Learn all the facts of how to
get out of your onerous debt burden safely and without cost! Free workshop provides the knowledge to get back on track to financial health! More than 5 Million households are behind on their mortgages and risk foreclosure. It has recently been announced that the federal government, in an effort to end the foreclsure crisis, plans to streamline and standardize the short sale process to make it much easier on the borrower and much easier on the lender. What does that mean to us?
Come and ask your questions and get informed about what choices are available to you.
90 DAYS, late May TBD, 10:00 - Noon, 10275 N. DeAnza Blvd., Cupertino, CA Stay tuned!!! FREE, but must RSVP! Call Terry 408.529.0234
Hannah Fliegel, noted Credit Restoration Expert, will speak on the following topics:
Understanding the different options and how they may impact you
Protecting Your Credit
Is your loan re-casting or a re-setting? What is the difference?
Refinances, Loan Modification, Short Sale, Hybrid Short Sale
Bankruptcy, Debt Settlement, Foreclosure, Deed-in-Lieu
Credit Repair and Back to Home Ownership!
Plenty of Time for answering your specific questions
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