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Gordillo surname

  Replies: 1

Gordillo surname

Vivian Gordillo  (View posts) Posted: 24 Jun 2000 8:44AM GMT
Any Gordillo's out there please respond to me
I am looking for any Gordillo's where the last name comes from. My gran-father ancestors came from Valencia,Spain and went
into Mexico he left Mexico when he was a very young man. He settled in Arizona and had
a family there. I would like to know if any body could please help me find my research I
had made a promise to a sick uncle that I would find his roots before he dies.He knows
nothing about his father.
SubjectAuthorDate Posted
Vivian Gordillo 24 Jun 2000 8:44AM GMT 
josie 26 Jul 2000 11:34PM GMT 

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