September 14, 2009

"Stop the 9-11 cover-up"

RT reports thousands of New Yorkers are demanding an independent investigation into the events of 9/11


American citizens are pounding the streets, still searching for answers because the official version of the 9/11events has failed to satisfy many people, and there are calls for a fresh investigation into the tragedy.

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Chazmania 2009-09-23

Why would our government admit to something that they were culpable in. This is why they will never agree to another investigation. As usual they will just wait protesters out because eventually they disperse on there own once they feel defeated and tired enough. this government knows this tactic well.

RobertCS 2009-09-22

Now you know the real meaning of �Capitalism� MONEY, MONEY, MONEY TAKE,TAKE,TAKE no matter the consequences BUSH and Chaney made a lot of money, millions out of those 3000 people �playing chip� for them.

AJ Smith 2009-09-16

Yes dart, I've read much of what you point out. But it would require a lot more than the thin hope that some insider will spill on 9/11. He or she would be marginalized in the media machine, unless hard evidence was provided before he/she was killed the next day. It would require non-involved and brave individuals in high places to prosecute. Also, millions of people would have to be in the streets continuously until justice was meted out - something I have doubts will ever happen in the US.

dart 2009-09-16

AJ Smith.Yes absolutely but if one of the world`s ruling elite with inside 911 knowledge revealed the truth it would be like exposing the JFK assassins.The world is changing fast.A trans-national elite is evolving while the middle classes are disolving world-wide in accordance with global capitalism (corportocracy) and systems of control.This is all anticipatwed -even UK`s Ministry of Defence have predicted chips implanted in brains,unmanned weapons and total surveillance.Have a look at Andrew Marshall`s piece at Global Research,his latest part 5 .No one should be surprised that a ruling class dictatorship might squander the lives of its drones to further imperial greed-Pearl harbour,Tonkin,SS Liberty,SS maine,Lusitania.Plus a stream of lies eg. Yalta 2Mn. returned die under Stalin,thousands French mutiny troops WW1 shot and futile murder of Japanese WW2.The list is endless.//Fascism is closing in on america.

AJ Smith 2009-09-16

It is clear to see that the Bush Admin. has covered up 9/11, and Obama's is continuing it. The problem is, it's not just the Neo-Cons, but BOTH D's and R's are involved, as well as the mainstream media and others in the corporate state. Thus, no serious and honest investigation will ever be made, because it would totally crush the existing political system in the US, and whatever credibility still remains of the MSM. It would be the greatest internal crisis since the US Civil War; as such, those in power will do anything & everything to prevent the real facts from being made public.

head splitter 2009-09-16

i'm tired of the american goverment lying and covering up the actual's alot of innocent people who have lost their family in those attacks to cover up such a brutal act like is insidious

dart 2009-09-16

TRNN contributor William Engdahl`s recent book `Full Spectrum Dominance` notes comments from Russian intelligence who incidentally were among those nations which forewarned the Bush administration.In their opinion 911 could only have been organised by an intelligence organisation like the CIA/Mossad.//An article at Bradblog questions whether Obama/Pelosi are not afraid of the CIA.This follows from a well researched and reviewed book ` JFK and the Unspeakable` by W. Douglass at amazon.Confirms Washington`s `Mr. X` speech by Donald Sutherland in Oliver Stone`s `JFK` film on the CIA entwined with the MIC who effected a coup by way of assassination which was more like a public execution.

dart 2009-09-16

`Game theory`, developed by Rand Corpn., as applied to preparation for Iraq invasion began nearly a decade before 911.Starting with the book `Clash of Civilisations` the US public was coaxed into the idea of condemning former CIA asset Sadam.The greatest beneficiary was of course Israel which is again driving the US to war with Iran.Insider Geff Gates explains-see also his site Criminalstate for a free chapter on SS Liberty and US secret promotion of the 6 day war in 1967-. same think tank studied bee swarming and applied it to street protests for the colour revolutions including Tehran.

Northwoods2 2009-09-16

David Ray Griffin just published a new book on the collapse of WTC 7 and the evidence that NIST falsified some of the data it used in its final report. The title is "The Mysterious Collapse of WTC Seven:Why NIST�s Final 9/11 Report is Unscientific and False", and it is available at He also released a short article by the same name summarizing the contents of the book and posted it on the web. You can read the article here:

jaesea 2009-09-15

Stop the 9-11 coverup indeed! When can we get the truth about what happened that day? Why so many unanswered / unanswerable questions about the millions of details on this important event!?

