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How do I increase my chances of getting on The Price is Right?

I have always wanted to be on The Price is Right and this year I am turning 40. I have decided to drive from Sacramento to Orange County and do what I need to do to get onstage with Drew. Does anyone have any advice on how to get into the audience and then MOST importantly, how to get into contestants row?
From what I understand you get in line and the production staff go up and down the line looking for people to chose to bring in and call on. How early should one get into line? What things increase your chances?
I REALLY want to do this!!!!!

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Answer angelahanson1968's question

Answer from Houston_proud
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How to Get On The Price Is Right

This info is from a couple of years ago (2006), but should still be applicable.

Good luck!


How to Get On The Price Is Right

This information is courtesy of Todd Rogers, TPIR fan from The Price Is Right mailing list.

Thanks for the great info, Todd!

Your Guide to Getting On The Price Is Right

1. Arrive at the studio between 4:30AM and 4:45AM.
Trust me! Many people make the mistake of arriving between 5:30AM and 6AM, and by then, it's usually too late. When 7:30AM rolls around, you will see why I am URGING you to get to the studio so early.

2. Park out on the street (but do get in line) until they open the gates at 6AM. You should go by the Farmer's market the day/night before to get an idea where it is. You do not go into the Main CBS parking lot. You go in on the side where the Farmer's Market is. The parking area that Price Is Right audience members use is the one just outside the building on the Farmers Market side of the studio building. There is a little walk through gate where the line will have started forming.

3. Bring a Book and something comfortable to sit in (like a chair) and relax with the other people in line, and watch them start coming. The line xperience is alot of fun. You meet really nice people, many whom have been to this show many times, and those who haven't been picked and yet haven't given up either.

4. Make sure you bring with you the ticket(s)!!! hey will be asking for them when they come out at 7:30 - 7:45AM. Also, if you wish to be considered as a contestant you MUST bring with you your drivers license and a Social Security card, or other document(s) that show legal citizenship. They will not be looking at ID's in the beginning, but once you are sitting in your assigned seat on the benches later on in the process, they will.

5. Your ticket will be numbered according to your place in line. I was #43. That is also your seat number. They usually seat the middle section first, so you should be within the first 100 people (you and your whole party with you) to get center section seating which is the best view. I was center section, 4th row from the front and 3rd seat from the right hand aisle (this would be to audience's left, stage's right). You will be given a time to return. DO NOT BE LATE!

6. There will be some periods that you will be unable to break away and go to the bathroom or get a drink, or smoke, or eat, so do yourself a favor. Take care of the most important thing, going to the bathroom, just before you come back to the studio after ticket numbering.

7. Once in the benches area, you will be given one last chance to get rid of cameras, and any clothing that may be deemed as advertising (just a rule of thumb...don't wear any logo's or advertisements, but do tell the world how much you love BOB!). Processing will begin when the pages come out to start making name tags. You will give your ID's to the page, they will verify, write your first name on the Classic TPIR pricetag, and give you a card that has the same number that was written on your ticket. Follow the instructions of the page once you get this card. This is your contestant ID Number also.

8. While processing is going on, and once it is over, you will hear periodic announcements over the loudspeaker with instructions and other pertinent information about the day's taping. This is also the venue they will use if they inadvertently have to cancel the show for the day.

9. Once processing is completed, you will get in groups of 50, based again on the number on your ticket, and then 10 at a time, you all will go around the corner, and start the contestant interviewing process. This is another place where the book comes in handy because you will not be allowed to talk at all during this 45 minute process. You will meet Roger Dobkowitz or the person who is doing the producing for that day's taping, and he will ask you to describe where you come from, and why you came to see The Price is Right.

Just be yourself. You will see a lot of people hamming it up, thinking that they will get on the show....

I didn't see anyone who hammed it up get on the show...=-)

10. You will go into an area for seating that is also benches once the interview process is complete. There you cannot talk but you can get something to drink from the vending machines, and you can go to the bathroom to your heart's content....=) You will wait here until all 324 contestants/audience members are done being interviewed.

11. You will all then be led up a flight of stairs, through a hallway, and directly into the studio, and then seated, and then....ANYTHING CAN HAPPEN!!

Have fun! Todd Rogers 1
