@real american.........sorry my friend but your comment promoting using the report feature on this web site was encouraging others. i don't appreciate the use of the word teabaggers any more than you do, but i still don't feel the proper response should be to just remove their comments. it accomplishes nothing. first you deny conservatives from knowing how idiotic some liberal comments can be, and second you deny conservatives an opportunity to respond to it. am i making any sense here?
Saturday, May 22, 2010 at 08:44 PM
example, earlier today i responded to a comment from Max------Deep South, probably one of the most vile left wing idiots, along with the likes of Ash and Truman, to hit this web site. shortly after i made a reply to him or her, their comment was removed. now what did that accomplish? here you have a comment from me responding to a stupid comment from him or her, and all thats left is my comment. others come into the thread and see my comment and have absolutely no idea what im talking about because someone decided to remove Max's comment. agreed, his or hers comment was offensive, but when you take it upon yourself to remove it, your taking away the whole purpose of the thread.
Saturday, May 22, 2010 at 08:59 PM
oliver klozoff
Nice picture , very touching, but you know what she was saying when she first seen her husband. Oh honey, i love you and missed you, and baby thank you for fighting to keep all the illegals free to roam our country, and thank you for allowing our tax dollars to keep flowing free.
Saturday, May 22, 2010 at 06:54 PM
mr oliver what ever klozoff is suppose to mean, you need to look at this video a little closer. that young lady happens to be in grade school and what you percive to be her husband is actually her father. if you have a beef with illegals free to roam and tax dollars flowing free then you need to be on another thread. try having a little respect for our military and their dependents. they deserve it. if you can muster that little accomplishment, i might have a little respect for you
Saturday, May 22, 2010 at 07:51 PM
Helping out to stop Trolls and spam --
Foxers, trolls have been running rampant lately, scrawling their graffiti all over FoxNation. Mostly composed of inane, irrelevant posts and vulgar language, they're typically doing it to get their weird little jollies, but some seem to be intent on "brownshirting" conservatives in order to limit our ability to communicate, and to deter Foxers their right to free speech.
The trolls are essentially vandals, scrawling their idiotic foul mouthed hate all over the FoxNation website.
If you see a vulgar or abusive troll, please do your part and immediately REPORT all of his posts. Since it takes a LOT of REPORTs to remove any single troll post, we need YOU to do your part.
Some of the known trolls that repeatedly use vulgar language, and have spammed FoxNation in the past are: Ex Republican, Ex Pat, Faux Nation, truman, Max_deeeepsouth, Darrin Stevens, Truth Hurts, and Coastal.
These user names are referred to as "REPORT on Sight". They use plenty of
aliases, so when you see a troll spamming, or using vulgar language, REPORT all of their posts immediately.
Don't let them Brownshirt people off of FoxNation. Since it takes many REPORTs to remove a trolls posts, we need YOU to help keep FoxNation free of the vandals graffiti.
Saturday, May 22, 2010 at 04:15 PM
real american, i share your frustration........really i do...... but if your answer is to deny a liberal the right to express their opinion, then you are way off course. whether you agree or not, they have as much a right to their opinion as you do. let them provoke, let them disrupt, they accomplish nothing but a display of stupidity. removing their comments only displays ours. you seem like an intelligent person. don't allow their narrow mindedness to transform your beliefs into something you may regret in the future.
Saturday, May 22, 2010 at 07:37 PM
airplayer, you're ignorant of the facts. There was no free speech squelched. No new opinions erased. The only thing that's gone are a couple thousand troll posts using the word teab@#$r.
That's about all you missed. No worries.
Saturday, May 22, 2010 at 08:24 PM
From Conservapedia:
Troll: In Internet slang, a troll is someone who posts inflammatory, extraneous, or off-topic messages in an online community, such as an online discussion forum, chat room or blog, with the primary intent of provoking other users into a desired emotional response[1] or of otherwise DISRUPTING normal on-topic discussion.
Saturday, May 22, 2010 at 04:40 PM
Anarchy in the U.S.A.
Way to be proactive!!! Vandals? Does it hurt your feelings to be exposed to someone who doesn't agree with you, or who would possibly get you to challenge your preconceived notions? Go ahead and be a censor-- that's pretty lame, and besides, the rebel posters seem to work in your favor because they feed your rabid hatred, and it seems that so many here really thrive on the hate. Cheers!!!
Saturday, May 22, 2010 at 04:22 PM
See above post, troll.
Saturday, May 22, 2010 at 04:40 PM
george merritt
Thanks Foxnation!!!! God bless out troops and their families!!!!
