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The Hudson Bay Company is so inactive that only one stock transfer is
At the annual shareholder meeting, only seven of forty nine
shareholders bothered to attend
The existence of the Coureurs des Bois is a perpetual state of idleness that leads them to all manner of disorderliness. They sleep, smoke and drink alcohol- regardless of the cost- and they often corrupt the woman and daughters of the Natives. They are totally independent and accountable to no one; they recognize no superior, judge, law or police, and they refuse to subordinate.
(III)-Marguerite Couc alias Couck, dit Lafleur, Metis, birth June 1, 1664, baptism, June 5: Trois Rivers, Quebec, died December 21, 1756, Fort Detroit, daughter (II)-Pierre Couc dit Lafleur (1624-1690) and Marie Mite8ameg8k8e (Miteouamigoukoue), an Algonquine, sauvagesse, (1631-1699); 1st married 1690 d'en Haut, likely Detroit?, (II)-Jean Fafard dit Jean Fafart dit Maconce or Macons, b-1657, he was a voyageur and interpreter; 2nd marriage 1705 Detroit, Michel Masse.. Fort Detroit, New France (Michigan) or vicinity death (II)- Jean Fafard leaving his widow (III)- Marguerite Couc, Metis who married 1705 Fort Detroit, New France (Michigan), Michel Masse.
(II)-Marie Madeleine De La Mouth daughter (I)-Antoine De La Mothe Cadillac, b-1661 and (III)-Marie Therese Guyon
(II)-Francois Marie Bouat of Montreal, a voyager is on the Mississippi this year.
Fort Detroit, New France (Michigan), birth (II)-Jean Baptiste Casse dit St. Aubin born 1705, died February 25, 1733 Fort Detroit, New France (Michigan) son (I)-Jean Casse dit St Aubin and Marie Louise Gautier; married (II)-Madeleine Pruneau elle epouse July 20, 1735 , Vital Caron of Fort Detroit, New France (Michigan), and daughter Jean Pruneau and Suzanne Bellanger.
Birth Jean Baptiste Charles, Metis, son Jean Baptiste Charles married 1704, Madeleine Illinoise (Sauvagesse); married July 20, 1750 Montreal, Marie Joseph Dumas.
(II)-Jean Baptiste Couc dit Lafleur, Metis, son (I)-Pierre Couc dit Lafleur b-1624 and Marie Mite8ameg8k8e(1631-1699), a Algonquine; married 1705 Lachine, Quebec, Anne Sauvagesse.
Denis Riverin this year wrote that the coureurs de boise were mostly young men, some from noble families, others the sons of habitants and a few of no discernible background at all. It is estimated they number some five hundred in the interior. They traveled usually in threes, carried a tarpaulin that served as a sail and as a tent. Riverin said they reveled in dissolute living, sleeping, smoking, drinking brandy, gambling, and seducing the wives and daughters of the Indians. Practically the whole New France colony conspired to protect the Coureurs de Bois from the law, and when they were haled before a judge, he refused to sentence them to prison or the gallows, but fined them and turned them loose to continue the trade that kept New France alive.
Marguerite Roy (1705-1788) daughter Edmond Roy du Chatellereau de Ste Anne b-1665/75 and Marie Anne Janvier; married 1728 Jean Baptiste Guillet dit St Marc
Fort Detroit, New France (Michigan), birth 1705/12 (III)- Marie Anne Roy, Metis daughter (II)- Pierre Du Roy (1676-1743) and Marguerite Ouabankikoue, Miami.d-1732; married 1732 Francois Dupuis.
(I)-Henry Kelsey (1667-1724), an apprentice, is appointed by the H.B.C. as Chief Trader at Albany.
Arrived with step father Peter Robert 1705-06 John Francois Peltier born August 15, 1691 Sorel died 1723 son Francois Peltier died before 1698; married Fort Detroit, New France (Michigan) Mary Louisa Robert daughter Peter Robert and Angelica Ptolomee
Fort Detroit, New France (Michigan), marriage, Michel Masse to (II)-Marguerite Couc dit Lafleur Metis, b-1664, widow? 1701 Fort Detroit, New France (Michigan), area Jean Farfard (1657-1756).
Fort Detroit, New France (Michigan), birth, Francoise Masse, Metis, daughter Michel Masse and (II)-Marguerite Couc dit Lafleur, Metis, b-1664; married May 28, 1731, Montreal, Pierre Leduc Souligny.
Quebec did not want Fort Detroit, New France (Michigan) to be colonized by agriculture, but to focus of the fur trade and hunting. They gave up everything this year and the whole expense of the government and church fell on (I)-Antoine Laumet de Lamothe Cadillac (1658-1730). The public windmill generated revenue for the government as did a church tax imposed on traders, and a rental tax imposed on residents. Farm lands outside the Fort were also taxed but at a lower rate. Land not occupied reverted to Cadillac who could then sell it to another. Cadillac regained his trading rights to Fort Detroit that was taken away in 1703 by the Company of New France. The Fort Detroit colony again begin to thrive and expand.
A Spanish ship wreck is discovered in Pensacola Bay, Florida dated to this year.
May 20: Fort Detroit, New France (Michigan), Zacharie Boyer, voyager arrived Fort Detroit, New France (Michigan).
May 20: Jacques Tabaux, canotier arrived Fort Detroit, New France (Michigan)
May 20 (30): Anthoine Giard born August 31, 1661 Montreal, Quebec, arrived Fort Detroit, New France (Michigan).
May 20 (30): Gabriel Giard born April 15, 1675 Montreal, Quebec, arrived Fort Detroit, New France (Michigan) as a canotier. He married three times.
May 30: (I)-Pierre Gareau (1653-1729) Voyager, an engage to the West, on his third known venture, departed Terrebonne, Quebec.
May 30: Jean Boyer, canotier arrived Fort Detroit, New France (Michigan). Pierre Corton, a.k.a. St Jean canotier, arrived Fort Detroit, New France (Michigan). Francois Cosset, canotier, arrived Fort Detroit, New France (Michigan).
