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    Boat sinks, Texas man survives 30 hours in Gulf

    HOUSTON (AP) — For hours after their boat sank, Ken Henderson and Ed Coen treaded water in the Gulf of Mexico, talking about life and death while struggling to survive. For more than 30 hours, it worked.

    Then Henderson was forced to make a decision that would save his life, but not his best friend's.

    "This is the last-ditch effort, but I'm going to go for help or you're not going to make it," Henderson told Coen, just before cutting the strap that connected them in the deep, cold waters off the Texas coast.

    "I understand," Coen responded, giving Henderson a last set of instructions. "Kiss them babies for me."

    It was Friday around 4 p.m. when they parted.

    On Tuesday, days after the fishing trip ended in tragedy, Henderson recounted the harrowing tale for The Associated Press, alternating between sorrow, guilt and laughter as he recalled the last 30 hours of Coen's life and the pain of living life without the man who had been his best friend for 25 years.

    The saga began Thursday right around noon. They had been fishing for a few hours and popped open some Diet Coke's. A line in the water, they joked around.

    Suddenly, Coen noticed the 30-foot Scarab was filling with water. Henderson started four bilge pumps. Water sprayed everywhere.

    Coen quickly unhooked the boat from one of the many oil rigs in area where they had been fishing. Henderson revved an engine, but it died. Frantic, he got both motors roaring — only to have the saltwater that had leaked in kill them quickly. Bow to the wind, it was clear any wave could flip them.

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    "Mayday, mayday, mayday Marine 16," Henderson called over his Marine radio. He got no response.

    He dialed 9-1-1 on his cellphone. There was no signal.

    Suddenly, the bow went up. Henderson flew back. Coen jumped to the right, his sunglasses and cap flying off. Already wearing life jackets, the two ex-Marines grabbed extra life jackets and other floating items, including a half full bottle of Diet Coke.

    "The water was so cold it took your breath away," Henderson said.

    Coen, a slim man, immediately began to shiver.

    After failing to swim to a gas well nearby, the pair prepared for a long wait. Coen worried his life jacket wouldn't hold him up, so Henderson strapped an extra around his friend's neck. Henderson feared he was getting pulled down and put a life jacket between his legs. With his pocket knife, Henderson created a train with an extra life jacket. He tied red material to the top of a boat pole, creating a flag.

    And they talked.

    "We talked about stuff that I'll never talk about. We discussed things and discussed life. We discussed families. We just tried to keep ourselves occupied," Henderson said.

    As night fell, they took turns laying on each other's chests, conserving body heat. They tied their life jackets together to ensure they wouldn't drift apart in the dark.

    They dozed. Coen started hallucinating. Henderson tried to keep Coen's arms and legs moving. He called him a sissy to get him angry. But as morning came, Coen's situation worsened. It took time to wake up. He tried to light a cigarette that wasn't in his mouth. He wanted to go to the store.

    "I came to the realization that one of us may not make it or that both of us may not make it," Henderson said. "I just felt helpless sitting there with him."

    About 3 p.m., the pair drifted toward a manned rig. Henderson realized his friend wasn't keeping his head above water. He put another life jacket behind Coen's head, but his friend pulled it over his face, trying to protect himself from the afternoon sun.

    Henderson told Coen to kick to the rig. He pulled him as he swam, but Coen was sideways. Henderson told him to kick. Coen thought he was.

    And so Henderson decided to cut the strap.

    He swam for two hours, but lost his sense of direction. He was tired. Frustrated. Depressed. He rolled on his back and floated. It was after 7 p.m. when he woke up.

    He saw another rig in the distance, and prayed for strength.

    He swam, seeing ice and crystal trees in the water. He reminded himself constantly there were no trees. He focused on the phosphorescent plankton glowing in the water. He made it past a blinking light, a milestone that pushed him on toward the rig.

    It was 2 a.m.

    On legs so weak he could barely lift them, Henderson slowly pulled himself up the rig's barnacle-covered ladder. On deck, he closed and opened his eyes. Gingerly, he touched the floor.

    "I'm here. I'm on a derrick," Henderson said out loud.

    He found a galley with food, water and a phone. He called his wife, and told her to call the Coast Guard. He said he was on rig 633A. He poured himself a cup of water. He got out of his wet clothes, wrapped himself in a blanket, threw the clothes in a washing machine and reassured the unbelieving Coast Guard he had the right rig number.

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    "It was over 50 miles from where we went in the water," Henderson said.

