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'Mama Grizzly' Sarah Palin to speak in Vancouver

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By: Christine Tam ,

Date: Wednesday Sep. 1, 2010 2:45 PM PT

Former Republican vice-presidential candidate, author and self-proclaimed "Mama Grizzly" Sarah Palin is coming to Vancouver.

On Oct. 13, the author of Going Rogue will speak, dine and mingle with guests as one of six writers invited to speak at the Vancouver Club by the Bon Mot Book Club.

Leah Costello, a founder of the book club, said they chose Palin for her lightning-rod appeal and called her $75,000 speaking fee a bargain. She said had Palin been booked more recently, the fee would have easily exceeded $100,000.

The series begins on Sept. 20, with Michael Lewis, author of The Big Short: Inside the Doomsday Machine.

Former Pakistan president Pervez Musharraf and New Yorker writer Dr. Atul Gwande will also speak at a price-tag of around $100,000 a talk.

Other speakers include author Liz Murray, who went from being homeless to attending Harvard, and economist Dambisa Moyo, best known for his opposition to providing foreign aid to Africa.

While Palin may have cost $75,000 for the night, members of the public can expect to pay $500 a ticket to see the woman who can see Russia from her house. If that isn't exactly the bargain you're looking for, tune into this season's "Dancing with the Stars" to see her daughter, Bristol Palin, shake what her mama gave her.

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Who Said That
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Its sad that people pay good money to see this idiot speak.

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The organizer of the book club, Leah Costello, used to be connected to the Fraser Insitute.Maybe that's why the tickets are $500 each.BTW Did ya know that the questions and attendees have to be approved by Palin's people? Recently published contract with a California university had that clause in their contract, and it has been picked up in an article by Vanity Fair on Palin.Palin is a grifter.

Heather Eichinger
0 0

Why should we give Sarah Palin and her family any more exposure. I think she should stay in her own country and sort out her family and stop thinking about how much more money she can make off people. I am a woman, and I would never give her my least they have Hillary who has some smarts!!!TIred of the Palins! and whoever else tags along

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I paid once to see a man with 4 arms and a boy with a wolf face, but I wouldn't pay just to see an idiot.

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If that dumb women was speaking across the street from me (free of charge) I would not go to hear her. When is she going away?

bob dobbs
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Sarah Palin is NOT an author: "Going Rogue" was written by Lynn Vincent. Palin claiming as an "autobiography" is the equivalent of me paying someone else to write a term paper then handing it in as my own.

Wayne C.
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Go Sarah !!

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shes making a lot more than you morons..if she's so stupid whats your problem????

Say What?
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Now why on earth would this idiot be coming to Vancouver to speak? Ya sure she can find her way here or did she finally take some geography lessons!What a waste of space this loser is and a waste of money to boot!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

mark jb
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Bad journalism... Dambisa Moyo is a very pretty man!!!