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Democrats Send Troop Withdrawal Measure to Bush, Who Plans Veto
Bloomberg - 40 minutes ago
By Nicholas Johnston. May 1 (Bloomberg) -- House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, in a ceremony at the US Capitol, signed and sent to President George W. Bush legislation that sets a timeline for the withdrawal of troops from Iraq, calling it a chance to end the ...
President to kill Iraq bill by nightfall Politico
Iraq Funding Bill Faces Bush Veto Voice of America
CBS News - The Australian - Chicago Tribune - FOX News
all 1,303 news articles »

Albany Times Union
News Corp. sets sights on Dow Jones
CNET - 35 minutes ago
The media giant and MySpace parent has launched a high-value takeover bid for The Wall Street Journal publisher. By Stefanie Olsen.
US STOCKS-Dow notches fresh record on mergers, manufacturing Ninemsn
News Corp eyes Wall Street Journal publisher Times Online - Houston Chronicle - Reuters - Crain's New York Business
all 736 news articles »

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Smog down, but soot in Eastern states worse: report
MarketWatch - all 416 news articles »
Google says Viacom lawsuit threat to Internet use - all 203 news articles »
Hancock Had Accident Days Before Death
Forbes - all 1,152 news articles »
Larry Birkhead Leaves Bahamas With Dannielynn
FOX News - all 353 news articles »
Tooth decay is on the rise for kids
Houston Chronicle - all 302 news articles »
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Global National
Iraq probes reports of al-Masri's death
Houston Chronicle - 44 minutes ago
By ROBERT H. REID AP Writer. © 2007 AP. BAGHDAD - US and Iraqi officials chased reports Tuesday that the leader of al-Qaida in Iraq was killed by rivals north of Baghdad.
Iraq's Al Qaeda boss killed, ministry spokesman says
Iraq probes report Al-Qaeda chief killed New Straits Times - International Herald Tribune - CNN International -
all 756 news articles »

BBC News
Turkey PM to ask for early poll
BBC Bulgaria - 36 minutes ago
Turkey's Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan has said he will ask parliament to approve an early general election. He also said he would ask for a change in the constitution to allow the president to be chosen by the people.
Will Turkey become an Islamist state? Jerusalem Post
Quiet Turkish protest turns violent Los Angeles Times
Bloomberg - - Washington Post - New Zealand Herald
all 1,377 news articles »

Castro a no-show a May Day parade
ABC Online - 1 hour ago
Cuban President Fidel Castro was a no-show at the communist country's May 1 parade, disappointing many who had predicted he would use the holiday to announce a resumption of his official duties.
Fidel Castro Fails to Appear at Parade New York Times
A New Stance Toward Havana Yahoo! News
Turkish Press - Irish Examiner - CNN International -
all 716 news articles »
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 U.S.  »  edit    

Duke MBA cheating scandal may reflect national trend
Houston Chronicle - 15 hours ago
By ALAN FINDER. Duke University is trying to deal with a cheating scandal involving 34 first-year business graduate students in an era when national surveys have suggested that cheating is widespread among their peers.
Duke MBAs Fail Ethics Test BusinessWeek
34 Duke Business Students Face Discipline for Cheating New York Times
Bloomberg - - Hendersonville Times News - New York Sun
all 260 news articles »

Seattle Times
George Tenet's Blinkered Hindsight
RealClearPolitics - 28 minutes ago
By Jack Kelly. One of the reasons why the invasion of Iraq was a mistake, former CIA Director George Tenet told CBS' Scott Pelley, is because the CIA didn't think Saddam Hussein would have a nuclear weapon until 2007.
Tenet finally tells bosses what they didn't want to hear USA Today
Ex-Spy Chief Memoir Reignites Iraq Intelligence Debate Voice of America
Yahoo! News - NPR - New York Daily News - OpEdNews
all 482 news articles »

Guardian Unlimited
Senior Democrat says Wolfowitz should step down
Reuters - 1 hour ago
Mr. Prince is the Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of Citigroup. Previously, Mr. Prince was Chairman and CEO of Citigroup's Corporate and... Full Bio. BUTTE, Montana, May 1 (Reuters) - A senior Democratic senator on Tuesday said World Bank ...
Wolfowitz keen to defend giving girlfriend pay rise Irish Examiner
World Bank's Wolfowitz Says He is Victim of Smear Campaign Voice of America
The Age - New York Times - Boston Globe - Bloomberg
all 1,013 news articles »
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 Business  »  edit    