May 30: (II)-Pierre Gareau ,alias St. Onge, Saintonge or Xaintonge, born May 1, 1673 Boucherville, Quebec died 1740 Montreal, Quebec. son (I)-Jean Gareau dit St. Onge, b-1643 and Anne Tailbot, b-1653: Pierre arrived Fort Detroit, New France (Michigan), as a canotier. He lived at St. Paul Street, Montreal, Quebec, with wife Marie Guertin of Montreal. Pierre owned a house in Fort Detroit, New France (Michigan), under the name Xaintonge. Maximilien Demers also arrived this date, Fort Detroit, New France (Michigan).
May 30: Arrives Fort Detroit, New France (Michigan), Jean Primo dit La ?, a canotier, Robert Rivard, as a canotier, Jean and Rene Ruiet, both canotier, Gilbert Desautels dit Lapointe, arrived Fort Detroit, New France (Michigan), as a canotier, Louis Roy (1659-1713) arrived Fort Detroit, New France (Michigan), canotier and Francois Marie St. Marie, canotier. Pierre Beauchamp and brother Jacques Beauchamp arrived Fort Detroit, New France (Michigan), canotier. Ange. Cosson, canotier also arrived Fort Detroit, New France (Michigan).
May 30: Joseph Sarrazin, born February 24, 1681, a canotier, Pierre Sarazin, born February 26, 1684, a canotier arrived Fort Detroit, New France (Michigan), and Nicholas Sarrazin born January 12, 1686, all brothers, sons Nicholas Sarrazin .
May 30: Arrived Fort Detroit, New France (Michigan), Jacques Vaudry (1670-1743) son Jacques Vaudry and Jeanne Renault. Adrien Senecal, a canotier arrived Fort Detroit, New France (Michigan). Arrived Fort Detroit, New France (Michigan), Gabriel Trottier dit St Jean, a canotier. Julien Bariteau aka La Marche arrived Fort Detroit, New France (Michigan). Denis Bougery, canotier arrived Fort Detroit, New France (Michigan).
May 30: Francois Brunet dit Bourbonnais arrived Fort Detroit, New France (Michigan). Rene Buet, canotier, Pierre Cadieu, canotier arrived Fort Detroit, New France (Michigan). Jean Campau, canotier arrived Fort Detroit, New France (Michigan).
May 30: Jacques Filiatreau, voyager arrived Fort Detroit, New France (Michigan), and a number of other times but maintained a home in Lachine, Quebec.
May 30: Francois De Broyeaux, canotier, arrived Fort Detroit, New France (Michigan). Charles De Couague Jr, canotier, arrived Fort Detroit, New France (Michigan).
May 30: Jean Morean Desrosiers, a canotier, arrived Fort Detroit, New France (Michigan). Jacques Dutan, a canotier arrived Fort Detroit, New France (Michigan).
May 30: (I)-Francois Frigon born Normandy, France, arrived Fort Detroit, New France (Michigan).
May 30: Jacques Lavois dit St. Amour, a canotier, soldier, arrived Fort Detroit, New France (Michigan), married November 28, 1711 Montreal, Quebec, Marie Barbe Cesar.
May 30: Pierre Leboeuf, a canotier married to Marie Francoise Auzon.
May 30: Jean Juillet, a canotier arrived Fort Detroit, New France (Michigan).
May 30: Jean Le Mire de Marsolet, canotier arrived Fort Detroit, New France (Michigan). It is noteworthy that his mothers name is Louise Marsolet.
May 30: Nicolas Legros, a canotier, arrived Fort Detroit, New France (Michigan), married Marie Charlotte Turpon.
May 30: Pierre La Marque a.k.a Sans Soucy, a canotier, then moved to Laprairie with wife Magdeleine Delisle.
Mauy 30: Louise Lefebvte, a canotier son Jean Baptiste Lafebvre of Montreal arrived Fort Detroit, New France (Michigan).
May 30: Jacques Hubert dit Lacroix Sr. (1754-1715), a canotier arrived Fort Detroit, New France (Michigan), and is still there in 1710 census.
May 30: Jean Baptiste Lesieur dit Callot, a canotier, arrived Fort Detroit, New France (Michigan).
May 30: Pierre Lescuyer, a canotier born February 9, 1674 Montreal, Quebec son Pierre Lescuyer arrived Fort Detroit, New France (Michigan).
May 30: Gaspard Magnan dit Champagne, a canotier married February 9, 1699 Magdeleine Marsille.
May 30: Jean Merssan (Marguillier) dit Lapierre (1685- April 16, 1718), a canotier arrived Fort Detroit, New France (Michigan).
May 30: Rene Monteil dit Sansremission, canotier arrived Fort Detroit, New France (Michigan), and died March 4, 1724 St. Ours.
May 30: Pierre Morand, a canotier arrived Fort Detroit, New France (Michigan), died June 11, 1729 Batiscan.
May 30: Joseph Moreau of Batiscan, a canotier arrived Fort Detroit, New France (Michigan).
May 30: Pierre Morisseau, a canotier, arrived Fort Detroit, New France (Michigan).
May 30: Jean Pepin, a canotier arrived Fort Detroit, New France (Michigan).
May 30: Alexis Picard, born 1681 died April 22, 1745 Montreal, Quebec, a canotier, arrived Fort Detroit, New France (Michigan). Arrived with brother Francois Picard, a voyager died October 7, 1728 Fort Detroit, New France (Michigan), and his wife was Anne Farreau.
(III)-Jean Baptiste Chevalier (1677-1752) son (I)-Joseph Chevalier (1744-1721) and Marthe Barton (1653-1699) arrived Fort Detroit, New France (Michigan), married April 7, 1709, Montreal, (II)-Francoise Alavoine(1690-1756).
July 12: Michilimackinac, baptism Jean Baptiste Magnan alias L'Esperance born 1705, savage (Metis) at La Pointe, Ojibwa Country (Wisconsin).
August 24: Fort Detroit, birth, (IV)-Francois Metivier, died July 11, 1721 (Noye) Metis, son (III)-Jean Metivier and (II)-Genevieve Couturier, Metis, b-1679; married February 5, 1731 St. Valier, Genevieve Roy .
September 1: Fort Detroit, New France (Michigan), birth Marie Therese Normand (La Briere) daughter Louis Normand dit La Briere d-July 15, 1729 and Anne Breunel (Bruneau).
