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tiki kiwi tiki kiwi
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March 01, 2010
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Why did 9/11 happen? why did they do that to us? what did we ever do to them for them to bomb us and kill us..?

wraeth by wraeth
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April 01, 2007
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Actually they did that because since the 1970s we have been interfering in middle eastern affairs. Overthrowing their governments, installing dictators, and then selling those very same dictators Weapons of Mass Destruction that were used to kill hundreds of thousands of civilians. They have every right to hate us for what we have done to their region. The last straw was our 'occupation' of Saudi Arabia during the first Gulf War. SA is the Muslim holy land, as most soldiers are not Muslim we are infidels, and they saw it as a sacrilege on their faith that we were there, regardless of the fact that we were invited by the Saudi government. It is really not that hard of a concept to grasp. We kill them, they kill us, we kill them some more, they kill us some more. It is a never ending cycle.


Army Scout
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Terrorism, destruction, war... give it different names they are all the same! The U.S. calls it terrorism to give you people the illusion. What Israel is doing against Palestine (which U.S. is supporting) is TERRORISM! What the U.S. is doing in Iraq & Afghanistan right now is TERRORISM!

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Other Answers (5)

  • Kiine76 by Kiine76
    Member since:
    March 01, 2010
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    9/11 happened because the powers that be wanted it to happen. There are a lot of questions surrounding 9/11 and who is behind it. The govt claimed that 19 Saudi nationals were behind the attacks and were planned and financed by Osama Bin Laden( known CIA operative). Three of the possible hijacker were found to be alive after 9/11. I am not certain about who was behind the attacks on 9/11, but the conspiracy theory put forth by the govt is very flimsy at best. There are many questions which go unanswered by the 9/11 commission and the report that they put forth. Read the thing for yourself. I believed the 9/11 story as the govt told it and wanted revenge like every other American. I was for the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq until someone showed me a video called Loose Change. I don't support all the ideas put forth by the video, but when they talk about building 7 I was blown away. I did not know that a 3rd building collapsed in NY that day. The official report about building 7 was that fire had caused structural failure. I began to research more about building 7 and found that it did not fit with the story put forward by the govt. Like I said, I don't know who is behind 9/11, but I know that our govt will lie to us. Don't believe me or anyone else. Look into things yourself and come up with your own conclusions. That is one of the wonderful things about a free society, you can have your own opinion and have the right to express it. I am not anti-American. I served eight years in the US Army and I love this country. I just don't trust our govt.!( either party).
    0% 0 Votes
  • Richard by Richard
    Member since:
    February 09, 2010
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    1. Some crazy people killed themselves and many innocent people on that day for no good reason.
    2. Why? Because they are crazy.
    3. We did nothing to them to justify killing all these people.
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  • Mark F by Mark F
    A Top Contributor is someone who is knowledgeable in a particular category.
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    A Top Contributor is someone who is knowledgeable in a particular category.
    Well, it all started back during the Crusades....

    If you don't know what that is (and trust me, THEY do) then I really can't help you.
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  • Andy by Andy
    Member since:
    October 23, 2009
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    They're just hateful, dangerous people.
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  • izzo by izzo
    Member since:
    March 09, 2009
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    Who are they ?
    0% 0 Votes

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