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Turkish Press
Bush: “I’m the Commander Guy”
New York Times - 37 minutes ago
By Sheryl Gay Stolberg. President Bush coined a new nickname for himself - ‘’the commander guy” - on Wednesday, as he criticized Congressional Democrats in a speech to the annual gathering of the Associated General Contractors of America, ...
House Fails to Override Bush Veto of Iraq Withdrawal (Update1) Bloomberg
UPDATE 2-Bush, Democrats search for Iraq war compromise Reuters
Chicago Tribune - The Kindred Times - Feminist Majority Foundation - Washington Post
all 2,852 news articles »

Washington Post
Gonzales: The Lawyer Who Lied to the Judge
Washington Post - 1 hour ago
The Washington Post's Dan Eggen this morning reports that in November 2005 Attorney General Alberto R. Gonzales apparently misled a federal judge in Montana about the status of William W. Mercer, the US Attorney for the state.
Fired Prosecutor Told His Job Needed for a Republican (Update1) Bloomberg
US attorney general announces Indy grant money to fight gangs Wabash Plain Dealer
Think Progress - FOX News - Reuters - KGAN
all 411 news articles »

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Murdoch's Bold Bid for Dow Jones May Ultimately Succeed
U.S. News & World Report - all 2,197 news articles »
Cyber-riot hits Digg
TG Daily - all 163 news articles »
Milan should mash Liverpool, but ...
Guardian Unlimited - all 491 news articles »
''American Idol'': Bon Jovi rocks the boat
Entertainment Weekly - all 110 news articles »
FDA Looks to Widen Antidepressant Warnings
Forbes - all 370 news articles »
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 Bon Jovi
 Phil Hughes
 Segolene Royal
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 Paul Wolfowitz
 Anna Nicole Smith
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Turkish Press
Diplomats confer ahead of key Iraq conference
New Straits Times - 1 hour ago
Top diplomats from around the world were holding consultations in Egypt Wednesday ahead of a conference seen as the biggest diplomatic push to solve Iraq's woes since the 2003 invasion.
Iraq urges world to write off debt, boost security Khaleej Times
Talks on Iraq stability offer a changed lineup International Herald Tribune
Xinhua - Voice of America - Jerusalem Post - RIA Novosti
all 714 news articles »
Olmert toughs out calls to resign
TVNZ - 2 hours ago
Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Olmert has brushed aside calls to resign from his foreign minister and other leading figures, acknowledging he was in a difficult position but vowing to fix his mistakes.
Israel: The Kadima Party and Calls for Olmert's Resignation Stratfor
Top Party Official Calls for Olmert to Resign New York Times - Spiegel Online - Jerusalem Post - CBS News
all 2,451 news articles »
Turkish ruling party asks for early elections (Roundup)
Monsters and - 1 hour ago
Presidential candidate Abdullah Gul (L) applauds Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan (R) as he waves to the lawmakers of his Justice and Development Party in Ankara, Turkey on 02 May 2007.
EU warns Turkish military to stay out of election crisis Guardian Unlimited
Early Turkish election eases tensions: ruling party Washington Post
Independent Online - Melbourne Herald Sun - Times Online - Chosun Ilbo
all 1,507 news articles »
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 U.S.  »  edit    

San Diego Union Tribune
Police to review clash at LA rally
Houston Chronicle - 38 minutes ago
By PETER PRENGAMAN AP Writer. © 2007 AP. LOS ANGELES - Police Chief William J. Bratton said Wednesday that some of the police tactics used to clear immigration protesters from a park were inappropriate, as news videos showed officers striking people ...
Bratton calls officers' actions 'inappropriate' Los Angeles Times
Chief says some police tactics inappropriate in LA rally clash KSBY
Turkish Press - NBC - WLOS -
all 346 news articles »

Washington Post
Senators wary of expanding eavesdrop law
Buffalo News - 11 hours ago
By Aamer Madhani - CHICAGO TRIBUNE. WASHINGTON - Claiming that federal investigators are missing key information on terrorists because of an outdated spying law, the top US intelligence official called on lawmakers on Tuesday to revamp the foreign ...
Spy court rejects no requests in 2006 CNN
Bush administration pulls back on surveillance agreement International Herald Tribune
Washington Post - New York Times - AHN - Houston Chronicle
all 206 news articles »

Charlotte Sun-Herald
Lee third-graders tops in the state in FCAT reading scores
Naples Daily News - 6 hours ago
Lee third-graders outscored their peers statewide on the reading portion of the Florida Comprehensive Assessment Test but dropped behind by two points in math.
FCATs: Third-Graders Rise In Math, Slip In Reading
Elementary schools do well on FCAT reading Florida Today
The News-Press - WJGH-TV - - Sarasota Herald-Tribune
all 53 news articles »
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 Business  »  edit    