JoeBlow 2009-09-15

The Bush administration resisted the creation of the 9/11 commission for more than a year and when they were finally forced to relent they gave it only 3 million dollars. 9/11 commissioners say they were lied to by the Pentagon and obstructed by the White House. The fact that there is a cover-up is undeniable. What they're covering up is the critical question. It's psychologically comfortable for some people to believe the answer is incompetence but it could be criminal negligence or dereliction of duty, in addition, since we now know of the existence of the false flag attacks planned for in Operation Northwoods and others executed under the umbrella of Operation Gladio, any rational person would have to accept the possibility that they�re covering up their own complicity.

dart 2009-09-15

Another of my favourites-one of the hundreds of links to the CCTV tower that burned all night but did not collapse.Beijing recycled some of the reclaimed steel from WTC so I suppose the NIST people can only say the Chinese must be better builders.

dart 2009-09-15

Here is an astonishing story of evidence manipulation by the 911 commission.The only person who signs off on the competence of one five foot tall hijacker who only ever wanted to be a cabin attendant is an ex IAF pilot who promptly disappears after giving evidence.(for you esp.TTY )//The the sompany that owned/managed the building where weapons grade super thermite was developed aws also involved in some maintenance work on certain floors at the twin towers and is connected as a part-time speech writer to Bush.//NIST report is blown out by free fall timing science as pointed out by a physics schoolteacher no less!At global research link given below.

dart 2009-09-15

Here is an excellent update on the NIST cover-up on WTC7.Follow it through to the attempts by BBC hacks to rehash their ` Mystery` revealed progs. from 2008 attempting to alter the facts.Note the strange death 3 days before enquiry of an authoratative witness who was inside the building while the twin towers decended. If CIA asset OBL did (as the suspect video claimed) do it why does the FBI not make that charge.To the poster below where is the evidence and why did Fox noise ,beloved by bigots,announce OBL funeral in december 2001?Pepe has 50 unanswererd questions at Asia Times.

cds48 2009-09-15

And the Truthers in the video seem more like me, and not those who believe the government planned this or did it on purpose. I am like the people who believe that those in the government ignored or didnt have the insight to see the signs, and tried explaining there was nothing they could do, when that was a complete lie. Like the one man says in the video, the people want accountability; and thats about it. I didn't hear them talking about government having a role in actually carrying out the attack, although Im sure thats why many of them were there. Jus sayin.

cds48 2009-09-15

First off, I would like to know how many of these witnesses have seen a building explode/demolished before 9/11, because that would play into their credibility. Second, the evidence does sound quite convincing, but I would like to know if these matierials can be created in any other way? I don't want to see a scientific report that can only come up with one source, but with many ideas, so we can discuss which is more plausible. Could anything in the plane have caused this? Flares on the plane? NYC Pollution? I need some more opinions or explanation than "It definitely came from super thermite."

teknikAL 2009-09-15

"Environmental anomalies at the World Trade Center: evidence for energetic materials" ~ "Active Thermitic Material Discovered in Dust from the 9/11 World Trade Center Catastrophe" ~ Follow the links to see real, repeatable, peer reviewed scientific evidence.

teknikAL 2009-09-15

The most plausible explanations start with a good old fashioned investigation that begins with eyewitnesses, then looks for evidence that supports what was seen. Obviously the "official" explanation started with a conclusion: "airplanes hit the towers and fire brought them down". Nearly everyone has seen the planes hit the towers, but even NIST is unable to prove the conclusion that fire brought the buildings down. Eyewitness reports of the first responders were hidden for five years until the courts forced them into the public. What you will find there are numerous eyewitnesses to explosions in the buildings. Surprisingly, the "official" investigators never followed those leads and tested for explosive residue. It has taken private citizens with expert scientific and scholarly credentials to actually examine the EPA air quality tests from ground zero ("Environmental anomalies at the World Trade Center: evidence for energetic materials" ~

neoconbuster 2009-09-15

@ Nick: Do you think that the collapse of Building 7 (A Classic INPLOSION) was an accident? Do you know how long does it take to do that? Did you know about this building?

Nick 2009-09-15

While it is POSSIBLE that either some officials knew and did nothing, or that some officials were grossly imcompetent and accidentally let 9/11 happen, I really think it is a tragic waste of activists' time and resources to pursue any suggestion that the U.S. gov't and/or Israel actually committed the crime. Bin Laden admitted it fergodsakes, and their reasoning and motivation are clearly established. I think these ideas embarrass progressives everywhere. There's too much real work to be done in this world to allow ourselves to get sidetracked by that.

dan the man 2009-09-15

JRogue, the differance between being Ignorant and being Stupid is this: being Ignorant means you simply don't know because you have no evidence to educate you, being Stupid means that you have CHOSEN to Ignore the Mountain of evidence that is right in front of your face!!! The only problem the 911 truth movement has is that there are far too many Stupid people, like you, that CHOOSE IGNORANCE by ignoring the Blatent "OBVIOUS TO EVEN A RETARDED MONKEY", Factual Evidence!!!!!!!!!!!