Smog down, but soot in Eastern states worse: report
MarketWatch - 17 hours ago
By Stephanie I. Cohen. WASHINGTON (MarketWatch) -- Pollution levels in the United States are getting both better and worse, according to an annual report tracking the nation's air quality prepared Tuesday by the American Lung Association.
Valley again holds top pollution spots in Lung Association report Fresno Bee (subscription)
Indy's air among nation's dirtiest Indianapolis Star
Houston Chronicle - Pittsburgh Post Gazette - Reuters - San Francisco Chronicle
all 416 news articles »

Turkish Press
BP Chief Executive Browne Steps Down - 2 hours ago
(This updates an item published at 1538 GMT to include more analyst comments, details on Browne's resignation and background on BP's safety issues.
BP chief quits after lost court case U.TV
BP CEO Browne Resigns Hours After Ruling Washington Post
New York Times - Forbes - MarketWatch - Independent
all 321 news articles »  BP
Rising Corn Prices Weigh on ADM
BusinessWeek - 2 hours ago
Agricultural processor Archer-Daniels-Midland ADM has gotten a lot of mileage from the ethanol boom recent months. But the Decatur, Ill.
Sector Snap: Ethanol Stocks Slip Forbes
ADM's 3Q profit misses expectations Houston Chronicle
MarketWatch - Bloomberg - Reuters -
all 232 news articles »
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 Sci/Tech  »  edit
Google says Viacom lawsuit threat to Internet use - 7 hours ago
By Eric Auchard. MOUNTAIN VIEW, California (Reuters) - Viacom Inc.'s (VIAb.N: Quote, Profile, Research copyright infringement suit against Google Inc. (GOOG.
Google fires back against Viacom suit Los Angeles Times
Google Calls Viacom Suit on YouTube Unfounded New York Times
San Francisco Chronicle - Sydney Morning Herald - Computerworld - BusinessWeek
all 203 news articles »

BBC News
Dell Picks Ubuntu Linux For Consumer PCs
InformationWeek - 1 hour ago
Desktops and notebooks with the open-source OS will be released in the coming weeks, according to Dell spokesman. By Antone Gonsalves.
Dell to use Ubuntu on Linux PCs BBC News
Dell to offer Ubuntu 7.04 pre-installed ZDNet
CRN - TechNewsWorld - FOX News - PC World
all 72 news articles »

Seattle Times
Ray Ozzie Is Fully Clothed
eWeek - 6 hours ago
By Darryl K. Taft. News Analysis: Despite facing mounting criticism and mumbling from pundits over Microsoft's services strategy, Chief Software Architect Ray Ozzie stood and delivered a potent keynote at the Mix show.
Microsoft beefs up Flash killer
.NET programming tools add sparkle to Silverlight Seattle Times - Wired News - Computer Business Review - CRN
all 179 news articles »
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 Sports  »  edit
Hancock Had Accident Days Before Death
Forbes - 29 minutes ago
By JIM SUHR 05.01.07, 4:36 PM ET. Three days before he was killed in a highway wreck, St. Louis Cardinals pitcher Josh Hancock was involved in a predawn accident that police treated routinely.
Hancock had accident days before death Seattle Post Intelligencer
Cubs try to leave trying day behind Chicago Sun-Times - International Herald Tribune - - ESPN
all 1,152 news articles »
Cavaliers to advance to conference semis - 52 minutes ago
WASHINGTON: The Cleveland Cavaliers advanced to the Eastern Conference semifinals of the NBA by beating the injury-depleted Washington Wizards 97-90 to complete a four-game series sweep.
Wizards clear out, wondering what might have been Guardian Unlimited
Cavaliers complete first sweep Los Angeles Times - Houston Chronicle - Washington Post - The Standard
all 889 news articles »
Game 3 Multimedia - 1 hour ago
Wilson and Babcock's post-game pressers: In the long (8:19) clip, Wilson states that the Sharks adjusted by telling their defencemen to be less passive against the Wings' forwards, and the Sharks gradually turned the tide because they were more ...
Following story lines through the conference semis
Sharks clip Red Wings for series lead USA Today
Houston Chronicle - National Post - Los Angeles Times - CBS News
all 910 news articles »
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 Entertainment  »  edit    

