Saturday, 24 February 2007

Red Riding Hood and graffiti

This is the only book in my vast collection that I originally owned as a child and has stuck with me throughout. If you look closely you will see that Ms Riding Hood has a pair of glasses and a light beard. This is the work of my brother and, even today - 35 years later - just looking at it produces a primative urge in me to squeal and tell my mother.

This books is special to me too because I actually own the original artwork of the picture it shows. And this was the first Ladybird Book illustrated by Harry Wingfield, perhaps the most famous of all the Ladybird artists. In an interview a couple of years before he died he said that he put his heart and soul into this book, to be sure that he got regular work from Ladybird. It paid off; he became the favoured illustrator for the next couple of decades.

At the time my squealing must have paid off. My brother's additions to the artwork got him into a lot of trouble. Books were special in our house and to be treated with respect. I think times have changed rather, in this respect. It is very common to find vandalised, scribbled on copies of the more modern Ladybird Books, but the chances are that the very old ones will be in lovely condition. When they were first issued in 1940 they cost 2 shillings and 6d. This was war time and a time of paper-shortages - and a brand new book must have been a real treat to be treasured. The price of Ladybird Books stayed exactly the same for the next 30 years - and even today they only cost £2.00 - and their prizeworthiness has of course declined in step.

Would today's little sister squeal and make a fuss?


Lark said...

You lucky duck owning the original!

Allison x

Helen said...


Donna said...

Gorgeous! I too am a collector though have only a very few in comparison to you. Only today I picked up a couple. They seem to be going up in price as more and more people realise their value.

Helen said...

Hi Donna

It's a nice hobby to have, isn't it? - harmless, fun and inexpensive - unless you go completely over the top like me!

Doreen (dordy) said...

Helen you're an all star hero as far as I'm concerned! Didn't want to pester you with another email so thought I'd post a message on Red Riding Hood as I owned this copy as well!! I feel another visit to ebay coming on!! I know 'Jack and Jill' books were obviously competition but Ladybird was always my family's first love. My family are gathering in 2 weeks for my Mum & Dad's 60th anniversary so am taking my 'new collection' (which includes originals like Trees which I stole from my sister!) Got on phone to her straight after your email and she had been surfing net as well!!! We're both fast becoming Ladybird addicts!!!