Etienne Venyard, sieur de Bourgmont (1680-1730) departed Quebec, Quebec, for Fort Detroit, New France (Michigan), as an ensign.
Reverend Father (I)-Louis Hennepin (1626-1705), a Belgium Recollet, early explorer of New France, died in Italy in obscurity, unwept and unhonored. The natives were not pleased with the conduct of this man. King Louis XIV (1643–1715) is also not pleased with the conduct of the Friar and would have liked to arrest him if given a chance.
December 8: Fort Detroit, baptism, (II)-Marie (Marianne) Bienvenue daughter (I)-Francois Bienvenue, a.k.a Delisle or DeLisle, born 1663 died September 29, 1751 is believed by some to frequent Fort Detroit, New France (Michigan), before 1700. His wives include Genevieve Laferiere, and 2nd marriage 1708, Marianne Lemoine: Marie (Marianne) married, April 7, 1725, Jacques Roussel of Detroit.
December 31: Fort Detroit, marriage Michel Masse b-1676, died June 21, 1730 Montreal, married to (II)-Marguerite Couc dit Lafleur, Metis b-1664, daughter (I)-Pierre Couc dit Lafleur (1624-1690) and Marie Miteameg8k8e (1631-1699), Marguerite epouse 1682 Jean Fafard.
The Superior Council granted a beaver trade monopoly to the Compagnie de Canada.
Etienne Venard de Bourgmond (about 1680-1730) is command at Fort Detroit he is accused of mishandling an incident with the Indians. He deserted to become a Coureur de Bois around Lake Erie.
(I)-Michel DeRicheterre arrived Fort Detroit, New France (Michigan), and returned to Montreal, Quebec, by January 28, 1708.
(I)-Jacob DeMarsac dit Durocher born 1667, died April 27, 1747 Fort Detroit, New France (Michigan); married to (III)-Therese David born 1661 died September 24, 1727 Fort Detroit, New France (Michigan), daughter (II)-Claude David.
Jean Baptiste Dutremble arrived Fort Detroit, New France (Michigan), this year.
Marie Anne Gallien married Jerome (Hieronymus) Marillac dit Sansquartier and 2nd marriage Bernard Phillipe about 1701 to 1710, source Detroit under Cadillac.
Francois Guyon Des Pres Derbanne (1671-1734) a Canadian trader claimed to have ascended the Missouri River some 400 leagues farther than other Frenchman and discovered New Mexico was not far off. He then move down to Louisiana to join Saint Denis in a trading partnership.
(III)-Jacques Hubert dit Lacroix b-1684 son Jacque Hubert dit Lacroix and Marguerite Godet, arrived Fort Detroit, New France (Michigan), with his wife Marie Cardinal
Fort Detroit, New France (Michigan), country marriage, Veniard (Venyard) de Bourgmont (1680-1730) who went Coureurs de Bois, married to madame La Chenette aka Techenet alias Elisabeth Couc, they moved into Indian Country. Elisabeth later joined her brother, Louis Couc, dit Montour, died 1709, in the English colony and she took the name Madame Montour. She had a third marriage to Robert Hunter, alias Chief Onneiout Carlindawana, died 1729.
(I)-Father Jacques Gravier (1651-1708) is attacked by the Illinois intent on killing him. A good samartan, a stranger in the Illinois Village, and a Renard (Fox) by nation saved Father Gravier. Jacques dit Le Castor and all the French agreed Father Gravier should go to Mobile, Louisiana, for medical attention, to his infected wounds.
Jean Baptiste Magdeleyne dit Ladouceur born 1681 Montreal, Quebec, arrived Fort Detroit, New France (Michigan), married Elizabeth Millet.
Michel Colin aka Laliberte arrived Fort Detroit, New France (Michigan), this year
(I)-Jacques Lemoyne (Lemoine), merchant son (I)-Jocques Lemoyne, etait au
Detroit 1706
Jacques Maurivan arrived Fort Detroit, New France (Michigan).
Louis Maurivan arrived Fort Detroit, New France (Michigan).
Jacques Hubert dit Lacroix born May 12, 1684 son Jacques Hubert, married September 5, 1705, Marie Cardinal arrived Fort Detroit, New France (Michigan)..
Etienne La Jeunesse arrived Fort Detroit, New France (Michigan).
Francois Marquet, married, April 26, 1706, Fort Detroit, New France (Michigan), a Louise Galarneau born February 2, 1690, they established a farm near Fort Detroit, New France (Michigan).
Marie Madelaine Parent born December 15, 1692 Beauport arrived 1706 Detroit, departed 1709 daughter of Joseph Parent and Magdeleine, dit Lespine
Marguerite Parent born July 7, 1698 Montreal arrived 1706 Detroit, departed 1709 daughter of Joseph Parent and Magdeleine, dit Lespine
Francois Robert (1678-1756) arrived Fort Detroit, New France (Michigan), married, 1712
Fort Detroit, New France (Michigan), Marie
(II?*)-Andre Rapin/Scayanis (Scayan, Skianis, Skayanisse) Panis (slave) born
1681, Missouri [*possible son (I)-Joseph Landrouche and Marie Lachasse?] adopted
by Andre Rapin dit Lamusette d-1694 and Clemence Jarry of Lachine;
1st married April 18, 1706 Lachine, widow (II)-Anne Gourdon et Landroche
(1678-1715) daughter (I)-Jean Gourdon and (II)-Michelle Pepin; epouse 1694
Lachine, Pierre Lelat
Antoine Skianis Metis b-1706, Lachine, d-1725, Montréal
Jeanne Skianis Metis b-1708, Lachine, died 9 Oct. 1738
Suzanne Skianis Metis b-1710, Lachine, died 22 July 1731
André Skinais dit Landroche Metis b-1712, died 23 July 1788-Lachine
2nd married Aug 8, 1744 Michillimackinac, Anne Gourdon (Domitille (Natelle))
Parent dit La Chasse (1723-1768) daughter Pierre Francois Parent and Marie Anne
Chaboillez Some of their descendents in Detroit took the name
Marie-Anne Landroche Metis b-1745,
Michillimackinac, married 1774, Pierre Saint-Yves
(II)-Geneviève Amable Landroche Metis 1st married
1767 (I)-Antoine Clemenceau (1733-1768), 2nd married 1772 Mathurin
(Jean-Baptiste) Brault, b-1726,
André Landroche Metis (1747-1748), Lachine
(III)-André Landroche dit Skayamsse Metis b-1752, Lachine,
died 15 Aug.?, Detroit, married 1778 Detroit (III)-Madeleine Casse Metis
(1759-1804), Detroit, daughter (II)-Charles
(IV)- Suzanne Landroche Metis
Marguerite Amable Landroche Metis (1753-1756), Lachine
Pierre Landroche Metis b-1755, Lachine, married 1776 Marguerite
Félicité Baugis b-1752, Lachine (no known male issue)
Marie Antoine Landroche Metis b-1756, Lachine
Catherine Landroche Metis b-1756, married 1776
Pierre François Machabee
Antoine Gabriel Landroche Metis b-1759, Lachine
Marguerite Landroche Metis b-1759, Lachine
Anonyme Landroche Metis (1761-1761), Lachine
Marguerite Landroche Metis (1764-1765), Lachine
Pierre Tichenet was killed during the Ottawa/Miami conflict at Fort Pontchartrain (Detroit) this year. He was married to (II)-Elisabeth/Isabelle Couc dit Lafleur/Montour, Metis, b-1667.
