Sunday, June 27, 2010

PeopleString..How To Make Money

PeopleString...How To Make Money

Congratulations for recognizing the next trend in social networking and acting on it. I can assure you that you are on the GROUND FLOOR of something pretty transformational.

Every click you make with your mouse is making somebody else money...with PeopleString YOU are now able profit from your clicks.

PeopleString revenue, measured by PeoplePoints, is all based on the Internet traffic YOU create..traffic that is either ON the site or from the site. The more PeoplePoints you (and your friends) generate, the larger cut of PeopleString's ad revenue you will receive.

It's simple. If you use the PS site regularly, you WILL generate PeoplePoints doing the same things you do online already (Google searches, check email, go to ecommerce sites, play games, blog etc).

The EASIEST way to generate PeoplePoints is to make PeopleString your homepage.

The PS site has a link to every major email provider, a Google search box, every major social networking site and a place that you can add your favorite sites. They let YOU add the sites you visit frequently so THEY get credit for your traffic. Once you configure the PS site to your liking, you will find you never leave the site.

When you click FROM or ON the PeopleString site, you are generating ad revenue for PS...which they share 70% with's a great deal.

The easiest way to generate PeoplePoints:

1. Play the games (WhichHand every 30 mins, Lotto every 4 hours, Spin the Wheel once a day)
2. Do your searches through PS's Google search box
3. Check your email through the PS site
4. Browse the ecommerce sites listed on bottom left hand site of the page.
5. Click to any of your favorite sites you add under "Favorites-Add"
6. Go to your favorite social networking site through PS.

On an average day you can make 200-500 PeoplePoints easily.

You will find the PeoplePoints add up quickly.

The more PeoplePoints you get, the more ad revenue will receive each month. It's only fair that a PS member that generates traffic for PS should be rewarded over an infrequent user...their ad revenue comes from Internet traffic YOU generate.

Is there a formula of PeoplePoints to cash earned?

No. Each month PeopleString's ad revenue will be different and chances are so will your PeoplePoints. If you use the site regularly, you WILL generate PeoplePoints and will be rewarded.

While you can make money with YOUR Internet traffic, the other way you make money is when your friends use PeopleString too.

Every friend you sign up, you get .50 AND a cut of their revenue too...every month. Does Facebook pay you when you add a friend?

Yes it's a multi-level marketing concept but instead of forcing your friend to buy or sell some product/service, all they need to to do be a member is provide Internet traffic. Unless they live in a cave, they do that every day.

You get paid 6 levels deep.

You generate revenue 6 levels deep. That means you can sign up as many people you want directly under neath you. That is level one. Your friends can sign up as many people they want directly under neath them. That is level 2. You get a cut of revenue for EACH one of those people for 6 levels. Your membership AND revenue stream grows exponentially.

An average person that signs up 4 people a month (for last 9 months) is making a little over $1000 a month today. There are people much more ambitious than that and are making 10xs that amount per month. With PeopleString, you determine how much income you want to earn based on the time you put into it...or the size of your network.

The Internet is only getting bigger with more people and devices connecting to it. Here is a free opportunity to participate in the next big trend, people getting paid for their Internet traffic.

For a quick summary visit my free sign up page

Next up a report Who Should Sign Up for PeopleString?

Wednesday, May 05, 2010

Viking Systems VKNG OTC:BB


Viking Systems

Viking Systems
134 Flanders Road
Westborough, MA 01581
508-366-3668 begin_of_the_skype_highlighting            508-366-3668      end_of_the_skype_highlighting

Shares Oustanding (45.3m as of 1/31/2010)
YL .12 YH .38
Price .225 (4/5/2010)
Market Cap $10.15m (4/5/2010)


Company Overview

Company Profile

Viking Systems (VKNG: OTC BB) is a leading worldwide developer, manufacturer and marketer of 2D and 3D visualization solutions for complex minimally invasive surgery. The Company partners with medical device companies and healthcare facilities to provide surgeons with proprietary visualization systems enabling minimally invasive surgical procedures, which reduce patient trauma and recovery time

VKNG represents a pure way to play the trend in high definition visualization for minimally invasive surgery.

The leader in advanced 3D visualization solutions for minimally invasive surgeries.

If you ever found yourself in disbelief when watching the Discovery Channel or a sporting event on high definition TV, then you now know how surgeons feel when using Viking Systems new 3DHD (high definition) surgical video system. For the first time, surgeons are able to see blood vessels that were previously not visible.

While 2D high definition cameras now represent the vast majority of placements in the approximately $1 billion surgical video systems market, it is now clear that 3DHD is the next advancement in endoscopic surgical vision.

We see three key themes that Viking can capitalize on.

1. More surgeries are being performed using minimally invasive techniques.

2. 3D and high definition is being adopted by EVERY type of display, including medical procedures.

3. Robotic surgery.

3DHD is the next big thing for surgery.

TREND: More surgeries are being performed through minimally invasive procedures (less healing time, less trauma to the body). As a result, the surgeon’s eyes have to rely more on the scope’s “eyes”. The camera or the “eyes” of the scope has become the key factor with minimally invasive surgeries (MIS).

VKNG’s OEM biz (2d cameras for major medical device companies is a relatively low margin business but generates revenue the majority of current revenue (approx $7-8m).

The company is reducing efforts on 3d headset biz ….will still sell to certain markets where demand has been good.

Their focus is on the soon to be commercially available 3DHD camera technology.

Two markets they are going after.

1. standalone (embedding inside any minimal invasive scope)
2. as a add-on to a computer assisted surgical device/articulate surgical instruments (think of Viking's Next Generation 3DHD as a “generic Intuitive Surgical ISRG daVinci” for a fraction of the price. Most hospitals and surgeons want next generation technology but can’t afford daVinci’s $1.5m price tag..

