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Are you someone who is a visionary and enjoys using your talents to grow companies? Our company Emergency Therapy Inc. provides counseling 24 hours per day over the internet with licensed social workers and psychologists. We have a goal of 10 million monthly members within 7 years. In order to get to this level, we are in need of finding an individual who has expertise raising venture funds, bringing on top level board members, and taking this company to the masses. We are a unique company with a background that includes our founder being a licensed social worker. He has appeared on Dr. Phil, Fox 5, UPN, The Los Angeles Times, NY Post, CNN, The Today Show, and over 500 radio programs around the world. He is also a twice published author and has had documentaries made about his work helping others.
perfect candidate has started and sold companies or is a venture capitalist. We know this company will improve millions of lives. In addition, with the economy as it is, more and more people need affordable counseling. We have launched a demo of our site which you can see. Please email Blake LeVine, LMSW at emergencytherapy@gmail.com with why you would be the right person for this position. This is an opportunity to help others and to be a part of a counseling company will become extremely profitable. The exit strategy will make this a highly lucrative position for the right person.
You can see some more information and our demo site at:
Please email why you are the right candidate at emergencytherapy@gmail.com
- Location: Sillicon Valley
- Compensation: Percentage of Company and Profits
- Telecommuting is ok.
- This is a part-time job.
- OK to highlight this job opening for persons with disabilities
- Principals only. Recruiters, please don't contact this job poster.
- Please, no phone calls about this job!
- Please do not contact job poster about other services, products or commercial interests.
PostingID: 1129162202