Hollywood Today Newsmagazine
Larry Birkhead Leaves Bahamas With Dannielynn
FOX News - 4 hours ago
AP. April 10: Larry Birkhead smiles and raises his hands in the air after a paternity hearing in Nassau, Bahamas. April 10: Larry Birkhead smiles and raises his hands in the air after a paternity hearing in Nassau, Bahamas.
Larry Birkhead To Take Anna Nicole’s Baby Home Today? hecklerspray
Anna Nicole Smith's baby leaves Bahamas Boston Globe
Cayman Net News - MSNBC - Entertainment Tonight - San Jose Mercury News
all 353 news articles »
Spider-Man 3 - 1 hour ago
by Columbia Pictures. In most movies, that would be a put-down. But Mary Jane, played again in Spider-Man 3 by the radiant Kirsten Dunst, says it with such affection that she's sure to reclaim her title as the ideal woman for generations of nerdy, ...
Movie Review: Spider-Man 3 Monsters and
O, what lucrative webs he weaves Globe and Mail
Los Angeles Times - New Straits Times - USA Today - Chicago Tribune
all 273 news articles »

Virgin Media
Love to sell Cobain's belongings - 12 hours ago
Courtney Love has revealed that she plans to sell most of the belongings of her late husband Kurt Cobain. Speaking to the AOL music website Spinner.
Courtney Love's Auction Nirvana E! Online
Courtney Love plans to auction off Cobain's belongings Actress Archives
Monsters and - San Francisco Chronicle - Boston Herald - hecklerspray
all 262 news articles »
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 Health  »  edit
Tooth decay is on the rise for kids
Houston Chronicle - Apr 30, 2007
By MIKE STOBBE AP Medical Writer. © 2007 AP. ATLANTA - Tooth decay in young children's baby teeth is on the rise, a worrying trend that signals the preschool crowd is eating too much sugar, according to the largest government study of the nation's ...
Pediatric tooth decay increasing, study shows Allentown Morning Call
Tooth decay seen increasing for young children
Washington Post - New York Times - - Pittsburgh Post Gazette
all 302 news articles »

E Canada Now
Snow: ‘You don't get cocky with cancer’
MSNBC - 21 hours ago
WASHINGTON - White House Press Secretary Tony Snow returned to work Monday just five weeks after announcing a recurrence of the colon cancer he battled two years ago.
White House spokesman back at work after cancer surgery CNN
Bush Spokesman to Return and Start Cancer Treatment New York Times
BBC News - Denver Post - Washington Post - CBS News
all 403 news articles »

Fewer Heart Patients Dying After Hospitalization
Forbes - 33 minutes ago
TUESDAY, May 1 (HealthDay News) -- As more medical centers have begun adopting new heart disease treatment guidelines, the rates of heart failure and death have been dropping, new research suggests.
Heart-Attack Death Rates Drop Wall Street Journal
Heart attack survival rises USA Today
Reuters - Metro - Miami Herald
all 31 news articles »
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Ottawa Citizen (subscription)
Global terror report: steep hike in Iraq, Afghanistan
Christian Science Monitor - 3 hours ago
US intelligence analysis shows sharp increase in 2006 attacks and casualties, with Iran as chief sponsor. By Jesse Nunes | csmonitor.
US sees rise in terrorism casualties Los Angeles Times
Report: Global terrorism up more than 25 percent CNN - Edmonton Sun - Monsters and - Raw Story
all 513 news articles »
Clinton to Attend New Hampshire Debate
San Francisco Chronicle - 1 hour ago
Sens. Hillary Rodham Clinton and Barack Obama said Tuesday they would attend the June 3 debate sponsored by WMUR-TV, the New Hampshire Union Leader and CNN.
Obama also agrees to... Boston Globe
Clinton Campaign Rallies Supporters New York Times
ABC News - The Union Leader - AHN - WCAX
all 92 news articles »

Bush and EU Agree Climate Change is Problem
Voice of America - 4 hours ago
By Leta Hong Fincher. President Bush and European Union leaders have agreed to work together on the issue of climate change. In a wide-ranging meeting Monday, the leaders also agreed to continue pressuring Iran to give up its nuclear enrichment program ...
Bush urges Russian participation in missile defence Times of India
Bush, EU leaders deadlocked on climate change New Straits Times
Forbes - Washington Post - Bloomberg - Monsters and
all 428 news articles »
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