Saturday, May 22, 2010 at 03:20 PM
Don't make me cry! Now, if these guys would only STAY put and NOT return no matter what they're told to do! We need them here, as their family's lives are being threatened by the U.S. Government.
Saturday, May 22, 2010 at 03:06 PM
"You Can't Handle the Truth"
With all do respect Fuzzy, they do it so that you and your family can STAY put and safe. It's called courage and it takes a special kind of person to make the sacrifice they have made. They don't play politics, they follow orders. It's called Honor when you make a commitment and uphold that commitment. It's too bad the rest of America especially the people in Washington we call leaders can't "Say What They Mean and Do What They Say" like these brave young men and women do. Now if you don't agree with the war you make sure you and your courage make to the polling booth on election day.
Saturday, May 22, 2010 at 03:22 PM
"You Can't Handle the Truth"
Love you all Guys and Gals, thank you so much for your service and Gods Speed. PS Grow men don't cry, at least not in front of their friends.
Saturday, May 22, 2010 at 01:59 PM
Glocca Morra
Thank you for your service and Welcome Home!!!!
Saturday, May 22, 2010 at 12:56 PM
God bless our heros in the military. Awesome Americans. Thank you all.
Saturday, May 22, 2010 at 12:16 PM
Only one thing left to say;
THANK YOU. www.therepublicrevealed.com
Read “ OUR HERO'S “.
2010 the Year we take back the House
2012 the Year we take back or Country
Saturday, May 22, 2010 at 11:58 AM
ah, my eyes were too damned dry, anyway ! That was simply beautiful and thank you for sharing it all. We don't deserve their sacrifices.
Saturday, May 22, 2010 at 11:47 AM
Great video. Has everyone noticed that none of the liberal/socialist trolls have made any comments on this thread?
Saturday, May 22, 2010 at 11:43 AM
as bho cuts their pay and gives medals for holding hands and singing kumbaya on the battle field as our troops are fighting a war for OUR freedom, then takes navy seals to court,,,God Bless Our Troops and Their Families
Saturday, May 22, 2010 at 10:59 AM
Destroy the Left
Bring em all home and take over DC so we can hang the criminals sitting in Congress - and elsewhere in the Federal Government. Go ahead, tell the FBI, I would be happy to challenge them to prove that I AM WRONG - about the criminals that calls itself a "government."
Saturday, May 22, 2010 at 10:27 AM
Believe me ...I can't wait for that day...
Saturday, May 22, 2010 at 09:51 AM
Outstanding video. This is so much better than the vets got from the 70's when they returned home. You have to be pretty heartless not to shed a tear after seeing this. Truly excellent.
Saturday, May 22, 2010 at 09:38 AM
I can't believe there are only 111 comments on this story, c'mon people, this story is more important than any story about our leaders and how they are fu**ing up our country, the same country that these men and women fight for everyday.
I cried like a baby watching this and I was happy to see that these families got their soliders back.
Freedom isn't free but it is worth fighting for!!!!
Saturday, May 22, 2010 at 09:08 AM
Thank you, our dear Intelligence and American Military heroes! Thank you GOD for their courage, their love, their endurance. Even though we have a monkey god president who can't do anything right, we have a band of heroic men and straight women in the armed forces who have done a great job at the defense of the innocent. We are in a fight for GLOBAL FREEDOM from evil tyrants, dictators, democrats, fascists, communists, & socialists and the American hero is one to be respected and appreciated and celebrated. Perhaps when the monkey is put back into the zoo, this country you are returning home to will be better! Thank you for everything and welcome home my fellow warriors!
Saturday, May 22, 2010 at 08:42 AM
Sobbed like a baby, God Bless our troops!
Saturday, May 22, 2010 at 07:52 AM
Crying like a baby! God bless our Troops! I can't help but think of the ones that won't ever come home. Thank you for your service.
Saturday, May 22, 2010 at 06:23 AM
I can hardly see these keys through the tears...I want to share immediately how it felt after watching this video and now I cannot find the words.....
Saturday, May 22, 2010 at 01:36 AM
South SIde Irish
Welcome home boys, welcome home!
Friday, May 21, 2010 at 11:03 PM
max......i don't know who you are or what you are, but it seems like ever comment you make on this site is negative. you got a problem with the oil spill, write your congressman. you want to express your appreciation for these dedicated men and women who fight to protect your right to open your vile mouth at the drop of a hat, please feel free to do so. otherwise, take a break skippy and STFU. incedently, dip stick, if you tune in to Fox news on your TV, you will find the story of this unfortunate catastrophy all over it. in the mean time, try pollishing up on your communication sk.ills. saying something nice once and a while just might make you feel good about yourself. if thats too difficult for you, try therapy.
