
New and Improved IPL Site Search!

screenshot of IPL's new advanced search 3/31/2008

We’re excited to announce the new and improved improved version of the IPL’s own site search engine. The IPL’s new search supports the use of quotes for exact phrase searching and the use of pluses (+) and minuses (-) to increase or decrease the importance of finding a particular term. Search results are presented in a simplified, conventional list format with quick access links to one or more related parts of the IPL.

The IPL’s new advanced search provides a choice between a more powerful version of the IPL’s new search, called "Traditional Advanced Search," and the IPL’s "Grok It" search. The IPL’s "Traditional Advanced Search" allows searching of the title, descriptions, and/or URLs of the links in the IPL’s primary database, and provides the option of searching for words or phrases contained or not contained in those fields. All of this is presented in a very simple and highly usable interface.

You can try out the new search using the yellow search box at the very top of this page. Click the link there to the IPL’s new Advanced Search & Help page to try out the IPL's new advanced search.

We’re extremely happy to offer this new feature to all of our patrons, members, volunteers, and students, and hope that all of you find it to be an improvement on an already excellent online resource, the IPL!

See All of the IPL’s Spotlight Features…


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The IPL was founded by a class at the University of Michigan's School of Information, and Michigan SI students almost exclusively generated its content and managed the Ask a Question reference service. On January 1, 2007, the IPL moved to Drexel University's College of Information Science and Technology. Now, a consortium of colleges and universities with programs in information science is developing and maintaining the IPL!

Read about how the IPL Consortium came to be!

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The Internet Public Library is hosted by The iSchool at Drexel, College of Information Science and Technology, with major support from the College of Information at Florida State University and its founder, the University of Michigan School of Information.
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