

Microsoft to expand its Web services for businesses 12:46am EST

SEATTLE (Reuters) - Microsoft Corp, faced with Web rivals looking to poach its business customers, said on Sunday it plans to broaden the availability of its online services for e-mail and collaboration softwareFull Article

Facebook lets its users translate site into German 7:14am EST 

SAN FRANCISCO (Reuters) - Facebook, the social network site that has enjoyed spectacular international growth in the past year, despite being published only in English until recently, said on Monday it was offering a German version.  Full Article 

China Mobile says keen on iPhone, but not in talks 5:47am EST 

BEIJING (Reuters) - China Mobile, the world's largest mobile phone operator, said on Monday it had not officially entered into talks with Apple Inc to bring iPhones to the mainland, but was interested in doing so.  Full Article 

Spanish breeder to clone prize bull

Mar. 3 - A Spanish rancher plans to clone his fighting bull rather than just replace him.  Play Video