Saturday, May 22, 2010 at 07:26 AM
America is speaking
Thanks airplayer,
Couldn't have said it better.
Saturday, May 22, 2010 at 09:10 AM
Betty Romo
This reminds me of my son-in-law and my daughter. His deployments are so stressful and his homecomings are so sweet.
Friday, May 21, 2010 at 06:32 PM
Bea Otch
What a sacrifice they make! I'm sorry if I have ever taken their service for granted. Thanks to all the troops.
Friday, May 21, 2010 at 04:57 PM
Destroy the Left
It's amazing that you accomplish your mission when the politicians here at home can't have a backbone just to do their most menial of jobs. Thank you and God Bless you.
Friday, May 21, 2010 at 04:33 PM
Tom from Ohio
Outstanding! Anyone need to know what our fine young people are protecting? Watch it again! I say to the idiot politicians on both sides of the aisle: Get the hell out of the way, and let our military do it's job! Put the Generals in charge and the war is over faster than you can say "what happened?" Let them do thier work so they can come home for good! Give them the weapons and the manpower needed.
Friday, May 21, 2010 at 03:51 PM
Thank you everyone of you!
Friday, May 21, 2010 at 03:44 PM
Dems are Toast in November
Thanks FOX NEWS.....this chokes me up.
Is there any question as to what our troops and their families sacrifice, even just when separated ?!?
God Bless you all !
Friday, May 21, 2010 at 03:17 PM
That was immense - I mean it!
Friday, May 21, 2010 at 02:42 PM
Gran Torino
Simply moving. Thank you Fox Nation for the great video.
God Bless our troops- the real hereos.
Friday, May 21, 2010 at 02:17 PM
I'm Spartacus
Great video, thanks FOX. A moment most will always remember, I give a special thanks to all that serve.
Friday, May 21, 2010 at 02:09 PM
At least we have hope giving the sacrifice of our troops and their families. I wish we could say there is hope coming out of Washington/President/Congress. God help us..
Friday, May 21, 2010 at 02:07 PM
WARRIORS of freedom,
God Bless the U.S. Military and their families..
Friday, May 21, 2010 at 01:55 PM
Friday, May 21, 2010 at 01:50 PM
Sitting at work, bawling my eyes out! Thank you to our troops and their families!!! And thank you Fox Nation...Please post more of these! THIS is what it's all about!
Friday, May 21, 2010 at 01:24 PM
I think our benefits should be like the administrations but as for higher pay, don't go too high because then you have people doing it for the money and not because it's the right thing to do. That's what is happening to our leaders right now and I don't want to see our military going that route, just an observation. Semper Fi.
Friday, May 21, 2010 at 01:17 PM
Thank you Troops, you are what has made America great, even while many try to destroy you and the Country, your Patriotism and Valor continue to be strong. God bless you and your Families, and your pets too.
Friday, May 21, 2010 at 01:12 PM
God Bless our Troops... this Brought tears and happiness to my heart...this is who sacrificed for our freedoms. The children spouses and families!! Thank them for our freedoms.. ..
Friday, May 21, 2010 at 12:55 PM
Ready to Fight to Defend My Country!
It just rips your heart out. And for anyone out there that thinks that animals can't communicate, just look at the dog SCREAM I LOVE YOU to his master.
Makes me want to meet Obummer in a dark alley and kick his ass for trying to lower their pay.
This leads me to another point (tangent): What in God's name is so difficult about paying the protectors of our freedom with a good salary and benefits? If civil employees can get these outrageous pensions, etc, why can't our military get paid above the poverty level? Pay these people well, damn it!
Look look look www.tnta.us/
@real american.........sorry my friend but your comment promoting using the report feature on this web site was encouraging others. i don't appreciate the use of the word teabaggers any more than you do, but i still don't feel the proper response should be to just remove their comments. it accomplishes nothing. first you deny conservatives from knowing how idiotic some liberal comments can be, and second you deny conservatives an opportunity to respond to it. am i making any sense here?
example, earlier today i responded to a comment from Max------Deep South, probably one of the most vile left wing idiots, along with the likes of Ash and Truman, to hit this web site. shortly after i made a reply to him or her, their comment was removed. now what did that accomplish? here you have a comment from me responding to a stupid comment from him or her, and all thats left is my comment. others come into the thread and see my comment and have absolutely no idea what im talking about because someone decided to remove Max's comment. agreed, his or hers comment was offensive, but when you take it upon yourself to remove it, your taking away the whole purpose of the thread.