Ignace Vieu (Vien) (1669-1751) arrived Fort Detroit, New France (Michigan), and married Angelique du Sable.
(I)-Antoine Laumet Cadillac dit de Lamothe (1658-1730), hoping to create an empire of his own, invited some 6,000 people to settle around Fort Detroit, New France (Michigan). These included the Saultier, Saginaw, Missisauga Ojibwa, Wyandot, Ottawa, Potawatomi, Miami, Illinois and Osage. He failed to understand that this concentration of people would completely overwhelm the resources of the area. The result was infighting and eventually war.
The Jesuit mission, Saint Ignace, near Michilimakinac, New France (Michigan), burnt and is abandoned. King Louis XIV (1643–1715), however, ordered the Jesuits to reopen the mission. They returned and built closer to Mackinaw to the south.
Three horses and 10 head of cattle were brought into Fort Detroit, New France. By 1711 only one horse remained but the cattle had increased to 29 animals. A brewery was built and Joseph Parent of Montreal was recruited as brew master.
In the Louisiana Territory a single Chitimacha man killed a French Priest to avenge injuries caused by the French. Some say it was no accident he selected a priest for his revenge. The French retaliated by sending a 100 soldier army to the nearest Chitimacha village slaughtering the whole village except for the taking of 20 slaves, mostly women and children. The French continued to slaughter the Chitimacha and gather slaves for the next 12 years. Some try to justify this 12 year slaughter over the killing of one Frenchman. The sex slaves filled the void of a lack of European women for the men. The Indians however proved less reliable, over time, as they tended to escape and flee back to their own people.
January 29: Etienne Venyard, sieur de Bourgmont (1680-1730) arrived at Fort Detroit, New France (Michigan), (maybe Michillimakinac?), taking command of the Fort from Tonty. This is a conflict, as Cadillac was in command from 1701 to 1710? Later, Etienne deserted his post to become a Coureurs des Bois with other deserters and, according to sieur d'Aigremont, lived in the woods like a savage with a woman named La Chenette (Tichenet). (I)-Antoine Laumet de Lamothe Cadillac (1658-1730) sent soldiers after the deserters, but they escaped, going farther west..
March 2: La Giroffe, a soldier is killed by the Illinois likely near Detroit.
March 9: Yves Pinet, gunsmith arrived Fort Detroit, New France (Michigan), indentured for three years.
March 9: Joseph Parent, farmer, toolmaker, brewer,
contracted to go to Fort Detroit, New France (Michigan),
for three years, married January 31, 1690 Beauport
Magdeleine Marette., they brought daughter Marie Madelaine Parent born December
15, 1692 Beauport, Quebec, and Marguerite Parent born July 7, 1698, Montreal,
April 5: St. Augustin, Quebec, birth, (III)-Marie Joseph Dubeau, Metis,
died December 8, 1729, Quebec, Quebec, daughter (II)-Jean Dubeau et Dubocq,
Metis, (1669-1743) and (II)-Marguerite Harnois (1677-1747; married October
20, 1722 St. Augustin, Quebec, Antoine Lemarie..
April 14: I'lle Dupas, birth, (II)-Andre St. Michel, Metis, son (I)-Francoise St. Michel dit Rosiers b-1656 and (II)-Marie Artaut, Metis, b-1667; married Marie Francois Valide
April 21: Fort Detroit, New France (Michigan), baptism (II)-Pierre Roy, Metis, (1706-1716) son (I)-Pierre Du Roy (Leroy) (1676-1743) and Marguerite Ouankikove (Ouabankiknove), Mimas
April 24: Fort Detroit, New France, death, (II)-Rafael Bienvenue born 1704 Detroit died April 24, 1706 Fort Detroit son (I)-Francois Bienvenu aka Delisle or DeLisle born 1663 died September 29, 1751, is believed by some to frequent Fort Detroit, New France (Michigan), before 1700. His wives include Genevieve Laferiere, and 2nd marriage 1708, Marianne Lemoine.
May 1: St. Nicolas, Quebec, birth, (III)-Marie Angelique Durand, Metis, daughter, (II)- Louis Durand, Metis, b- 1670 and Elisabeth Agnes Michel dit Taillon (1682-1718); married February 4, 1725 Sorel, Quebec Jean Boudron.
May 9: Montreal, marriage (I)-Jean Picard (1661-1728); married Marie Jacqueline Heron b-1645 veuve Jacques Galarneau, Jean veuve August 3, 1688 Montreal (II)-Marie Sabourin.
May 22: St. Augustin, Quebec, birth, (III)-Marie Therese Dubeau, Metis, died June 3, 1725, Montreal, Quebec, daughter (II)-Laurent Dubeau, Metis, (1672- 1731) and (II)- Francoise Paule Campagna (1683-1717); married November 3, 1723 Montreal Francois Rose.
