Miraculous escape for ten-year-old schoolgirl after skidding car flips on ice and flies inches over her head

Emilie Pease

Bride who stole £470,000 from her employer to pay for dream wedding jailed for two years

Joanne Kent

Joanne Kent, 26, splashed out on hiring an entire hotel, laying on beach fireworks, vast flowers and even bought designer bracelets for special guests.

Life for sadistic teenager who set girlfriend alight with petrol and then held door shut so she couldn't escape

'A lovely wee lassie': Jessica's father spoke of his family's loss after Balckburn was jailed for life

Jessica McCagh, 17, burned to death when 18-year-old Stewart Blackburn set her alight after a row in which she threatened to leave him.

Council refuses to collect wheelie bins if lids are open by more than a quarter of an INCH over 'elf n safety' worries

Resident Doreen Stubbs beside bins that town hall chiefs refuse to empty

Refuse collectors armed with measuring tapes have been told to leave those containers that flout the new rules over concerns people could be injured by spillages.

BBC Trust to review science coverage amid claims of bias over climate change, MMR vaccine and GM foods

The BBC Trust today announced it would carry out the probe into the 'accuracy and impartiality' of its output in this increasingly controversial area.

British climber with broken leg survives two freezing nights on snowy mountain before hobbling down 11,400 feet to safety

The snow-capped Sierra Nevada Mountains, in Malaga, Andalucia, Spain. The highest peak of these mountains is Mulhacen at 11,400 feet - where a British climber with a broken leg survived two freezing nights before hobbling to safety

In an astonishing tale of survival, Sean Moore, 44, somehow managed to make his way down the 11,423 feet (3,482m) Mulhacen peak in the Sierra Navada, near Granada.

Boy, six, fights for life after getting trapped in frozen pond

Danger: The ice-covered pond Thomas Hudson fell in at Crookham Common, Berkshire

Thomas Hudson spent 30 minutes trapped under the water after plunging through the ice.

'I fear for my grandchildren' says former Archbishop of Canterbury, as he calls for Christian values to be defended

Oxford Street packed with shoppers

The call to action comes in a report signed by a host of respected names, including former Archbishop of Canterbury Lord Carey and ex-Labour speaker Betty Boothroyd.

British teenage girl dies after 'jumping' from a moving car on South African motorway

Tragic: The popular seaside resort of Mossel Bay in South Africa (file photo). A British teenager was travelling from the town to her home of Sedgefield when she died after allegedly leaping from a car while on the motorway

Police said 18-year-old Maya Tankaria had allegedly jumped from a people carrier while it was travelling on the motorway last night near the coastal town of Mossel Bay.

Sword swallower trapped in trance for hours after accidentally hypnotising HIMSELF in a mirror

Madcap: Hannibal Helmurto marrying wife Joanne, who found him in a trance

Hannibal Helmurto, whose real name is Helmut Kichmeier, stood transfixed in front of the mirror for five hours until his wife Joanna found him.

'Lucky' Yamaguchi, the man who survived both the Hiroshima and Nagasaki atomic bombs, dies aged 93

Tsutomu Yamaguchi

Mr Yamaguchi was in Hiroshima on a business trip for Mitsubishi Heavy Industries on August 6, 1945, when a U.S. B-29 dropped an atomic bomb on the city.

Unwitting Slovakian passenger flies to Dublin with explosives in his luggage in bungled security test

Dublin Airport

Slovak airport police randomly planted powerful RDX in the passenger's bag, but took three days to warn authorities he had unwittingly evaded scanning machines.

Ex drugs tsar creates synthetic alcohol that gives buzz without the hangover

drinking women

An alcohol substitute that gives the drinker the pleasant feelings of tipsiness without an unpleasant hangover, is being developed by researchers.

Pay back £2.3bn or we'll derail EU bid, Gordon Brown warns Iceland

President Olafur Ragnar Grimsson vetoed the legislation after receiving a petition signed by a quarter of Iceland's 320,000 population.

Revealed: Mona Lisa's high cholesterol. Medical afflictions that ailed the subjects of some of art's masterpieces

Mona Lisa

For centuries, her enigmatic smile has mystified art lovers who have speculated at the reason behind the glint in her eye.