Murdoch's Bold Bid for Dow Jones May Ultimately Succeed
U.S. News & World Report - 1 hour ago
By Betsy Streisand. Rupert Murdoch's plan for world media domination may have hit a speed bump, but that is unlikely to prevent Dow Jones & Co.
'Marketplace' Report: Murdoch's Bid for Dow Jones NPR
Dow Trades at New Record BusinessWeek
Bloomberg - Guardian Unlimited - Boston Herald - International Herald Tribune
all 2,197 news articles »  DJ - ASX:NWS

US air pollution: less smog, but more soot in East
Reuters - Apr 30, 2007
By Deborah Zabarenko, Environment Correspondent. WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The United States is less smoggy than it used to be, but dangerous soot particles are rising in the densely populated eastern part of the country, the American Lung Association ...
Southern California deemed most polluted Houston Chronicle
Indy's air among nation's dirtiest Indianapolis Star
MarketWatch - Pittsburgh Post Gazette - Boston Globe - U.S. News & World Report
all 496 news articles »
Third Time Is The Charm For The Dolans
Forbes - 4 hours ago
The Dolan family tried twice before to take Cablevision System private, but, each time, independent directors of the company rejected the buyout proposals as inadequate.
Cablevision to go private in Dolan deal Washington Post
Cablevision Accepts Dolan Buyout Wall Street Journal (subscription)
Bloomberg - Reuters - - Monsters and
all 295 news articles »  CVC
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 Sci/Tech  »  edit    

Slippery Brick
Cyber-riot hits Digg
TG Daily - 3 hours ago
By Humphrey Cheung. Culver City (CA) - Several thousand years in the future historians and archeologists will wonder why a certain number in 2007 was so popular.
Digg revolt over HD DVD codes
DVD DRM row sparks user rebellion BBC News
Computerworld - PC World - TechNewsWorld - DailyTech
all 163 news articles »

Train with shuttle parts derails
Houston Chronicle - 57 minutes ago
By JAY REEVES AP Writer. © 2007 AP. MYRTLEWOOD, Ala. - A freight train carrying segments of the space shuttle's solid rocket boosters derailed Wednesday after a bridge collapsed, authorities said.
Space shuttle booster segments in train derailment Spaceflight Now
Bridge collapses; NASA-bound train derailed MSNBC
Melbourne Herald Sun - CNN - Reuters AlertNet - San Jose Mercury News
all 320 news articles »

Portable Planet
Apple Makes Quick Work of QuickTime Bug
MacNewsWorld - 50 minutes ago
By Walaika Haskins. On Tuesday, Apple issued an update for its media player QuickTime that fixes a flaw hackers could use to exploit Mac and PC computers.
Apple patches hack challenge's QuickTime bug Computerworld
QuickTime Update Patches Java Flaw PC World
InformationWeek - CNET - ZDNet - Washington Post
all 79 news articles »
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 Sports  »  edit
Milan should mash Liverpool, but ...
Guardian Unlimited - 35 minutes ago
Milan will go into the Champions League final against Liverpool as favourites, but football doesn't always follow logic. If Anfield staged a moshfest last night, then the San Siro put on an exhibition of footballing ballet tonight.
Milan Beats Manchester Utd. to Reach Champions Final (Update1) Bloomberg
Milan beat Utd to set up re-run of '05 final
4TheGame - Team talk - - Forbes
all 491 news articles »

SLAM! Sports
Nowitzki doesn't need more attitude, just more help - 7 hours ago
AP. Not so their egos, which are supposed to start at XXL and only get bigger from there. Maybe that's why Dirk Nowitzki's "I'll-try-to-do-better" plea, made on the eve of Dallas' elimination game Tuesday night against Golden State in the first round ...
Top 10 Playoff Truths: Nowitzki finally comes through CBS News
Mavericks force Game 6 with Warriors CBC News
Houston Chronicle - San Jose Mercury News - - Los Angeles Times
all 1,229 news articles »

St. John's Telegram
Call cuts Sabres to core
New York Daily News - 58 minutes ago
BY MARK LELINWALLA. The video view has been favorable to the Buffalo Sabres all postseason long ... up until last night. The Sabres thought Daniel Briere's shot got past a stretched-out Henrik Lundqvist and crossed the line to tie Game 4 with 16.7 ...
Ducks Beat Canucks in Overtime; Rangers Tie Series (Correct) Bloomberg
Rangers tie up series after dodging a bullet Toronto Star
ESPN - - Seattle Post Intelligencer - Edmonton Journal (subscription)
all 1,190 news articles »
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 Entertainment  »  edit    