May 29: Jacques Minuille (Minville or Miville) (married to Catherine Lescuter, Montreal, Quebec), with Paul Lescuyer born Fedruary 15, 1676 Montreal, Quebec, and Jean Lescuyer born June 16, 1681 Montreal, Quebec, sons Pierre Lescuyer arrived Fort Detroit, New France (Michigan), with 10 cattle, three horses from Fort Frontenac (Kingston, Ontario) to Fort Detroit, New France (Michigan), for Cadillac. This likely contributed to the acknowledgment from Versailles that Fort Detroit, New France (Michigan), was a colony. However, at this time, almost all the furs were being traded to New York, and there was no doubt that Cadillac was trading with the English. He also was distributing alcohol and was bribing certain New France citizens who might otherwise have become his adversaries.
June 7: Arrived Fort Detroit, New France (Michigan), Gilles Chauvin, a voyager, and partner of Louis Normand.
June 7: Louis Normand dit Labriere born October 13, 1680 Quebec, died July 15, 1729, toolmaker arrived Fort Detroit, New France (Michigan), married May 29, 1701, Anne Bruneau.
June 9: Montreal, marriage, (I)-Antoine Dupuis dit Beauregard, soldier, born 1676, married (II)-Anne Maranda (Marandeau ) (1675-1730) daughter (I)-Etienne Maranda; this family is located at Fort Detroit, New France (Michigan), 1707-1712.
June 10: Fort Detroit, New France (Michigan), marriage, Antoine Terou Laferte (Levrior) and Marguerite La Forest widow Antoine Levrior.
June 10: Montreal (I)-Bonaventure Compain born 1674, dit Lesperance; summoned 1707 soldier de Longueuil; married (II)-Marie Catherine Badaillac (1673-1715) daughter (I)-Louis Badaillac.
June 12: Dominique Dubor, voyager arrived Fort Detroit, New France (Michigan).
June 12: Fort Detroit, New France (Michigan), marriage Pierre Hemart (Haimart) aka Delainart soldier and farmer to Marie Laland.
June 14: The brothers arrived Fort Detroit, New France (Michigan), Jean Baptiste Chauvin and Louis Chauvin, both voyagers.
June 15: Arrived Fort Detroit, New France (Michigan), Jean Bourg aka Lapierre, voyager. Pierre Collet, a voyager, also arrived Fort Detroit, New France (Michigan).
June 15: Fort Detroit, New France (Michigan), Pierre Robert (Antoine) dit Lafontaine died likely before 1716 arrived with a canoe of merchandise
June 15: Arrived Fort Detroit, New France (Michigan), Pierre Bourdon, voyager, married 1711 Fort Detroit, New France (Michigan), Marie Anne Gouton.
June 15: Robert Chevalier arrived Fort Detroit, New France (Michigan), from Montreal, Quebec.
June 15: Laurent Leveille, a Panis Indian slave, arrived Fort Detroit, New France (Michigan), no mention of his owner.
June 15: Claude Martin arrived Fort Detroit, New France (Michigan).
June 15: Jacques Maurisseau, voyager, arrived Fort Detroit, New
France (Michigan).
June 15: Louis Morisseau arrived Fort Detroit, New France
June 16: Fort Fort Detroit, New France (Michigan), New France (Michigan), Louis Renaud dit Duval arrived Fort Detroit, New France (Michigan).
June 21: Louis Gatineau sieur Duplessis arrived Fort Detroit, New France (Michigan), a merchant, married January 22, 1710, Jeanne Lemoyne Batiscan.
June 21: Arrived Fort Detroit, New France (Michigan), Denys Baron, voyager and Rene Besnard soldier.
June 21: Jacques La Moine, merchant, arrived Fort Detroit, New France (Michigan).
(III)-Oliver Garao, alias Gavahau, Garaham, Garau, Garneau, Gavahau, Ganahau, Garaheau, Gaspe and Perrin de Louargat, is born August 31, 1706 at Montreal, Quebec, son of Voyager (II)-Mathieu Garao aka Perrin born 1664 and (I)-Jeanne Therese Pilet born 1671. There is a possibility that Oliver or his children are the ancestors of the Lake Superior Gurnoes. Family tradition, however contends that the Gurnoes came from Quebec, Quebec, not the Montreal, Quebec, area.
June 21: (II)-Louis Gateau, alias Gatineau, Gastineau dit Duplessis, Sieur de Ste Anne (1674-1750), a merchant of Quebec, Quebec, is recorded as a voyager West (Detroit?), married January 21, 1710 to Jeanne Lemoyne at Batiscan.
July 13: Juan de Uribarri (Ulibarri) set out from Santa Fe with 40 soldiers and 100 Pueblo allies for El Cuartelejo, 20 miles north Scott City, Kansas. Jose Naranjo was their scout. They camped near Trinidad, Colorado. The marched on to the Arkansas River opposite Pueblo, Colorado. They reported that the Natives said that the French were actively trading in and near the Rocky Mountains.
August 16: Fort Detroit, New France (Michigan), baptism, (III)-Antoine Malet son (II)-Pierre Maillett et Mallet b-1670 and (II)-Magdelelne Dufresne dit Turcot Frene veuve Francois Pelletler: he married August 11, 1730 Montreal Therese Mailhot. or married Detroit Therese Mailloux?.
September 27: Fort Detroit, New France (Michigan), Nicolas Rabillard arrived Fort Detroit, New France (Michigan)..
September 28: Joseph Dutremble arrived Fort Detroit, New France (Michigan).
October 7: Josrph Cusson and Nicolas Cusson, voyager arrived Fort Detroit, New France (Michigan).
October 10: Jean Barthe aka Belleville soldier, arrived Fort Detroit, New France (Michigan).
October 12: Rene (Alexander) La Moyne born 1668, arrived Fort Detroit, New France (Michigan)
October 15: Montreal, Quebec, marriage, Jean Picard and Jacqueline Heron born 1645 epouse October 15, 1665, Quebec, Quebec, (I)-Jacques Galarneau born 1642.
October 16: Michel Filie, esquire, sieur de Therigo, sergeant, delivered letters from France to Cadillac.