“There’s 3D, and then there’s 3DHighDefinition”…similar to watching a high def channel on your non High Def TV. You can tell it’s different, but the only way to see the dramatic difference is with a HD screen.

Dr Bhayani, became certified in da Vinci robotic in 2003 currently uses the daVinci system, had this to say about Viking’s Next Generation 3DHD system,

This 3D image is as good as any I have ever seen in my robotic procedures. I feel more in control and extraordinarily comfortable; it allows me to regain tactile feedback without sacrificing superior visualization."

By the 4th qtr ’10, VKNG looks to make commercially available, the only 3DHD visualization system.

This system will utilize a new flat panel 3DHD display produced by Sony and be offered at a lower cost point than the current headset 3D system. The system is targeted to provide the highest quality 3DHD visualization in a cost effective, standalone solution available to minimally invasive surgeons worldwide.

VALUATION: Intuitive Surgical ISRG the pioneer in robotic surgery , maker of the infamous daVinci, and a licensor of Viking’s IP, generates a little over $1b in revenues and commands a $14B market cap. (approx 12x’s revs)

Several medical device companies are looking to penetrate the multi-billion dollar robotic surgery market by introducing a much cheaper alternative that includes an articulating surgical device with a 3DhighDef visual solution.

VKNG offers the ONLY 3D High Def visualization solution.

What is that worth?

Stryker, Olympus, and Karl Storz make up 80% of the scope market and will need to include HD feature.

Approx 30k scopes/units sold annually (upgrade/new) in the U.S. alone. Other markets, foreign…China building 400 hospitals/ year.

CEO Jed Kennedy commented “Based on input from surgeons who had an opportunity to use the system clinically we believe that our Next Gen system is right on target and that restoring the all important 3rd dimension to minimally invasive surgeons in a cost effective, high definition format will make it the preferred choice for endoscopic visualization systems in ORs around the world.”

Eric J. DeMaria, M.D. said, “Using 3D cameras in the OR has changed my sense of depth and space while performing minimally invasive surgery”

Evan Krachman, Sony Marketing Manager, Surgical Applications, stated, “Sony is committed to developing 3D technologies for the surgical market. Our experience in manufacturing high-performance video technology for the broadcast and video industries allowed us to deliver high-quality HD to the surgical field, and now we’re further extending that expertise by delivering an even higher level of detail and texture with 3D”.

Jed Kennedy commented, “The feedback from surgeons who had an opportunity to use the system was extremely encouraging. Performing complex minimally invasive procedures with a 3D vision system has the potential not only to improve the quality of care but also to reduce procedure time and therefore cost of procedures.”

From VKNG's 10K Filing 2/22/2010

Our 3Di solution provides a higher level of technical sophistication than 2D for MIS procedures, without the high cost and technical complexity of a robotic solution. Due to improvements in technology combined with the trends in 3D adoption in the consumer market, we believe that the adoption rate of 3D vision systems in the medical market will greatly accelerate upon commercial release of our next generation 3D vision system.

Contributing to such expected increase in adoption is that we anticipate our next generation product will have a lower cost and selling price than our current 3D system and therefore be more competitively priced in relation to existing 2D high definition systems. Only a 5% penetration of worldwide vision system unit placements, or approximately 1,400 systems per year, could result in sales for our 3D technology in excess of $100 million annually

On August 5, 2008, we licensed our patent portfolio to Intuitive Surgical, Inc. pursuant to an exclusive license agreement (the “License Agreement”). The License Agreement provides Intuitive Surgical with perpetual, exclusive rights to use all of our then held patents in the medical robotics field, as defined in the License Agreement.

In the fourth quarter of 2009 we also completed development work of a 3DHD visualization system for a robotic surgical company under a development contract that provided us approximately $800,000 of total revenue beginning in late 2007 and ending in 2009. It is the parties’ stated intentions that this development agreement will lead to a multi-year supply agreement whereby we manufacture and supply products to the other party.

Financial Condition.
While the company has taken great measures to reduce their burn rate and secured a $5m equity line, we would like to see them develop a partnership with a larger medical device company that could help with the heavy lifting (marketing, sales, manufacturing).

Viking Systems is considered a highly speculative investment and should ONLY BE considered by high risk oriented investors.

Viking Systems
134 Flanders Road
Westborough, MA 01581
508-366-3668 begin_of_the_skype_highlighting            508-366-3668      end_of_the_skype_highlighting


Corporate Presentation

Viking Press Releases

Message Boards
Yahoo VKNG

If you would like to be included in other companies we find of interest, please email us with subject line (10 Baggers)

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The information contained herein has been compiled from sources deemed reliable and it is accurate to the best of our knowledge and belief; however, we cannot guarantee as to its accuracy, completeness and validity and cannot be held liable for any errors or omissions. Changes are periodically made to this web site and may be made at any time.

All information contained herein should be independently verified and confirmed.

We do not accept any liability for any loss or damage whatsoever caused in reliance upon such information or services. Furthermore, we are not an investment adviser nor a financial adviser, and no information provided here is to be interpreted as a suggestion to buy or sell securities. We have not been compensated in any manner for this summary. We may hold a position in this security and WILL NOT alert publicly if and when we decide to sell our holdings. We may or may not update our opinions and research of this security.

Friday, February 27, 2009

13.1 and 26.2 Shoe Ornaments Are Available At



Do Tags are attached through the shoe lace and are small enough for any size shoe.

Each Do Tag is approximately the size of a quarter, 3/16" thick, made of rubber and weighs as little as a packet of Splenda.


Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Voice 2Page

test voice 2 page