oliver klozoff
Nice picture , very touching, but you know what she was saying when she first seen her husband. Oh honey, i love you and missed you, and baby thank you for fighting to keep all the illegals free to roam our country, and thank you for allowing our tax dollars to keep flowing free.
mr oliver what ever klozoff is suppose to mean, you need to look at this video a little closer. that young lady happens to be in grade school and what you percive to be her husband is actually her father. if you have a beef with illegals free to roam and tax dollars flowing free then you need to be on another thread. try having a little respect for our military and their dependents. they deserve it. if you can muster that little accomplishment, i might have a little respect for you
Helping out to stop Trolls and spam --
Foxers, trolls have been running rampant lately, scrawling their graffiti all over FoxNation. Mostly composed of inane, irrelevant posts and vulgar language, they're typically doing it to get their weird little jollies, but some seem to be intent on "brownshirting" conservatives in order to limit our ability to communicate, and to deter Foxers their right to free speech.
The trolls are essentially vandals, scrawling their idiotic foul mouthed hate all over the FoxNation website.
If you see a vulgar or abusive troll, please do your part and immediately REPORT all of his posts. Since it takes a LOT of REPORTs to remove any single troll post, we need YOU to do your part.
Some of the known trolls that repeatedly use vulgar language, and have spammed FoxNation in the past are: Ex Republican, Ex Pat, Faux Nation, truman, Max_deeeepsouth, Darrin Stevens, Truth Hurts, and Coastal.
These user names are referred to as "REPORT on Sight". They use plenty of
aliases, so when you see a troll spamming, or using vulgar language, REPORT all of their posts immediately.
Don't let them Brownshirt people off of FoxNation. Since it takes many REPORTs to remove a trolls posts, we need YOU to help keep FoxNation free of the vandals graffiti.
real american, i share your frustration........really i do...... but if your answer is to deny a liberal the right to express their opinion, then you are way off course. whether you agree or not, they have as much a right to their opinion as you do. let them provoke, let them disrupt, they accomplish nothing but a display of stupidity. removing their comments only displays ours. you seem like an intelligent person. don't allow their narrow mindedness to transform your beliefs into something you may regret in the future.
airplayer, you're ignorant of the facts. There was no free speech squelched. No new opinions erased. The only thing that's gone are a couple thousand troll posts using the word teab@#$r.
That's about all you missed. No worries.
From Conservapedia:
Troll: In Internet slang, a troll is someone who posts inflammatory, extraneous, or off-topic messages in an online community, such as an online discussion forum, chat room or blog, with the primary intent of provoking other users into a desired emotional response[1] or of otherwise DISRUPTING normal on-topic discussion.
Anarchy in the U.S.A.
Way to be proactive!!! Vandals? Does it hurt your feelings to be exposed to someone who doesn't agree with you, or who would possibly get you to challenge your preconceived notions? Go ahead and be a censor-- that's pretty lame, and besides, the rebel posters seem to work in your favor because they feed your rabid hatred, and it seems that so many here really thrive on the hate. Cheers!!!
See above post, troll.
george merritt
Thanks Foxnation!!!! God bless out troops and their families!!!!
Don't make me cry! Now, if these guys would only STAY put and NOT return no matter what they're told to do! We need them here, as their family's lives are being threatened by the U.S. Government.
"You Can't Handle the Truth"
With all do respect Fuzzy, they do it so that you and your family can STAY put and safe. It's called courage and it takes a special kind of person to make the sacrifice they have made. They don't play politics, they follow orders. It's called Honor when you make a commitment and uphold that commitment. It's too bad the rest of America especially the people in Washington we call leaders can't "Say What They Mean and Do What They Say" like these brave young men and women do. Now if you don't agree with the war you make sure you and your courage make to the polling booth on election day.
"You Can't Handle the Truth"
Love you all Guys and Gals, thank you so much for your service and Gods Speed. PS Grow men don't cry, at least not in front of their friends.
Glocca Morra
Thank you for your service and Welcome Home!!!!
God bless our heros in the military. Awesome Americans. Thank you all.
Only one thing left to say;
Read “ OUR HERO'S “.
2010 the Year we take back the House
2012 the Year we take back or Country
ah, my eyes were too damned dry, anyway ! That was simply beautiful and thank you for sharing it all. We don't deserve their sacrifices.
Great video. Has everyone noticed that none of the liberal/socialist trolls have made any comments on this thread?
as bho cuts their pay and gives medals for holding hands and singing kumbaya on the battle field as our troops are fighting a war for OUR freedom, then takes navy seals to court,,,God Bless Our Troops and Their Families
Destroy the Left
Bring em all home and take over DC so we can hang the criminals sitting in Congress - and elsewhere in the Federal Government. Go ahead, tell the FBI, I would be happy to challenge them to prove that I AM WRONG - about the criminals that calls itself a "government."