October 19: Fort Detroit, New France (Michigan), Pierre Botquin (St. Andre), a soldier, arrived Fort Detroit, New France (Michigan), listed his inventory as 50 pounds of powder, 100 pounds of bullets, 32 pots (two quarts each) of brandy.
October 22: Fort Detroit, New France (Michigan), baptised, (II)-Francois De Marsac de Cobtrou dit Durocher son (I)-Jacob de Marsac, de Cobtroin dit Desrocher (1667-1747), sergeant, and (III)-Therese David (1661-1727): married (III)-Therese Cecile Campeau born June 16, 1714 Fort Detroit, New France (Michigan), died November 22, 1746 Fort Detroit, New France (Michigan), daughter (II)-Jacques Campeau (1677-1751) and Jeanne Cecile Catin (1681-1715)
November 27: Lachine, birth (III)-Jean Baptiste Couc dit Lafleur, Metis, son (II)-Jean Baptiste Couc born 1673 and Anne Sauvagesse.
December 11: Fort Detroit, New France (Michigan), birth (IV)-Pierre Hubert died 1724 Fort Detroit, New France (Michigan), son (III)-Pierre Hubert alias LaCroix (b-1692) and Marie Cardinal.
It is reported that Boisseau (Brousseau) is operating out of Green Bay, New France (Michigan), without a license, making him officially a Coureurs des Bois.
Kaskakia (Illinois) marriage Michel Bisaillon married 1st
Marie Therese, married 2nd Marie Asemgamasoua Amerindian
(I)-Francois de Clairambault d'Aigremont (1659-1728) is
sent to inspect trade at the forts of the interior, and he returned to Montreal,
Quebec, in 1708.
(III)-Nicolas Denis, sieur de Fronsac, Metis b-1682, died February 3, 1732 Beaumont, Quebec son (II)-Richard Denis and Anne Parabego (Savage); married about 1707 Beaumont, Quebec, Marie Sauvagesse, died February 3, 1732 Beaumont, Quebec.
Joseph La France, a Metis, (1707-1745), is born Michimackinac of a French Canadian and an Ojibwa mother. He became a trader early in his life working with his father and had a varied and extensive training. It is not known where he learned to read and write.
Marie Marguerite La Page born 1684 Montreal, Quebec, married, June 12, 1706, Montreal, Quebec, Francois Beauceron (Bausseron) died by 1709 but husband not at Fort Detroit, New France (Michigan), with Marie. Second marriage Simon Gilbert, third marriage before 1720 Joseph Vaudry who had a child Mary Magdeleine Vaudry, Widow sieur Grandmenil, commis du Magazin.
(II)-Francois Fafard dit Delorme - Lapavanne (1654/60-1734) arrived 1707
Detroit son (I)-Francoise Fafard (1630-1711) and Marie Richard (1636-1696)
daughter Simeon Richard b-1606 and Catherine Constancineau b-1608
1st married 1683 Champlain (II)-Magdeleine Marguerite Jobin
Fafard b-1684 Champlain d-1745 Trois Rivieres, married 1713 Trois Rivieres,
Jeanne Lemaitee
Fafard dit Delorme b-1687 Batiscan, d-1756 I’Ile Dupas, arrived Detroit 1707,
married 1717 Francoise Lemaitre, children named Delorme
Fafard b-1691, I’Ile Dupas married 1711 Detroit Prudent Robert
Marguerite Fafard b-1695 Batiscan, married 1710 Michel Bissilon (Bisaillon)
Joseph Fafard dit Delorme b-1698 Batiscan 1st married 1716
Charlesbourg, Pierre Auclair, 2nd marriage 1729 Jacques Colombier
(III)-Mary Anne
Fafard married 1720 Sorel Jean Baptiste Lupien Baron
Joseph Fafard (1706-1706) Batiscan
(III)-Joseph et
Etienne Farfard dit Delorme b-1708 Detroit
2nd marriage 1713 Detroit Barbe Loisel b-1663 veuve de Francois
Marie Josephe Roy (1707-1779) daughter Edmond Roy du Chatellereau de Ste Anne
b-1665/75 and Marie Anne Janvier; married 1730 Francois Perot
Thomas Welch failed in his attempt to unite and incite the Mississippi tribes to attack the French colony at Mobile.
The Hudson Bay Company is so inactive that only one stock transfer is recorded. At the annual shareholder meeting, only seven of forty nine shareholders bothered to attend, all retiring Committee members who promptly re-elected one another plus two absent colleagues, and adjourned the meeting. It is noteworthy that 17 stockholders are deceased and no one is interested in recording the new owners; if they exist. Robert Boyle, who died in 1691, for example, is still listed.
The Cascaskias Town (Kaskaskia, Illinois) numbered some 2,200 souls.
Bienville Governor of Louisana. ordered one of the Shetimasha Indian prisoners, who had assisted in the murder of Jean Francois Buisson de St. Cosmé, (1667-1707) a missionary and 3 Frenchmen and a slave while descending the Mississippi, to be placed on a wooden horse, and his brains to be beaten out with a club. His scalp was then cut off, and his body thrown into the river.
January 19: Kaskakia, birth (III)-Jean Gauthier, Metis, son (II)-Jean Gautier dit Sakingoara Saguingoira , b-1669 and Marie Suzanne Capei8suec8e.
January 19: Fort Detroit, New France (Michigan), (II)-Antoine La Mouth, died April 9, 1709, Detroit , son (I)- Antoine De La Mothe Cadillac (1658-1730) wife (III)- Marie Therese Guyon, born 1671
January 22: Fort Detroit, New France (Michigan), birth Magdeliene Martiac (Sansquartier) daughter Jerome Martiat aka Marillac dit Sansquartier (Sanscartier), soldier, died June 10, 1709 and Marie Anne Gallien.
January 24: Fort Detroit, New France (Michigan), death Jean La Salle, soldier native of Peyrourade in Bearn, buried Fort Pontchartrain du Detroit, New France (Michigan).
February 22: Fort Detroit, New France (Michigan), baptism, Pierre Levrior son Antoine Levroir (Laferte) (aka Antoine Theroux) born 1677 died February 22, 1759; 1st wife unknown, 2nd wife Pierre married Rose Poitevin in 1733.