kamalchassan 2009-09-15

Simply put.The 9-11 heinous Attack, was cooked up by the American CIA and the Israeli Mossad,using the Al-qaeda Killers as stooges.It works for both sides.The American/Israelis would wage so called Illegal WARS on terror, and take away most of our civil liberties,and Al-Qaeda would claim responsibility for the heinous attack to bolster it's standings in the Muslim world,so the war on terror will continue.To get to the truth all we have to do, is ask the Israeli Mossad what they know about this heinous attack and go from there.Israel knows a whole lot,it black mails the US into siding with the Israeli policies, most of which are Illegal and immoral and simply wrong.The US gives Israel 10 Million dollars per day,a country that does not need the money, what Israel does with the money, is kill, occupy, wage wars on it's neighbors, and imprison a whole population in Gaza and the West Bank in our name, that's why people hate us every where around the world.As the saying goes"I'll tell y

kaaawa 2009-09-14

From any angle you study this story needs to be investigated with subpoena powers.

jaesea 2009-09-14

The movement to push for new investigations on the attacks should be growing. The answers given by the government make no sense and cannot be proven. There are so many unanswered questions only those in denial could possibly believe the 'official story'.

Northwoods2 2009-09-14

847 Architects and Engineers (including structural engineers) says the "official" explanations offered up for the 3 tower collapses on 9/11 (WTC buildings 1, 2 & 7) defy the laws of physics. When I look at their arguments posted at and the pictures/video from that day, I think they have a point. Plus, now we have traces of a military grade explosive, nano-thermite, found in multiple samples of the 9/11 dust, as was recently discussed in a peer reviewed scientific paper. For an interesting deabate between some scientists skeptical of their claim and the scientists who published the paper on the nano-thermite in the WTC dust, Google "Norwegian State Radio initiates public debate on 9/11".

TyR. 2009-09-14

Although I too am dismayed at the level of outrageous claims made by many of the "truth movement" and the ignorance of many of their members, it is unfair to pass off this issue as a closed case. There are indeed many documented facts that pull into question whether or not people in government and intelligence had some knowledge of what was going on and were negligible. Examples would be the FBI tailing the flight training of several of the hijackers, but senior directors dismissing the agent's concerns; and the unusual level of put option trading done prior to 911, which the 911 commission failed to explain, but instead passed it off as coincidence.

DJ2008 2009-09-14

JRogue, do you have any scant clue what you're on about, or are you just being a Rogue sophist? Little to nothing from said movement has been disproved, and hacks like yourself will only fuel the fire of discontent. You're own lack of critical thinking skills would've made you an effective SS officer some 75 years ago.

JRogue 2009-09-14

I think that it is obvious that the supposed "9/11 Truth Movement" is not going to be swayed no matter how many facts are offered. Their conspiracy theory has been disproved over and over again, yet they persist. Arguing with them is a waste of time; they have decided what they believe and will not change their mind. Surely there is enough work that needs to be done that we should stop wasting our time debating this irrational crowd. If any investigation should be made, it is Alex Jones' connection to hate groups. Please, let us focus on undoing the recruitment and impact of the right-wing "Truth Movement" on the left.

cds48 2009-09-14

Some good questions, and I think there should be an investigation, but your not going to find some massive cover-up by the US government. There would have to had been way too many people involved (the media, government officials, military personel, etc.) for them to cover up everything and pull it off. Someone would have felt bad and tried to talk. Im sure what you will find in the end is that, like with the JFK assassination, it would involve mostly people with the responsibility to protect (the CIA, Executive Branch, FBI, NORAD, etc.) made huge mistakes and tried covering up they made those mistakes so that they wouldn't get punished.

doyog 2009-09-14

Questions that must be asked, Who allowed the placement of radio controlled bombs in the twin towers and building 7? Was it the security company over these building as they did their security evacuations that happened before 9-11? Who warned Giuliani that the buildings were coming down? Why did Giuliani recover only 200 million in gold bullion and he said recovered it all but there should have been 160 BILLION in gold bullion? Why did NORAD stand down that day? We must question Cheney for he was running the war games that day which included NORAD. Why were no 757's recovered from the Pentagon crash or the Shanksville, PA crash? Why did Larry Silverstein use the word "Pull (a demolition term)" when talking about building 7 in an interview? Why did the BBC report that building 7 came down but you see building 7 still standing as the reporter was reporting it? How did the BBC have foreknowledge of building 7? These questions and more must be asked for the betterment of the world.

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