''American Idol'': Bon Jovi rocks the boat
Entertainment Weekly - 14 hours ago
By Michael Slezak. Jon Bon Jovi, I owe you an apology. On the latest episode of Idolatry, I openly mocked your songbook and blasted the producers of American Idol for forgoing a rock & roll theme in favor of an evening built solely around your greatest ...
Week 8: The combined summary USA Today
Two for the Road...Home San Francisco Chronicle - FOX News - MSNBC - Baltimore Sun
all 110 news articles »

The Spokesman Review
Dannielynn arrives in the US - 7 hours ago
Larry Birkhead, the celebrity photographer and father of Anna Nicole Smith's daughter Dannielynn, has arrived home in the United States with the baby girl.
Reunited and It Feels So Good!
Larry Birkhead & Anna Nicole Smith’s Tot Arrive In USA hecklerspray - Reuters - Monsters and - Dallas Morning News (subscription)
all 501 news articles »
Britney in surprise comeback concert
Melbourne Herald Sun - 33 minutes ago
TROUBLED pop princess Britney Spears has given her first concert for nearly three years, just over a month after coming out of rehab and reaching a divorce settlement.
Britney Spears takes the stage
Britney Spears performs at California nightclub - Sofia News Agency - Sarasota Herald-Tribune - hecklerspray
all 569 news articles »
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 Health  »  edit    

Turkish Press
FDA Looks to Widen Antidepressant Warnings
Forbes - 1 hour ago
WEDNESDAY, May 2 (HealthDay News) -- US health officials recommended Wednesday that warnings about antidepressants and suicidal thoughts and behaviors be expanded to young adults up to 24 years of age.
The debate over drugs, teen and depression The News Journal
Antidepressants to Get US Warning on Suicide Risks (Update5) Bloomberg
Reuters - Wall Street Journal - International Herald Tribune - Houston Chronicle
all 370 news articles »

Dog Flu Diet and Diseases
Report: Heart attack death rate in hospitals cut nearly in half
Boston Globe - 15 hours ago
By Thomas H. Maugh II, Los Angeles Times | May 2, 2007. LOS ANGELES -- Increased use of angioplasty and the introduction of new drugs over the past six years have nearly halved the number of hospitalized heart attack victims who die or suffer severe ...
Heart attack survival rises USA Today
Hospital heart attack death rate cut
Forbes - Chicago Tribune - Medical News Today
all 215 news articles »
Once-a-year shot can prevent osteoporosis: study
Reuters - 33 minutes ago
By Gene Emery. BOSTON (Reuters) - The Novartis osteoporosis drug Reclast, given once a year, reduces the risk of broken bones for three years but may spark an abnormal heart rhythm in some patients, researchers said on Wednesday.
Heart Rhythm Problem Tied to Bone Drug Houston Chronicle
Jab offers hope for brittle bone sufferers Times Online - CBS 4 - CNBC - Insider Medicine
all 66 news articles »
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Sofia News Agency
President Bush Wants Wolfowitz to Have A Fair Hearing
Bayou Buzz - 3 hours ago
US President George W. Bush thinks embattled World Bank President Paul D. Wolfowitz "ought to stay" in his job. And, Bush adds, "He ought to be given a fair hearing.
Ex-World Bank official says Wolfowitz was misleading Los Angeles Times
Former World Bank ethics body chief says Wolfowitz lied at hearing Xinhua
International Herald Tribune - Free Internet Press - Voice of America - Reuters AlertNet
all 1,142 news articles »
House panel cuts East Europe missile shield funds
Reuters - 1 hour ago
By Susan Cornwell. WASHINGTON (Reuters) - A US House committee on Wednesday cut money requested by President George W. Bush to deploy a missile shield in Eastern Europe, with some lawmakers saying there has not been enough consultation with NATO allies ...
Reverting to Isolationism The Moscow Times
Missile Test Washington Post
New York Times - Forbes - Wall Street Journal - Cleveland Plain Dealer
all 128 news articles »

BBC News
Candidates defer to Chirac
CNN International - 3 hours ago
PARIS, France (Reuters) -- They depict each other as a US poodle and a diplomatic buffoon, but French presidential candidates Nicolas Sarkozy and Segolene Royal would have remarkably similar foreign policies in office.
Le Pen says abstain The Moderate Voice
Sarkozy, Royal in final TV showdown
International Herald Tribune - New Zealand Herald - Turkish Press - Bloomberg
all 520 news articles »
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