would have been if you could have highlighted & collaborated back then?
Share the benefits of this wonderful, free service with your friends..
Think about the last time you were looking for a job, a new home, a car, or anything else..
Just Rooh it after every search.