    All he could think of, though, was Coen. Convinced his friend would survive, he told the Coast Guard where they had parted.

    Two hours later, Henderson was ashore in the Coast Guard dispatch room when haunting words came across the radio. A fisherman had found a body in a life jacket.

    "Is that Ed? Is that Ed?" Henderson asked as Coast Guard officers ushered him from the room.

    Later, in the hospital, Henderson saw his friend. He apologized and asked for forgiveness. He promised to fulfill his wishes, make him proud and look after his girls.

    "I felt like a part of me had died out there," Henderson said.

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    Plushnick-Masti can be followed on Twitter at

    • A Yahoo! User  •  12 hrs ago
      So terribly sad. He shouldn't feel guilty, he tried so hard. I hope Mr. Coen went peacefully.
    • Blank Stare  •  Chicago, Illinois  •  4 hrs ago
      Terrible decision to have to make but he made the right one. Instead of just his friend, it would have been both and twice as many people would have been impacted. Doesn't make it any easier but the honorable decision was made.
    • Joepyeweed  •  Denver, Colorado  •  6 hrs ago
      My condolences to Coen's friends and family
    • QualitySilkPlants  •  4 hrs ago
      This is a sad story of survival and anyone who thinks they're stupid for not making the right decisions has never been in this type of situation. Have some compassion as a father, husband and best friend was lost. RIP
    • Tom  •  Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania  •  14 hrs ago
      I can only imagine what it's like to have some like this hanging in your head. I'm sure those 2 men had some of the most life changing talks. Sounds like the survivor is going to be living for his friend. Heart Wrenching
    • Holli  •  6 hrs ago
      My deepest sympathies to both families.
    • JJH23  •  Dallas, Texas  •  3 hrs ago
      Wow this made me tear up.. I couldn't imagine having to leave my best friend behind, that had to be really hard. This man is the definition of strength.
    • Linda  •  5 hrs ago
      That ocean scares the crud out of me. What an ordeal! So sorry that a life was lost.
    • Retired_LC  •  4 hrs ago
      I'm glad you survived Henderson, condolences to the Coen family. This is an amazing story.
    • 2012 End Of a Nightmare  •  5 hrs ago
      Henderson had no choice. Hang in there man - deepest sympathy to both of your families.
    • Cheryl  •  Huntingdon, Pennsylvania  •  6 hrs ago
      For the people commenting that they should have done this or not done that...don't you think Mr. Henderson is agonizing over these decisions now? At the time, they thought they were the right ones. Just a sad situation.
    • Alex  •  Gainesville, Florida  •  16 hrs ago
      I don't understand some of these senseless comments on here...

      The man lost his best friend of 25 years. A family lost a husband and father. Have a heart
    • michigantommy  •  Southfield, Michigan  •  4 hrs ago
      no words, just a heavy heart...
    • Brett M  •  Fayetteville, North Carolina  •  3 hrs ago
      The narcissism here is astounding. What is wrong with these people? Put the mouse down, back away from the keyboard and give your family a hug.
    • B r a i n  •  4 hrs ago
      Henderson tried so hard to save his friend, really good guy. The tough part is next; the guilt he might feel over the years to come....all the what iffs. I'm sure he's glad he lived, but Henderson's life might be a bit tortured from here on out.
    • Robert  •  3 hrs ago
      No story is too heartwarming or too sad for the trolls to show their ugly faces, disgusting.
    • WIFE  •  3 hrs ago
      Please if you are ever capsized or swept out to sea and are too far out to try to swim for it; don't tread water. Lie on your back and float and only use as much arm movement you need to stay afloat. I learned this method from a survival swimming course. Treading water uses way too much energy and the object is to stay afloat.
    • Mitoosense  •  9 hrs ago
      Very sad. Spent many hours in the Gulf. Once you leave sight of the tallest buildings your life is in your equipment. Each time I returned there was always a sense of rediscovery
    • notasheep  •  5 hrs ago
      After reading so many of these comments,even if people are trying to be funny,it isn't surprising to me that the world is in such a downward spiral. What happened to civility and honor in men. My only hope is these are people in their twenties and will grow out of it. Life is full of ironies, so all the people who made the cruel remarks, don't be surprised when life sets you up in a situation where you have to face similar circumstances or choices. It is not a question of if, but of when. I've lived long enough to see it happen over and over again.
    • Boxerbud  •  Fort Myers, Florida  •  3 hrs ago
      This story impacted me to the core. So sad. Henderson apparently had an incredible will to live. Tough decision.
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