February 22: Fort Detroit, birth (II)-Pierre Terault son (I)-Antoine Terault dit Laferte and (II)-Michelle Fortin
March: Fort Detroit, New France (Michigan), Pierre d'Ailleboust, sieur d'Argenteuil (1669-1711) is at Fort Detroit, New France (Michigan).
March 17: Fort Detroit, New France (Michigan), birth, (II)-Jean Antoine Laument died April 9, 1709, Fort Detroit, New France (Michigan), son (I)-Antoine Laument dit de Lamonthe de Cadillac (1658-1730) and (III)-Marie Therese Guyon born 1671. Blaise Sontieureuse (Sontienreuse), aka Fondurose, soldier married to Marie Desmoulins, arrived with Cadillac
March 20: Fort Detroit, New France (Michigan), death Jean Jolycoeur, sergeant of Bury, Xaintes, buried Fort Pontchartrain (Detroit) New France (Michigan).
April 2: Fort Detroit, New France (Michigan), Claude Richard possible son Guillaume Richard born January 30, 1684?? arrived Fort Detroit, New France (Michigan).
April 2: Brothers Pierre Bassinet and Joseph Bassinet sieur Tourblanche arrived Fort Detroit, New France (Michigan).
April 2: Joseph Truteau, carpenter and brother Jean Baptiste Trutean died 1754 who married September 1, 1715 Magdeline Parant; arrived Fort Detroit, New France (Michigan).
April 2: Jean Charpentier arrived Fort Detroit, New France (Michigan).
April 2: Bourgery Lager arrived Fort Detroit, New France (Michigan).
April 2: Francois Lamareaux siuer de St. Germain arrived Fort Detroit, New France (Michigan), likely Francois Lamoureux dit St Germain merchant born 1675 and died December 30, 1740.
April 2: Francis Benoit dit Livernois arrived Fort Detroit, New France (Michigan), and married 1710 Fort Detroit, New France (Michigan), Angelique Chagnon.
April 2: Robert Janot aka La Chapelle uncle Joseph Bazinet dit Tourblanche, arrived Fort Detroit, New France (Michigan).
April 11: Jean St. Aubin and Pierre Du Roy arrived Fort Detroit, New France (Michigan). Jean Baptiste Cusson also arrived Fort Detroit, New France (Michigan).
April 11: Antoine Carriere also Hantoine Carrier, voyager son Andre Carriere and Cecile Jannot, arrived Fort Detroit, New France (Michigan).
April 11: Pierre Duroy soldier arrived Fort Detroit, New France (Michigan). He is also listed a soldier in the company of Dulhud (Duluth)
April 11: Paul Langlois, farmer arrived Fort Detroit, New France (Michigan).
April 17: Michel Charbonneau arrived Fort Detroit, New France (Michigan).
April 13: Jacques Estienne arrived Fort Detroit, New France (Michigan), an ensign, with load of merchandise for sieur de Bourmont.
April 18: (II)-Marie Anne Beaune (Bone) born 1678 veuve de Francois Lorry, daughter (I)-Jean Bone (Beaune) and Mary Magdelaine Bourigier, arrived Fort Detroit, New France (Michigan), she married Martin Cirier June 12, 1710. She arrived Detroit April 18, 1707 to serve Cadillac for three years at 80 livres per year.
April 21: Brothers Jean Baptiste, Joseph and Laurent Tetreau arrived Fort Detroit, New France (Michigan).
May 14: Fort Detroit, birth (II)-Marie Fontieureuse daughter (I)-Blaise Fontieureuse, soldat and Marie Desmoulins.
May 22: Fort Detroit, New France (Michigan), birth, Joseph Marquet son Francois de Marque(Marquet), married 1706 Quebec, Quebec, Louise Galarneau,
April 25: Joseph Charbonneau arrived Fort Detroit, New France (Michigan).
April 25: (III)-Charles Fafard dit Delorme son (II)-Francois Farfard dit Delorme (1660-1734) and (II)-Madeleine Marguerite Jobin (1664-1711) arrived Fort Detroit, New France (Michigan).
April 27: Fort Detroit, New France (Michigan), baptism, Louis Antoine Cheauonvouzon aka Quarante Sols Huron Chief, (1659-1707)
April 27: Isabelle Coup arrived Fort Detroit, New France (Michigan).
May 12: Joseph Robert (1674-1748), married, 1701, arrived Fort Detroit, New France (Michigan).
May 12: Toussainte Dardennes arrived Fort Detroit, New France (Michigan).
May 14: Fort Detroit, New France (Michigan), birth, Marie Sontieureuse daughter Blaise Sontieureuse (Sontienreuse), a.k.a. Fondurose, soldier and Marie Desmoulins.
May 21: Fort Detroit, New France (Michigan), birth, (II)-Joseph Marquet son (I)-Francois Marquet dit Perigord and (III)-Louise Galarnaux b-1690.
May 22, Fort Detroit, New France (Michigan), birth, Joseph Marquet son Francois Marquet and Louis Galerneau.
June 5: (II)-Antoine Girad, alias Saint Martin (b-1682), listed voyager West.
June 12: Fort Detroit, New France (Michigan), marriage Pierre Poirier dit Lafieur (Lafleur) farmer soldier married Clemence Maupetit aka Marie Petit
June 13: Charles Cabazier, voyager, arrived Fort Detroit, New France (Michigan).
June 13: Fort Detroit, New France (Michigan) , (I)- Pierre Chesne (b-1654), wife (II)-Louise Jeanne Batty (Bailli) (b1663-1700), and family arrived Fort Detroit, New France (Michigan).
June 20: Fort Detroit, New France (Michigan), birth Angelique Normand daughter Louis Normand dit Labriere born October 13, 1680 Quebec, died July 15, 1729, toolmaker and Anne Bruneau: Angelique; Angelique was married three times Jean De Launay, Jacques Beda and Jacques Hermier..
June 21: Fort Detroit, New France (Michigan), birth, (II)-Antoine Dupuis son (I)-Antoine Dupuis, dit Beauregard,
born 1676 and (II)-Marie Anne Marandeau (Maranda) (1675-170) daughter
(I)-Etienne Maranda; married 1st 1736 Marie Joseph Cottu, married 2nd Marguerite
Paul Le Gardeur sieur de St. Pierre is at Mackinac, New France (Michigan).