Believe me ...I can't wait for that day...
Outstanding video. This is so much better than the vets got from the 70's when they returned home. You have to be pretty heartless not to shed a tear after seeing this. Truly excellent.
I can't believe there are only 111 comments on this story, c'mon people, this story is more important than any story about our leaders and how they are fu**ing up our country, the same country that these men and women fight for everyday.
I cried like a baby watching this and I was happy to see that these families got their soliders back.
Freedom isn't free but it is worth fighting for!!!!
Thank you, our dear Intelligence and American Military heroes! Thank you GOD for their courage, their love, their endurance. Even though we have a monkey god president who can't do anything right, we have a band of heroic men and straight women in the armed forces who have done a great job at the defense of the innocent. We are in a fight for GLOBAL FREEDOM from evil tyrants, dictators, democrats, fascists, communists, & socialists and the American hero is one to be respected and appreciated and celebrated. Perhaps when the monkey is put back into the zoo, this country you are returning home to will be better! Thank you for everything and welcome home my fellow warriors!
Sobbed like a baby, God Bless our troops!
Crying like a baby! God bless our Troops! I can't help but think of the ones that won't ever come home. Thank you for your service.
I can hardly see these keys through the tears...I want to share immediately how it felt after watching this video and now I cannot find the words.....
South SIde Irish
Welcome home boys, welcome home!
max......i don't know who you are or what you are, but it seems like ever comment you make on this site is negative. you got a problem with the oil spill, write your congressman. you want to express your appreciation for these dedicated men and women who fight to protect your right to open your vile mouth at the drop of a hat, please feel free to do so. otherwise, take a break skippy and STFU. incedently, dip stick, if you tune in to Fox news on your TV, you will find the story of this unfortunate catastrophy all over it. in the mean time, try pollishing up on your communication sk.ills. saying something nice once and a while just might make you feel good about yourself. if thats too difficult for you, try therapy.
America is speaking
Thanks airplayer,
Couldn't have said it better.
Betty Romo
This reminds me of my son-in-law and my daughter. His deployments are so stressful and his homecomings are so sweet.
Bea Otch
What a sacrifice they make! I'm sorry if I have ever taken their service for granted. Thanks to all the troops.
Destroy the Left
It's amazing that you accomplish your mission when the politicians here at home can't have a backbone just to do their most menial of jobs. Thank you and God Bless you.
Tom from Ohio
Outstanding! Anyone need to know what our fine young people are protecting? Watch it again! I say to the idiot politicians on both sides of the aisle: Get the hell out of the way, and let our military do it's job! Put the Generals in charge and the war is over faster than you can say "what happened?" Let them do thier work so they can come home for good! Give them the weapons and the manpower needed.
Thank you everyone of you!
Dems are Toast in November
Thanks FOX NEWS.....this chokes me up.
Is there any question as to what our troops and their families sacrifice, even just when separated ?!?
God Bless you all !
That was immense - I mean it!
Gran Torino
Simply moving. Thank you Fox Nation for the great video.
God Bless our troops- the real hereos.
I'm Spartacus
Great video, thanks FOX. A moment most will always remember, I give a special thanks to all that serve.
At least we have hope giving the sacrifice of our troops and their families. I wish we could say there is hope coming out of Washington/President/Congress. God help us..
WARRIORS of freedom,
God Bless the U.S. Military and their families..
Sitting at work, bawling my eyes out! Thank you to our troops and their families!!! And thank you Fox Nation...Please post more of these! THIS is what it's all about!
I think our benefits should be like the administrations but as for higher pay, don't go too high because then you have people doing it for the money and not because it's the right thing to do. That's what is happening to our leaders right now and I don't want to see our military going that route, just an observation. Semper Fi.
Thank you Troops, you are what has made America great, even while many try to destroy you and the Country, your Patriotism and Valor continue to be strong. God bless you and your Families, and your pets too.
God Bless our Troops... this Brought tears and happiness to my heart...this is who sacrificed for our freedoms. The children spouses and families!! Thank them for our freedoms.. ..
Ready to Fight to Defend My Country!
It just rips your heart out. And for anyone out there that thinks that animals can't communicate, just look at the dog SCREAM I LOVE YOU to his master.
Makes me want to meet Obummer in a dark alley and kick his ass for trying to lower their pay.
This leads me to another point (tangent): What in God's name is so difficult about paying the protectors of our freedom with a good salary and benefits? If civil employees can get these outrageous pensions, etc, why can't our military get paid above the poverty level? Pay these people well, damn it!