Family slashes food bill by £6,000 by not setting foot in supermarkets... for a YEAR

£6,000 better off: The Hawthorne family has not set foot in a supermarket for a year

'Batboat' takes on the whalers... and loses: Hi-tech trimaran 'Ady Gil' sheared in half after being rammed by Japanese vessel


Parking wardens issue more than £40,000 of fines in 400ft street over last three years

Parking ticket

During the past 12 months alone they gave 552 tickets to motorists stopped on single yellow lines in the area, which has been described as a trap for drivers.

How a fry-up could help pregnant women boost their baby's intelligence

A frying pan containing bacon and eggs

Scientists have discovered that the micronutrient found in pork products and eggs is vital in helping babies in the womb develop parts of their brains linked to memory and recall.

Furious Obama blasts U.S. intelligence for failing to connect the dots over Christmas Day bomber

President Barack Obama

Downing Street was forced to back-track over claims that it tipped off American authorities about the Detroit plane bomber.

M&S the big Christmas loser as sales flatline while rivals enjoy festive boost

Marks and Spencer

Sales at the high-street giant rose just 0.8 per cent compared with the same period last year, a paltry figure overshadowed by the double-digit rises enjoyed by retailing rivals.

Tesco helps neighbouring book shop by advertising it alongside novels after small business owner fights back

Challenged: Tesco boss Sir Terry Leahy

Book shop owner Eleanor Davies won the concession after writing to Tesco boss Sir Terry Leahy who had admitted feeling guilty that his firm threatened smaller retailers.

Mac on... the snow crisis

Mac cartoon on night of 16 inches of snow

'Can you help? We have a real emergency - my husband's giving a talk on the perils of global warming in half an hour.'

Director of Public Prosecutions in the dock accused of political bias

Keir Starmer

In an unprecedented attack, the Tories said Keir Starmer should 'spend less time going around attacking opposition policies'.

3D TVs, bendy eReaders and touch tablets wow crowds at Consumer Electronics Show

Skiff eReader

3D TVs, bendy eReaders and augmented reality games are just some of the gadgets being launched at the Consumer Electronics Show in Las Vegas this week.


ady gil        

Hubble telescope captures earliest images of universe - when it was just a 'baby' at 600 million years

Hubble picture of early universe

Why it's so cold: The science behind Britain's big chill

A farmer and his tractor in Denshaw, near Oldham, struggle in the heavy snow

Since mid December, the weather patterns high in the atmosphere have changed. The warm westerlies that usually keep away the snow are now giving the Mediterranean an unusually mild winter.

Welsh broadcaster embarrassed by football programme that failed to draw ANY viewers at all

Own goal: S4C's broadcast of European football wasn't a hit with fans

Welsh language channel S4C's soccer show Sgorio scored a zero with viewers on Monday, December 14, when the show did not officially have any viewers.

Mother 'gave brain damaged son lethal heroin injection in mercy killing while on bail for previous attempt on his life'

Frances Inglis

Frances Inglis carried out the 'carefully planned' murder of her son Thomas Inglis, 22, as he lay in a nursing home in November 2008, the Old Bailey heard.

Spot the difference: Ban on acne advert where the models wore make-up

 spot cream ad

A television advert for Clean & Clear Advantage Acne Control Kit has been banned because producers used makeup to enhance a before and after comparison.

Mother and one-year-old daughter trampled to death by elephant in Kenyan National Park

elephant in Kenya

The U.S. family was hiking on a nature trail about one mile from the Castle Forest Lodge, where they were staying on holiday, according to the owner Melia van Laar.

Care home patients fed by tube 'to cut costs'

Scene in a care home

Care homes claim to be acting in patients’ interests when the real motive may be to cut costs and save on staff, according to research by the Royal College of Physicians.

'Aliens will eat the fatties first': Gym sparks outrage with new advertising campaign

'Offensive': The ad for Cadbury Gym in Bristol was designed to encourage slimmers

The campaign, featuring a little green man, was meant to encourage people to join up and shed pounds put on over Christmas.

Motoring enthusiast, 72, spends £10,500 buying back his 21st birthday present... a sports car his father bought for £20

Martyn Jarman