Tuesday, April 19, 2011

KWL: Forces And Motion

K W L  :  F o r c e s   a n d   M o t i o n
Finally, you might say, that girl is starting a new unit. It’s true, and even I got tired of all those reflections about minerals, although I did learn a lot! This unit is all about…forces and motion! You’re probably as confused as I am, but if you’re a professor or something write comments that might help me and the awesome people who read my blog posts but don’t understand what’s going on. Here is the first thing we do when starting a new unit: KWL, Know, Want to know, and Learn. Of course, I can only do the first two because I didn’t learn anything yet.
I’m going to do this in bullets because I don’t know a lot.
i)      A type of force is gravity
ii)   There are three laws of motion
And that’s pretty much it.
Want to know:
i)      What is the exact definition of force and motion?
ii)   How are force and motion used to help humans?
iii)Can you overcome the force of gravity?
iv) Who invented/discovered motion?
v)    Who invented/discovered force?
There are many more things I can add, but I don’t know anything about force and motion yet so I might have more questions if I learn I little bit more about it. Of course, at the end of the unit I will add the learn!


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