July 5: Fort Detroit, New France (Michigan), baptism, Marie Angelique Boutron daughter Etienne Boutron, the Major, and Angelique Proteau d-1754.
July 18: Fort Detroit, New France (Michigan), birth, (II)-Jean Bombardier (Bombarde) son (I)- Andre Bombardier (Bombardier, Bombarde) born Belgium and Marguerite Dumay.
July 25: La Salle wrote from Fort Louis to the Minister of Marine that the “coureurs de bois” from Canada were thus stirring up the Indian tribes against each other, in order to obtain Indian slaves to sell in Louisiana.
July 26: Joseph Catinet of Pointe aux Tremble, Quebec, was in Fort Detroit, New France (Michigan).
August 2: Francois Bienvenue, a.ka. Delisle or DeLisle, born 1663, died September 29, 1751, arrived Fort Detroit, New France (Michigan), but is believed by some to frequent Fort Detroit, New France (Michigan), before 1700. His wives include Genevieve Laferiere, and 2nd Marianne Lemoine.
August 2: Etienne Vaudy, voyager, born October 27, 1685, Three Rivers, Quebec son Jacques Caudry and Jeanne Rebault, arrived Fort Detroit, New France (Michigan).
August 2: Michel Brabant, voyager, arrived Fort Detroit, New France (Michigan).
August 2: Francois Bienvenue aka Delisle or Bienvemue-Delise dit de L'Isle,
born 1663, died September 29, 1751, arrived Detroit August 2, 1707, 1st wife
Genevieve La Ferriere (Laferiere) (family name Charon (Charron)) born December 8,
1679 died before 1708, 2nd wife married 1708 Fort Detroit, New France
(Michigan), Marie La Moyne (Lemoine)
(1694-1764), one of the
earliest residence likely pre 1700, town rent, March 10, 1707, for 3 livres rent
and 10 livres for other rights.
August 3: Michel Campau, farmer died 1740 wife Jeanne Masse,
arrived Fort Detroit, New France (Michigan).
August 13: Quebec, Quebec, birth, (III)-Jean Baptiste Dubeau, Metis, son (II)-Jean Dubeau et Dubocq, Metis, (1669-1743) and (II)-Marguerite Harnois (1677-1747; married Marie Lamotte.
September 22: arrived Fort Detroit, New France (Michigan), Toussaint Pothier dit La Verdure born 1675 Montreal, Quebec, a voyager and married Marguerite Thunay.
September 25: (II)-Jean Gareau born November 3, 1679 Boucherville, Quebec son (I)-Jean Gareau dit St. Onge, b-1643 and Anne Tailbot, b-1653: Jean arrived Fort Detroit, New France (Michigan). Francois Chesne, voyager, also arrived Fort Detroit, New France (Michigan), this date.
October 13: Jacques Cardinal, voyager, born 1640, died May 17, 1724, arrived Fort Detroit, New France (Michigan).
October 17: Charles Le Maire dit St. Gerinain, (1676-1751), voyager, arrived Fort Detroit, New France (Michigan), with merchandise for the Recollect fathers.
October 20: Fort Detroit, New France (Michigan), baptism, Francois Delainart son Pierre Delainart and Marie Filiastreau. Tanguay concludes that Pierre Delainart and Pierre Hemart who married Marie Laland are the same person.
(III)-Jacques Cardinal arrived Fort Detroit, New France (Michigan), and (II)-Jeanne Duguay (1691-1778) with daughter Jeanne Cardinal who married Laurent Parent.
November 6: (IV)-Jacques Godet, alias Gode and Gaude (1699-1760), a merchant, arrived Fort Detroit, New France (Michigan), and married, 1743 Fort Detroit, New France (Michigan), (IV)-Marie Louise St. Martin (b-1724).
November 6: Louis Joseph Hubert dit Lacroixd, (1663-1730), a voyager, brother of Ignace Hubert, arrived Fort Detroit, New France (Michigan).
November 7: Fort Detroit, New France (Michigan), birth (II)-Jacques De Marsac de Cottrion dit Durocher son (I)-Jacob de Marsac, de Cobtroin dit Desrocher (1667-1747), sergeant, and (III)-Therese David (1661-1727): married January 20/25, 1745, Fort Detroit, New France (Michigan), Marie Anne Chapoton, died December 24, 1745, daughter Jean Chapoton, a surgeon.
November 12: Pierre Huet, a.k.a. Duluth, born November 12, 1682 son Joseph Huet arrived Fort Detroit, New France (Michigan).
November 14: Fort Detroit, New France (Michigan), baptism, (II)-Marie Catherine Compain, died December 20, 1749, daughter (I)-Bonaventure Compain (Compein) born 1674 and (II)-Marie Catherine Badaillac (1673-1715); married January 21, 1726, Montreal, Quebec, Jean Rousseau.
November 23: Fort Detroit birth (III)-Charles Morand dit Grimard baptised March 17, 1726, died February 23, 1785 Fort Detroit son (II)-Jean Baptiste Morand dit Grimard b-1685 and (II)-Elisabeth Dubois (1692-1740). January 23, 1774, Le dit Charles Morand et Marie Francoise Mesney, femme de Jean Billiau sont excommunles (Coupables depuis deux ans D'adulters) lls recoivent I'Absolution publique, May 29, 1774. Married November 23, 1767 Fort Detroit (IV)-Marguerite Simard b-1726 veuve d'Ambroise Trembly died May 9, 1771.
December 15: Fort Detroit, New France (Michigan), baptised, Marie Jeanne Leger dit Parisien daughter Pierre Lager dit Parisien and Jeanne Boilard who married May 15, 1706, Quebec, Quebec.
December 28: Fort Detroit, New France (Michigan), birth, (II)-Marie Agatha Laument daughter (I)-Antoine Laument dit de Lamonthe de Cadillac (1658-1730) and (III)-Marie Therese Guyon born 1707.
December 29: Fort Detroit, New France (Michigan), (II)-Marie Agathe La Mothe , daughter (I)- Antoine De La Mothe Cadillac (1658-1730) wife (III)- Marie Therese Guyon, born 1671
to METIS 1700-1749 index